• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Did you vote today?

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  • Yes

    Votes: 18 81.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 9.1%
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    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Kind of held my nose and voted for McCain. But the more I read about Obama, the less I liked the alternative. Not that McCain is any prince...

I was intending to just sit this election out, but what the heck. At least I can think I tried to make a difference this way....
I didn't feel good about it, but I voted for McCain. Now we'll have to see what tommorrow brings....
You have to wonder if Obama becomes president this election using his platform of CHANGE, is he going to use the same platform when his second term comes up? Or will that become his opponent's platform? :lmao:
Had no choice but vote for McCain. Would have prefered Romney.
Don't like Obama's past association with Ayers and others who appear to hate America. This thing about spreading the wealth bothers me. I worked too hard to give it to those that didn't. I think that is why he will win. There are many who think he will give them something for nothing. :toetap05:
Voted for McCain, the lesser of the two evils. Nevertheless, may the best man win and may we all prosper in the following 4 years. And most of all may our brave service men and women start returning to their homes and loved ones in the very near future...
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We had an even wash in our house. My wife voted for Obama and I voted for McCain. I'm not a big fan of either but I don't like the Democrats looking in my pocket to subsidize their "wonderful" programs!!!! :confused::mad::nonod:
Ok, the unthinkable has happened. I'll defer to Lou G.

What do we do next? You lived through this s#!t. Give us a clue.
We went to vote yesterday and found out my son (who is now 18) wasn't registered.:shrug01:

When he got his DL roughly a year and a half ago, they asked him if he wanted to be registered to vote and he said YES.
Well, apparently the powers that be didn't put the paperwork in and he was never registered!:banghead:

According to the Clerk at the polling station, there had been a lot (THOUSANDS) of people who tried to vote, but weren't registered because of the DMV. WTF?!!!

Btw, did you guys see where Kenya was up all night celebrating Obama's victory? And how Kenyas President already declared thursday a National Holiday.:rolleyes:

Lets not fool ourselves, taxes were inevitable no matter who got the White House. All we can do is see how well the DEMs do over the next 4 years. If a change is in the cards at that time, by all means next time, lets nominate someone that is not at deaths door and bi-polar or who's vice presidential running mate has 2 ounces of brain matter and looks like that girl that you always lusted for. Get serious about who you want to put in office the next time so you wont be moaning and whining the day after 4 years from now.

My wife and I don't agree.I locked her in the closet while I voted McCain. (i'll let her out in the am )

LOOK! out bub! your in trouble!!!! shure as chit your gonna be sleeping on the couch!!! ya mite as well join the monks, cause this is gonna be hard to fix!!!!
Does this mean we can't make fun of the black people any more?????

Hey, please be respectful. Shouldn't poke fun at anyone because of skin color. Let's get away from this before it gets ugly and be nice to all. :thumbsup: