• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Z06 Rocket

New member
Perfect example of why I will never vote for drilling off Florida's coast. Drill in the Anwar region of Alaska where no one lives. Anwar is land, is much smaller, and can be contained within hundreds of yards if a spill occurrs (not miles and miles of contamination like this episode)......


Look at the sattelite photos half way through the story. There are numerous wildlife refuges that are going to be ruined by this mess.

MSN Story above said:
If the well cannot be closed, almost 100,000 barrels of oil, or 4.2 million gallons, could spill into the Gulf before crews can drill a relief well to alleviate the pressure. By comparison, the Exxon Valdez, the worst oil spill in U.S. history, leaked 11 million gallons into Alaska's Prince William Sound in 1989.

You think the economy in FL is bad now, wait until the tourists stop coming because they think the FL beaches are ruined. Or worse.... THEY ARE RUINED!
Totally agree...Funny part is BP requested bailout from government and Obama told them to pack sand...There will be federal participation of course to mitigate this catastrophy...
The problem is that this could have been an oil well controlled by China .Other Nations are going to do it if we don't is the problem .BP is not a US company.
If I'm not mistaken (and I could be)The US has only a three mile territorial limit .Iran could start drilling anytime they wanted.What I'm concerned about is the response time by both BP and our Gov't.I'm not that smart but I can't imagine that someone doesn't have the brain power To have stopped the leak within 24 hours of the breach.
They were so sure of themselves, they never had a PLAN B...some heads need to roll @ BP, State and Federal level because of this...
For some reason I get the Vibes that this was Not a Accident!!
I believe that this is a plan Executed by the So Called Elite!
Get ready for it,I'd be willing to bet that there will be more of the same until the Elite get what their after, "World Control"!!

They were so sure of themselves, they never had a PLAN B...some heads need to roll @ BP, State and Federal level because of this...
They may roll at BP,But I doubt it will any higher, Obie 1's team are to busy calling out SWAT teams on Old Ladies and Grandpas at Tea Party's!!

What a Joke!!

Links Below!


The timing on this is terrible. Other than the environmental impact, the biggest impact is going to be in our pocketbooks. The Left will create so many restrictions on drilling that gas prices will go through the roof. The other thing I predict. The people in the Nineth Ward in New Orleans will have their hands out, wanting the government to give them money, even though they have no part in this. The other thing I predict is that Obama's bunch will find a way to blame Bush. I feel so much better knowing Janet Napolitano has things under control.:rolleyes: What an idiot.
I feel so much better knowing Janet Napolitano has things under control.:rolleyes: What an idiot.

I don't think anyone is control .This could be the worst environmental accident this country has ever experienced .Wait till hurricane season hits and this well is still pumping .

I question rather this was an accident .

I also believe that there will be drilling off the coast of Florida no matter how the people of Florida feel or vote .

I don't understand why there was not a fail safe backup to shutting the oil off .

Just read where a relief well is being drilled to relieve SOME of the oil flow .It could take up to three month to bring the new well on line .In the mean time 200,000 gallons are leaking every day.:banghead:
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I don't understand how someone could think this isn't the result of an accident. People died. If it wasn't an accident, then you're indicating these people were murdered. Tell me what leads you to believe this wasn't an accident.