• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

SWFCC June 2007 Newsletter


Road Trip!
Volume 26 Issue 6

The Southwest Florida Vette Gazette is published monthly by the Southwest Florida Corvette Club, Inc.

Sponsored by America's First Home
Gene Suggs
Division President


Judy Galewski 239-574-2571
VP Ways & Means:
Marshall Lieberman 239-762-2882
VP Competition:
Dominic DiBattista 239-574-8204
Joan DiBattista 239-574-8204
Sue Burch 239-936-3165
NCCC Governor:
Bev Dobbins 239-283-1452
Web Master & Club Photographer
Linda Duschl
Public Relations Chairperson
Armando Sampedro
ALS2052 @earthlink.net
E-mail address:

June President’s Message

The June monthly meeting was well attended and we now have a new member, Chris Wicberg from Ft. Myers. He has a ‘71 and is working on restoring it himself. Our new T-shirts were distributed and we are already talking about the future shirts. We have received an invitation from the Festival of Lights Event for a car show on February 17, 2008, a Sunday afternoon, and are looking forward to being involved in this again. We have also set a date of Saturday, January 12, 2008, as the date for our NCCC sanctioned Concourse (judged) event. Things are moving along here and we look forward to finishing the summer off with the folks that are here and will be welcoming all the others back from their travels to help accomplish all that we have on our agenda.

Please keep Harold Hoover and his wife Peg, and Dave Newman in your thoughts and prayers. Harold and Dave are going through major health problems at this time.

Judy Galewski

Meeting Minutes for June 19, 2007

The meeting was called to order by
Judy Galewski at 7:01 PM.

Judy asked if there were any corrections to last month’s newsletter – a motion was made that May’s newsletter stands approved as circulated.


Sue Burch is ill and was not able to attend tonight’s meeting. However, she did supply a copy of our current expenses and balance. If anyone would like a copy of the report, please contact Sue. Our new bank account is now open.


Marshall Lieberman announced that we have 62 members and 46 cars and we have 34 NCCC members.


Bev Dobbins advised us that the new rulebooks are ready and NCCC members must request the updated pages for inserting in your book. Any new NCCC member will receive the newest copy of the book. Also, you can go to the National web site to review the rules.

The NCCC is looking for people to run for the position of Regional Competition Director.

The Florida Region has the largest number of “Future Corvette Owners. You can register your children or grandchildren for $5.00 per child and they will receive a variety of information about Corvettes until they are 16 years old. You can go to the web site for more information and to register your children.

The 17 acres next to the Bowling Green Museum will be used for a race track.

October 19 – 21 The Cape Kennedy Corvette Club will be celebrating 40 years as NCCC Club. Holiday Inn rates are $89 a night. To make reservations – phone # 1-321-783-2271.
For additional information go to Cape Kennedy Corvette Club’s web site.

The Go Cart Track next to Old Town is open.

Manny would like our sanctions for this year, since we are not going to use them. Marc made the motion to give up our sanctions and the club seconded the motion.

PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIRPERSON REPORT - Armando Sampedro reported about the fundraiser for last Saturday for the two mountain climbers that were injured was postponed due to weather. This event will be re-scheduled. The two men are from the Ft. Myers area and are badly injured and are in a Tennessee hospital.

July 14 & 15 at the German American Club is Mango Mania. It is recommended that if you want to attend this event – leave you’re Vette home. Parking is not good for your Corvette.

July 14th is the River District Event.


Dom DiBattista discussed upcoming events and requested the members’ review the last few pages of the Newsletter and check the link sites for more information about the events that they may want to do as a club event.

The Club has decided to make the following events a Club Event –

Columbus Day Parade in October

Edison Festival of Lights Car Show

Even though our T-shirt order was not done the way we had originally wanted, the club liked the red logo. They thought the red will stood out.

If you still want a T-shirt or tank top (for men or women), it is still not too late to get them. Please e-mail Joan or Dom.


Sunday, June 24th –
Dinner Cruise –
We will cruise to Mr. Burro’s Restaurant
in Ft. Myers. Meeting place is at the
Edison College Parking Lot at Summerlin
at 3:30 PM. Members of our sister club –
Corvettes on the Gulf will be joining us.

Wednesday, July 4th –
Parade on Pine Island
We will meet at 9:00 AM at the Publix’s
Parking lot at Burnt Store Road & Pine
Island Road. The parade starts at the
Winn Dixie parking lot.

After the parade we will take part in our favorite activity – eating. We will lunch at a restaurant at the other end of Pine Island.

Saturday, July 14th –
Car Show at the River District.

Sunday, August 19th –
Club Picnic
Debbie & Ernest have offered their home
for the club picnic. BYOB and a dish.
A sign up sheet for the dish that you will
be bringing will be past around at the
next meeting.
Sunday, September 9th –
Corvettes in Venice
Some of our members are going to go for
the weekend. We are looking for
information about places to stay from
those that have been there before.

Saturday, October 6th –
Columbus Day Parade

We are currently looking for places to hold our Xmas party. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail one of the officers with your suggestions.

We are in the planing stages for our NCCC event. Bev will submit the date at the next Governors’ meeting. Gwen Horn will be checking out the location to hold the event.
We have 11 members that will be judges.

There are two NCCC events in the fall -
September 22nd & October 20th. Suggestion was made that some of the members may want to attend one of these events to see how they are done.

Linda Duschl, our Web Master & Club Photographer requested members to send her photos that you have taken at various events and she will put them on the web site.

50/50 - The lucky winner was -
Matt Draper

You can see Debbie to place your order for club shirts. The cost is $30 and there are sample shirts for you to check sizing.
Debbie can be reached at 239-458-9119.

Two of our members have requested that –


Debbie & Ernest will be married 40 years and will be re-newing their wedding vows. The club has been invited to share in this very special event.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for
September 15th.


Romana Milan
Doris Suggs
Gene Suggs
Norma Brackett

Doris & Gene Suggs
Eileen & Rudy Nielson
Elaine & Ron Rupp

If I missed anyone, especially our new members, for their birthday or anniversary,
please let me know.

Enjoy your special day

Don’t forget to bring new hats for –
Barbara’s Friends at the Health Park – Oncology Department for the children that are receiving treatment for cancer.
We received a very nice thank you from The Children’s Hospital for all the hats we donated.

Don’t forget when you are out shopping to pick up a hat or two and bring them to our meeting .

We have another person joining our Corvette family --

Welcome Chris Wicburg

Chris is the proud owner of a C3 Corvette that is being re-furbished. Good luck with restoring your car and we look forward to seeing the car at some future event.

Remember this is your spot if you have something you want to sell. It does not have to be just parts for the Vette.

1. How many Corvette Grand Sports were produced for the 1996 model year?
2. In 1980, two engines were available 305 & 350 CI. This was the first time since
what year were these two engines
displacements presented?

Answers to last month’ Trivia
1. The color is Black
2. 1994

Who’s Your Daddy?
Part II

Edward N. Cole – 09/17/09 –05/02/77

Though weak sales of the early Corvette almost brought it to its demise. Cole working with Arbus-Duntov and others revitalized the weak performing Corvette.

1956 saw big influence from the Mercedes-Benz 300SL. “5C” Vette owes its forward thrusting front fenders and two longitudinal bulges in the hood as well as the de-finned sloping real end to the Mercedes.

In 1957 Cole was now Chevrolet’s General Manager and a GM Vice-President and he wanted fuel injection. 1957 production had already begun before fuel injection was ready. Of the 6,339 Corvettes produced in 1957, only 1,040 were fuel injected.

Two other options that year helped build the legend. First, the long overdue 4 speed transmission and the other being a heavy duty suspension and brake package. Corvette was truly on its way.

Ed Cole rose to GM President in 1967. Corvette drivers owe much to the strong wills of this early group for keeping Corvette alive.

Edward N. Cole died in a small plane crash in 1977.

As usual, our ladies never let us down
for the goodies. Bev outdid herself with some really tasty homemade cookies (that’s if you were lucky enough to get one before they were all gone.)
mmmmm good -Thank you!!!!


Gwen Horn

Date – July 19th
Meeting time – 7:00 PM
When – THIRD Tuesday of the Month
Place - Ft. Myers Christian Church
5916 Winkler Rd., Ft. Myers

Two of our dear members are ill.

Please keep Harold Hoover & Dave Newman in your prayers and send them cards to let them know that we are thinking of them and wish them a speedy recovery.

If you are aware that one of our members is ill, just had surgery or a death in the family, please let your secretary know, we will put the information in the newsletter or e-mail our members, so we can all send cards to help cheer them up.

If you know of anyone interested in purchasing a new home, please, refer him or her to our sponsor:
America's First Home
Gary Neubauer
VP of Sales
Office (239) 939-3360
Cell (239) 229-2117

Please take a few minutes and review the following information. If any event is of interest to you, use the link and visit the site. We’ll be looking for input for future club events at our monthly meetings. If you would like to E-mail a suggestion I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Dom

Upcoming Events & Site Links

(Club events are shown in red)
June 2007

24th Dinner at Mr. Burro’s restaurant
July 2007
4th Pine Island Parade- We will meet at 9:00 AM at the Publix’s Parking lot at Burnt Store Road & Pine Island Road. The parade starts at the Winn Dixie parking lot.

14th River District Saturday Night Cruise In and Block Party

August 2007

10th –12th National Corvette Homecoming

19th – Club Picnic
Debbie & Ernest have offered their home for the club picnic. BYOB and a dish.
A sign up sheet for the dish that you will be bringing will be past around at the
next meeting.
September 2007

3rd Corvettes @ the Pier St, Petersburg
http://www.baccvette.us/Event Info/Vettes@the pier Sep07.jpg

9th Corvettes In Venice

22nd 10th Annual Dimmitt Corvette Show Clearwater
http://www.baccvette.us/Local Events.htm

29th Cypress County Corvette Club Concourse

October 2007

6th Columbus Day Parade in Cape Coral
this is a club event & more info. Will follow

27th Roger’s Cruizin Orlando

20th Cape Kennedy Corvette Club Concourse

27th Corvettes On The Gulf Annual Show (8am-3pm)
101 SW Pine Island Rd. Roger Dean Chevy


November 2007
4th Corvettes in Motion Fun Run & Show Homosassa

10th & 11th Corvette Garden Party Clearwater
http://www.baccvette.us/Local Events.htm

18th Corvettes of Naples Annual Vette Together for Charity Car & Truck Show @ the Riverview Corp. Center on Hwy 41 in Bonita Springs, just North of the Imperial River Bridge. Show open to ALL cars and trucks.

These are links to car shows in the state of Florida:
