• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

SWFCC May 2007 Newsletter


Road Trip!
Volume 26 Issue 5

The Southwest Florida Vette Gazette is published monthly by the Southwest Florida Corvette Club, Inc.

Sponsored by America's First Home
Gene Suggs
Division President


Judy Galewski 239-574-2571
VP Ways & Means:
Marshall Lieberman 239-762-2882
VP Competition:
Dominic DiBattista 239-574-8204
Joan DiBattista 239-574-8204
Sue Burch 239-936-3165
NCCC Governor:
Bev Dobbins 239-283-1452
Web Master & Club Photographer
Linda Duschl
Public Relations Chairperson
Armando Sampedro
ALS2052 @earthlink.net
E-mail address:

President’s Message

Just a note to let everyone know that Car Show Season has wound down, so it will be a quiet summer again. Not too much coming up as far as competition is concerned, but we will have a few get-togethers anyway, Rehab Center in May, June 24th dinner at Mr. Burro, Fourth of July Parade on Pine Island, and Club Picnic in August among others. Please read the newsletter for a full agenda.

If there is any other event of interest that you would like to suggest, please let me know and we will try to set it up.

We wish all a happy summer, stay safe, and join us whenever you can.

Judy Galewski

Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2007

The meeting was called to order by
Judy Galewski at 7:01 PM.

Judy asked if there were any corrections to last month’s newsletter – a motion was made that April’s newsletter stands approved as circulated.


Sue Burch read our current expenses and balance. If anyone would like a copy of the report, please contact Sue. The bank account has been closed at Sun Coast and Sue is in the process of opening a new account at Wachovia Bank.


Marshall Lieberman announced that we have 57 members and 43 cars and we have 32 NCCC members.


Bev Dobbins and Linda Duschl have entered the club web site in the NCCC contest. Linda is doing a great job with the site and we all hope she wins – GOOD LUCK.


Saturday, May 12th –
Some of the members met at Parrot Key
for dinner and then enjoyed some great
desserts at the Rupp’s condo. We had a
great time and want to thank the Elaine &
Ron for inviting us into their lovely home.
Also, the famous “Passion” Pie recipe is in
the newsletter for everyone to make and
Friday, May 18th -
We will have a mini car show at the at
the Community Rehab Center on Del
Pardo Blvd. in Cape Coral. We have
the chance to brighten the day for some
of the residences.

PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIRPERSON REPORT - Armando Sampedro reported about the show in Miami and the Brackets & Sampedro’s took first place in the C5 & C6

Also, Armando and Linda Duschl met with the captain for the 2009 Bowling Green Trip and indicated more information will be coming in the upcoming months.


Dom DiBattista discussed upcoming events and requested the members review the last few pages of the Newsletter and check the link sites for more information about the events that they may want to do as a club event.

Also, Dom informed the club that we could purchase T-shirts in lemon yellow color with our logo on the back (like the black shirts used in the Edison Festival of Lights Event) for about $l0.00 each. The club decided on having the logo done in black on the lemon yellow shirt. We have a request for twenty-one shirts. The minimum quantity is 25 shirts.

Information about Premier Production was past out to the members to review and to e-mail Dom with any questions. Dom will then get the answers for a discussion with the club at later date.


Saturday, May 19th -
Bev Dobbins has invited the club
members to her place for a birthday
celebration for her sons – one will be 50
and the other one will be 54. The party
starts at 1:00PM and BYOB and a dish.

Car Show & Watermelon Festival
The event is in Arcadia – for additional
Information see the events section.

Saturday – June 9th
Car show – River District, Ft Myers.

Sunday, June 24th –
Dinner Cruise –
We will cruise to Mr. Burro’s Restaurant
in Ft. Myers.

Wednesday, July 4th –
Parade on Pine Island

Saturday, July 14th –
Last car show at the River District.

Sunday, August 19th –
Club Picnic
Debbie & Ernest have offered their home
for the club picnic. BYOB and a dish.
A sign up sheet for the dish that you will
will be bringing will be past around at the
next meeting.

Sunday, September 9th –
Corvettes in Venice
Some of our members are going to go for
the weekend. We are looking for
information about places to stay from
those that have been there before.

Saturday, October 6th –
Columbus Day Parade

The club voted to send a copy of our newsletter to Corvettes on the Gulf and
Corvettes of Naples.

Linda Duschl, our Web Master & Club Photographer requested members to send her photos that you have taken at various events and she will put them on the web site.

50/50 - The lucky winner was Ron Rupp.

A Certificate of Appreciation award was presented to Ernest our past President for all the work and support he has given to the club during 2005 & 2006 as president.

A special award was presented to Debbie (the woman behind the President) for her dedication and service to the President and the club.

We cannot thank Debbie & Ernest enough for all they have done for the club.

You can see Debbie to place your order for club shirts. The cost is $30 and there are sample shirts for you to check sizing.
Debbie can be reached at 239-458-9119.

Two of our members have requested that –


Debbie & Ernest will be married 40 years and will be re-newing their wedding vows. The club has been invited to share in this very special event.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for
September 15th.


Peggy Hoover
Ernest McClellan
If I missed anyone, especially our new members, for their birthday or anniversary,
please let me know.

Have a Happy Birthday.

Don’t forget to bring new hats for –
Barbara’s Friends at the Health Park – Oncology Department for the children that are receiving treatment for cancer.

We donated 99 hats to Barbara’s Friends
thanks to a very generous man at Fleamasters.

Welcome to our Corvette Family –

Matt & Julie Draper
Their the proud owners of a
40 Anniversary edition Ruby
93 Coupe.

Blaine Spivey
Owns a 1962 White Corvette

Bruce Vogel
He joined the club last month and is
the proud owner of a 2000 LS 1
Torch Red Convertible

1. What color first introduced on Corvette in 1954, omitted in 1955 then brought back in 1956, then deleted from 1970 through 1976?
2. What fourth generation Corvette was
the first to use sequential fuel injection?

Answers to last month’ Trivia
1. 1975
2. June 30, 1953

Who’s Your Daddy?
Part I

Edward N. Cole – 09/17/09 –05/02/77

Son of a dairy framer who wanted so much to be an automotive engineer. His hard work brought him to become Chief engineer of Chevrolet in 1952.

His most important task was to develop a new engine for Chevy’s line up. That new engine was Chevrolets’ famous small block V8. It remained in production for 40years.

This new V8 produced 195 bhp with a high lift camshaft and actually weighed 41 pounds less then the old Blue Flame six. In those early years when sales were so poor there was much talk about dropping production. Even with the V8, the Corvette still looked like a loser to GM Managers, who wanted the whole project stopped before it cost anymore money. Ed Cole said we loved that car and we weren’t going to let it go.

Ed Cole’s famous quote – “Kick the hell of out the status quo” led the way.

(To be continued)

Remember this is your spot if you have something you want to sell. It does not have to be just parts for the Vette.

Or “Passion” Cream Pie

1 Cup Sugar
1 ¾ Cups Cream
3 Rounded tbl. Flour
Pinch salt

Mix and pour into an unbaked pie crust and bake at 400 for 15 minutes or 375 for 30 minutes. ENJOY!!!!!!

As usual, our ladies never let us down
for the goodies. Judy brought some really tasty treats for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you.


Bev Dobbins

Date – June 19th
Meeting time – 7:00 PM
When – THIRD Tuesday of the Month
Place - Ft. Myers Christian Church
5916 Winkler Rd., Ft. Myers

Some of our members have left for the North to enjoy their summer. We will miss you and look forward to your return. Have a safe trip.

Fran & Ken Cina
Elaine & Ron Rupp

If you are aware that one of our members is ill, just had surgery or a death in the family, if you let me know, we will put the information in the newsletter or e-mail our members, so we can all send cards to help cheer them up.

If you know of anyone interested in purchasing a new home, please, refer him or her to our sponsor:

America's First Home
Gary Neubauer
VP of Sales
Office (239) 939-3360
Cell (239) 229-2117

Please take a few minutes and review the following information. If any event is of interest to you, use the link and visit the site. We’ll be looking for input for future club events at our monthly meetings. If you would like to E-mail a suggestion I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Dom

Upcoming Events & Site Links

(Club events are shown in red)

18th Open House at the Senior Re-hab Center- Meet at Wachovia Bank – Cape Coral
Pkwy at 9:30 am. We will do lunch afterwards.

19th Car Show & Watermelon Festival

The Arcadia Watermelon Festival is scheduled for Saturday, May 19, 2007, from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. This event will be held in downtown Arcadia. Enjoy a classic car show, poker run, pancake breakfast, crafts, food, all day entertainment, seed spitting contest, and watermelons galore.


June 2007

3rdd 12th Annual Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce “TASTE OF THE BEACH”
11 AM to 5 PM

9th River District Saturday Night Cruise In and Block Party

24th Dinner at Mr. Burro’s restaurant
July 2007

14th River District Saturday Night Cruise In and Block Party
August 2007

10th –12th National Corvette Homecoming
September 2007

3rd Corvettes @ the Pier St, Petersburg
http://www.baccvette.us/Event Info/Vettes@the pier Sep07.jpg

9th Corvettes In Venice

22nd 10th Annual Dimmitt Corvette Show Clearwater
http://www.baccvette.us/Local Events.htm
October 2007

6th Columbus Day Parade in Cape Coral
this is a club event & more info. Will follow

27th Roger’s Cruizin Orlando

27th Corvettes On The Gulf Annual Show (8am-3pm)
101 SW Pine Island Rd. Roger Dean Chevy

November 2007
4th Corvettes in Motion Fun Run & Show Homosassa

10th & 11th Corvette Garden Party Clearwater
http://www.baccvette.us/Local Events.htm

18th Corvettes of Naples Annual Vette Together for Charity Car & Truck Show @ the Riverview Corp. Center on Hwy 41 in Bonita Springs, just North of the Imperial River Bridge. Show open to ALL cars and trucks.

These are links to car shows in the state of Florida:
