• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

TBV President's Message


TampaBay Vettes
Happy New Year!

Good Day Everyone and welcome to 2007! As your new Board of Directors start their duties for the year, we want to say Thanks to our outgoing Board members and especially to Tommy. I joined our club in 2002 and I have watched it grow and prosper under his direction and his liaison with the right people at Ferman Chevrolet. Jimmy Larkin & Eddie Gomez have supported our Club and helped it grow by contributing everything we have asked. I have been associated with other clubs in the past and have never seen this kind of cooperation or support from any dealership. Our membership roster is enormous at around 250 paid memberships which means we could have approximately 500 people involved in our club. That’s a large club by any means which means we should have lots of support within the club in the upcoming year to help us with events and other club activities.

This year, I will be looking for several new Chairperson’s to head events that we normally put on as a club and also many new events that we will offer as we continue to grow. Club participation in these events is open to all and I invite you to step forward and try an event sponsorship as a Chairperson. As most clubs or organizations you have a group of people that always volunteer to help and give of their time. Tampa Bay Vettes is no different. We have a group of totally dedicated people that give unselfishly of their time to support our club. We cherish each of you who volunteer and we want to expand and grow our group of contributors and we ask all of you for more participation in our events. It’s a lot of fun and you will enjoy it once you get involved. Try just ONE. Become a volunteer Chairperson for one event and see if I am right.

I also want to tell you how much I personally enjoy my membership and association with Tampa Bay Vettes and its members. What a great bunch of people. All with diverse backgrounds and personalities yet all sharing the great passion we have for our Corvettes. I guess the word is “Proud”. I am proud to be associated with TBV and all of you. Nothing is better than talking about our love of the car and nothing can be better than talking about and sharing our pride and joy with each other.

That said, the questions is “What will make our club even better”? This year we are looking for fresh idea’s to make us even stronger as a club. More focus on what events we will support as a club and some new events that will help us grow and get better acquainted with each other. By growth, I don’t mean membership. I think that will come naturally but I’m talking about events that will bring us closer together as we enjoy our cars and the legend behind them. As many of you know, for the past few years, many of us have tried to make every Corvette Car Show around. With the Florida summer heat and humidity, that can get old very quick. This year we will pick and publish several shows that we ask for your participation in. We would like to have a strong showing at each of these events. We will get that list out promptly as some of them fill up very quickly (such as Corvettes on the Circle). I think most everyone loves the club get-togethers and I’d like to expand those this year. Club trips are growing and those seem to be getting some great attention also. Be thinking about your idea’s of events we can do together. Send me an email in advance of our next Club meeting. I’ll be talking more about all this at the meeting on the 10th .

Finally, I want to talk about our outgoing President, Tommy Farruggio and his participation in our club. With a personal friendship with Tommy, it’s easy for anyone to see that this club has been his passion and his life since he became involved with it many years ago. With a tear in his eye as he talked about stepping down as President, he convinced me to run. His passion is contagious and I believe is the reason we have grown so rapidly. As I looked to find a way to keep him heavily involved, I decided to appoint him as “Special Advisor” to the Board of Directors and to the Club. Tommy will continue to drive the relationship with Ferman and The Ultimate Corvette Party and help the new Board settle in and run the Club. Thank you Tommy for your past and future contributions to Tampa Bay Vettes!

Our next Club Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 10th at our new meeting location, the “old” Harley building just East of the Ferman Mazda Dealership. There is a new “Ferman” sign up on the building. Please do not go to the Ferman Chevrolet Used Car Building where we used to meet. Parking at the new location will be a challenge. You may park across the street on the grass (but not on the shrubs) or in the parking lot on the side of the building. Please do not park along the street where the building is as it will block traffic flow. Meeting starts at 7PM sharp and as always, we will have a group dinner afterwards. We are working on getting the chairs purchased and delivered by the meeting but to be safe, throw your chairs in the trunk and bring them along. We’ll send a chair update if we get them before the meeting. My hopes are that all our membership will attend our next meeting and welcome in the new Board of Directors of Tampa Bay Vettes.

The new Board of Directors email information is now up on the TBV website. Feel free to contact me at any time. My information is below.

Special Thanks to all who gave me support in 2006!

Michael Dye




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I Like Your Offer and I'll Take You Up On It!


Thank you for all your support. You are always first on the line when we need something done and I appreciate all your support. I will take you up on your offer as I need a Chairman for 2007. Call me and I'll tell you what I have in mind!

Thanks again Jim!

MIchael Dye

:dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01:
DocDye said:

Thank you for all your support. You are always first on the line when we need something done and I appreciate all your support. I will take you up on your offer as I need a Chairman for 2007. Call me and I'll tell you what I have in mind!

Thanks again Jim!

MIchael Dye

:dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01:

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