• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

RevXtreme announcement:

RevXtreme 1

This has been a great site and a close knit community that I have really enjoyed being a part of, and I think most that know me have benifited from my tech contributions and favors done without expecting anything in return, but as the Board has decided to let another tuner on here that has taken the low road on every other forum we are a sponsor of by PM'ing members urging them not to do business with us and use him instead, (this is a tuner I supported from his teen years and gave every opportunity to be honest & fair yet still lied & cheated us and when we fired him has staged a 3 year long slam fest against us and most other good shops that have dealt with him...some are supporters on here) I will post the forwarded OPM's if anyone wants to see how he really works. And have a list of others who had him blow up their motors while trying to squeeze the last bit of HP out and tell them tuff (again, they would be more than happy to post the details). Not long ago someone posted about the car he blew up in our shop & left it & I reached in my pocket and built the customer a new one (the serviceman...I think Rob detailed the car for?). So I am not about to edure his underhanded dealings on this board as well as he hides his lake of mores behind "God Bless" even though he is a good tuner and does not need to do business the way he does, so I bid you all good by & regret the need to do this, but I am getting to old & work to hard for having to fight him on yet another board.

Take care, and I am always available for free advice like in the past, just not on here.
I'm sorry you feel that way, Tracy, but no sponsor, or group of sponsors, will ever OWN this site to where they can force me to exclude someone else from it. As for your PM comment about me "stooping" to allow another person to become a member here, well, that's kind of stretching things a bit, don't you think? This site is available to any who want to use it. Regardless of who someone doesn't like or what someone else may think about them.

Again sorry you feel you have to leave, but if your position is it's either him or you, I am not making that choice, YOU are. You will NEVER see me block someone else's participation here based solely on someone else telling me to do so.
but as the Board has decided to let another tuner on here that has taken the low road on every other forum we are a sponsor of by PM'ing members urging them not to do business with us and use him instead.

Tracy, I have never had my Vette worked on by you but have seen posts from others on this forum that did and they have always been good reports.

How about sticking it out here for a while and see what happens.
If the members begin to see shenanigans, we can always let Rich know.

How about it? :yesnod:
I didn't realize you were being attacked on this forum. :shrug01:
Why let one person shake you?
Hang out with us on the forum. We can see who the riff raff are just by the attitudes of their posts and threads.
I say RELAX and let it go. :thumbsup:
I'm sorry you feel that way, Tracy, but no sponsor, or group of sponsors, will ever OWN this site to where they can force me to exclude someone else from it. As for your PM comment about me "stooping" to allow another person to become a member here, well, that's kind of stretching things a bit, don't you think? This site is available to any who want to use it. Regardless of who someone doesn't like or what someone else may think about them.

Again sorry you feel you have to leave, but if your position is it's either him or you, I am not making that choice, YOU are. You will NEVER see me block someone else's participation here based solely on someone else telling me to do so.

Rich, I offered to show you all the documentation you could want....but you chooe to ignore it:

Just one example:

Originally Posted by JJFormato
Hello Sir My name is Jeremy Formato. I do Custom tuning and Porting. Rx is a direct competitor of mine. I offer the most thorough tune you can buy as well as ported intake manifolds and throttle bodies. I have retuned numerous cars up north that have been tuned by COW. If you have any doubts of my abilities please research my name. I feel that I will be able to make much more of a difference in your car and offer a more complete package. I go much deeper into the VCM than any other tuner I have ever seen. Please give me a ring if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you and God Bless
Jeremy Formato
I also have some of the fastest A6s in the country.
John Harrison as far as I know 3rd fastest bolton LS2 in the country, 11.7 @ 121 VR ported intake and TB headers, catback and Tune.
Mike Theofel Fastest Bolton LS3 11.43 @ 123.5 Cai, ported intake& TB headers gears, converter and tune.
I hope this helps.

Want to see more proof? What we are talking about are ethics & fair treatment.....he has a good enough following & can hold his own...he is a talented tuner but it's your choice to take the low road.

I'm through.
All I see is competition talk. I don't see him ragging on you in your example other than stating you are his competitor. Lighten up man. There's enough work for everyone.
Ah common Tracy Ive got a laptop now, and I will be here posting my usual smarta$$ remarks, and you cant miss them.
All I see is competition talk. I don't see him ragging on you in your example other than stating you are his competitor. Lighten up man. There's enough work for everyone.

So your saying that it is proper (even though all forum vendor rules prohibit it) to PM a member in your thread like that? I take the stand that there is more than enough business around for all & there is no reason to stoop to this type of "business". It's no better than the big car dealers and their wars on TV.

I recognize his talents & have posted it many times, ever see him acknowledge my skills? I have never PM'd his customers to tell them not to do business with him like he has to us many times. (and I'm sure the ones that forward these to us are the minority as most would not want to get in the middle).

You want to see the PM's I have sent him asking him for a truce & to just do his thing & stop this crap? I do it to no other shop no matter if we get along or not (and I think if you call most any tuner shop in the country you will see we get along with most all of them) and all I have asked is fair treatment. Follow the rules as I do.

We had an issue a few years back with Anti Venom and Greg was man enough to meet with me and go over it & appologize and make peace....(well Rashelle was the olive branch so she gets most of the credit) and we have treated each other with respect since. Ask them about dealing with the same stuff we do.

When we sign on as a supporting vendor on a site we agree to not interfere with other vendors threads. We agree to not PM members with the type of messages he does. We agree to be "professional" on the boards both in threads & in PM's when it comes to other vendors, so why is it OK for him to operate this way?

I take pride in doing the best I can & also go out of my way to recognize the skills & talents of others (and praise them) even if they are competitors if they have earned it & I see the results of what they do. None of us are "the best there is" but most strive to be....so to have this constant low-life type of doing business with no heart or SOUL is beyond me. I don't do business this way & should not have to endure it.

What honor is there at the end of the day when you work this way instead of on the merits of what you yourself do in business & personal life.....where is the satisfaction in cutting others down to further yourself? How many of you on this small board have asked me about Jeremy and if he still tunes for us? What is my reply? He is a dang good tuner but I don't see eye to eye with him and some of the things he has done in the past, but I still give him credit. Anyone ever heard him respond in same?

This is far more serious than "business"....And as I first stated, I have met some great people here & made some close friends and have the utmost respect for most here....but I choose not to deal with this on yet another board as it is non-stop on the big ones I advertise on. Corvette Florida has been a community of people helpping each other & having good times, with common sense moderation. At least Grumpy is now on here as a regular as he does, and always has, been a wealth of information and is always ready to share instead of just self promote.

I gotta get some sleep, those that have been to the shop in the past few months know I have been pulling 12-14 hour plus days & 7 days a week.

Sorry for opening up something this negative, but no amount of hand slaps have slowed him down on any other board so I doubt it will be different here.

Thanks again all for the support....you have been some great customers & just plain fellow vette lovers.:thumbsup:
I gotta get some sleep, those that have been to the shop in the past few months know I have been pulling 12-14 hour plus days & 7 days a week.

I know Im being a pain in the arse with wanting to go faster lol. :peelout 1: :vette:
Rich, I offered to show you all the documentation you could want....but you chooe to ignore it:

Just one example:

Originally Posted by JJFormato
Hello Sir My name is Jeremy Formato. I do Custom tuning and Porting. Rx is a direct competitor of mine. I offer the most thorough tune you can buy as well as ported intake manifolds and throttle bodies. I have retuned numerous cars up north that have been tuned by COW. If you have any doubts of my abilities please research my name. I feel that I will be able to make much more of a difference in your car and offer a more complete package. I go much deeper into the VCM than any other tuner I have ever seen. Please give me a ring if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you and God Bless
Jeremy Formato
I also have some of the fastest A6s in the country.
John Harrison as far as I know 3rd fastest bolton LS2 in the country, 11.7 @ 121 VR ported intake and TB headers, catback and Tune.
Mike Theofel Fastest Bolton LS3 11.43 @ 123.5 Cai, ported intake& TB headers gears, converter and tune.
I hope this helps.

Want to see more proof? What we are talking about are ethics & fair treatment.....he has a good enough following & can hold his own...he is a talented tuner but it's your choice to take the low road.

I'm through.

Choose to ignore it? Well excuse me if I have a life that gets busy sometimes and puts THIS site far down the totem pole in priority. I was at the Ferman show on Saturday, driving down there on Friday, then visited my mom in Englewood on Sunday, then driving back home on Monday. You really expect me to be at everyone's beck and call 24/7/365? Sorry I can't immediately jump at your command, Tracy. I've got enough of my own crap to deal with, without having you basically DEMAND I get in the middle of some issues you have with someone else. And from all appearances, DEMANDING that I take your side., do what you DEMAND I do for you, or you are "through".

Talk about taking a LOW ROAD........ :rolleyes:

Thanks, but no thanks. Truthfully I resent the fact that you EXPECT me to just block someone else from this site simply on your say so. Sorry, fella, I hate to see you go, but that is definitely NOT going to happen here. If other site admins will do that for you, then good for you. I am sorry you somehow got the impression that it would happen here and are terminally (as in terminating your presence here) disappointed that it will not.

First, please refrain from posting e-mails and PM's on the public forum:NoNo:
They're private for a reason.

Unless the sender agrees to have his/her screen name/e-mail address or ??? included, then the post is nothing more than "hearsay" or sour grapes:thumbsdown:

To post such information, it needs to be substantiated.

If he has PM'd anyone here as you state he did in your post then bring it to our attention:thumbsup:

If the PM or e-mail was on another site, then please take it up with that site and not here. It doesn't belong here:nonod:

For the record, I'm truly sorry you feel this way:nonod:

You've been a fierce competitor in the racing scene for as long as I've known of you.

So, why back down from this challenge?

Competition is good for business. It lets, no forces, the cream to rise to the top:thumbsup:

As far as Jeremy's presence here, you can blame that on ME!

FWIW, I was the one who invited Jeremy to participate here!

And I was the one who told him he was free to advertise on this site.

It was HIS decision to become a sponsor of the site (if he still cares to do so?).

I ran into him at our church on Sunday morning after the UCP. He was there with his lovely lady and beautiful little boy:thumbsup:
He actually recognized and spoke to me before I even knew he was there:thumbsup:

As with ANY Corvette owner or enthusiast I run into, I always invite them to the site and give them the link.

Unlike other sites, this one doesn't exist simply for the money nor does it depend on it for it's survival!

I know the reps involved with both of you! It's also true that I've not been a big Formato leghumper like some on other sites.

That said, I'm not a big "leghumper" (sure wish we had that leghumper smiley!) at all.

I like Greg personally and his work at AntiVenom is top notch in my book:thumbsup:

I also like Tracy and have heard tons of good word about his shop as well :thumbsup:(never been to the Bradenton shop myself).

I've also heard/read lots of favorable comments about Jeremy and his abilities:thumbsup:.
He's never done anything to me and I have no reason to not want his participation here.

The same, however, can be said for all three regarding negative comments.:thumbsdown:

If you stay in business long enough, take enough risks or go out on a limb, you're going to piss someone off!! Maybe even a lot of someones:lmao:

You can't and won't please everyone with your work. All you can do is the best you can do every time and, as has already been said, the rest will shake itself out:thumbsup:

I'm aware of the issues between you guys; however, do not let them affect the site!:NoNo:

Take it to PM, e-mail, phone calls or meet up face to face and discuss them.

I really don't want any more posted PM's or e-mails posted in the public forums regarding busienss or personal problems. It's detrimental to the site as a whole and provides no useful or constructive solutions to any problem, real or percieved:thumbsdown:


I'd really like to see you stay. You're input when you post is more than welcomed and of course relied upon by many.

As with Junk, Grumpy, Greg, and a few other tech types here, all are welcome and respoected for thier expertise and knowledge:thumbsup:

I think Jeremy can be an asset to the site as well.

There's more than enough work to go around.

Rather than just leaving, why not meet the challenge head on and see what comes of it?

Your choice my friend!

WOW. What the heck is going on here.

Let me approach this from the D.I.Y'er point of view.

I wish I had a Four Car Garage, with a lift. I like working on my Vette.

We all like working on our cars, thats how every repair shop got started.