• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Attention Dealers.......................


Corvette,GM Classic Freak
And anybody else in the Automotive Business!!:thumbsup:

Below you will find a facsimile sent this afternoon to members of Congress. As you may have read, there is a proposal in the Economic Stimulus Bill that would allow consumers to deduct interest on an auto loan. Unfortunately, the language in that bill addresses ONLY NEW vehicle sales! We need to ensure that these five folks understand that more used vehicles are sold than new and that to exclude used vehicle purchasers would unfairly punish those consumers and obviously hinder independent dealers from selling vehicles.
CUT AND PASTE THIS MEMO onto your letterhead and FAX IT TODAY! Be certain to change the name of the sender from mine to your's. But do it TODAY! The FAX numbers are listed below.


TO: The Honorable Harry Reid (202-224-7327)
The Honorable Max Baucus (202-224-9412)
The Honorable Barbra Mikulski (202-224-8858)
The Honorable John Larson (202-225-1031)
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi (202-225-4188)
Re: U.S Economic Stimulus Bill
From: (your name here)
Dear Members of Congress:
The U.S. Economic Stimulus Bill under consideration contemplates allowing consumers to deduct interest on vehicle loans, as was the practice prior to 1986. In reviewing the language, it appears that the bill (whether intentionally or not) would allow such deductions only for new vehicle purchases and omits mention of used vehicles when financed.
Since more used motor vehicles are purchased and financed annually than new motor vehicles, passage of that language without definitional clarification of what constitutes “new” or an amendment to include used vehicles will result in a large majority of the population unable to access this benefit and incentive.
We urge you to include all financed motor vehicle transactions under this stimulus package.

(your name and your business name here)


Jesse O Anderson (aka:GMJunkie)

Frontier Motors
399 Mashburn Branch Rd
Old Fort NC 28762
They have Limo's and Jets provided by us the taxpayer, if they were to buy a car it would not be a used one. These lib/dem's do not understand the true "middle-class american". We are the ones buying the used cars, paying for our gasoline, paying for insurance. We are the "middle-class", where is our "Bailout".

Joe B, American!
They have Limo's and Jets provided by us the taxpayer, if they were to buy a car it would not be a used one. These lib/dem's do not understand the true "middle-class american". We are the ones buying the used cars, paying for our gasoline, paying for insurance. We are the "middle-class", where is our "Bailout".

Joe B, American!

It's been checked out by the CIADA !!
(Carolinas Independent Auto Dealers Association)
of witch I'm a Card Carrying Member!! :thumbsup:

The Fed and State Governments have been screwing us around for years now!!
In the last 3 years over 5000 Independent Dealers in North and South Carolina have closed up or went Bankrupt because of un-fair Laws Passed by
State and Federal Government that targets Independent Dealers!! They want to Bail Big Corps out to help stimulate the Economy and Create Jobs,Just how many jobs have been lost in North and South Carolina alone?? Some of these 5,000 Independents had 30-50 or more employees!!

"Right Now" is the time for us to do something about it and Quit getting kicked around!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Junk, you are Correct...The closing of one business in a small community affects multiple lives, the politico just doesn't see it.