• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Do ya trust 'em

vett boy

New member
4-5 million barrels of oil have disappeared .Anti dispersant's are no problem .Everything is now ducky because the product smells fine .

Believe me I'm not looking for issues ,I have a hard time trusting authority .
4-5 million barrels of oil have disappeared .Anti dispersant's are no problem .Everything is now ducky because the product smells fine .

Believe me I'm not looking for issues ,I have a hard time trusting authority .

With all the oil dispersant elements, the oil is probably lying on the bottom of the gulf floor, and has killed off all the sea life there...:shrug01:
Do I trust 'em?......nope. The missing oil may magically re-appear when the first gulf hurricane of the season churns those warm waters...:hehehe:
I fished offshore for a living for 30 years. Some of my stuff i fished 50miles southeast of where the rig went down in 1200ft has oily gunk on the bottom. There are now no fish on the bottom in 1200 to 900ft. I'm sure there is many millions of gallons stuck to the gulf bottom and God knows where it will wash up over time.
Yep, they say it's gone. I don't believe that for a minute. Over time I'm sure mother nature can deal with it. Maybe over the course of a few hundred years.
Our Gov't wouldn't lie to us now would they?! (Can you say "Politician"?) Next they'll want us to believe there's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny!:shrug01:
So what was the conservative estimate of the amount of oil leaked? 180 MILLION gallons? And how much dispersant?

So they cap the well, scrape a little bit of oil that got to the beaches and now everything is honky dory? Ding dong the oil is gone?

If the dispersant was dropping the oil to the bottom of the Gulf, the well head itself would be completely covered with oil, which according to the "live" feeds from BP, didn't happen. The dispersant DISPERSED the oil into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. That's what dispersants DO.

We are seeing BIG money and power at work, obviously. BP is trying hard to convince everyone that their screw up wasn't as bad as it really was. The federal government is trying hard not to piss off their sugar daddy. And local governments are trying hard to convince everyone to come on back down to spend their money at that "safe" beaches and eat the "safe" fresh Gulf seafood.

I wonder just how much of the population is dumb enough to swallow that BS?
I agree with all of you on this one.

If it's spewing from the face of a politician or BP exec/front man, it's bullchit!

They want you to believe that out of sight is out of mind:NoNo:
Honestly, I'm afraid to eat any seafood from the Gulf right now. Have any of you guys changed your eating habits because of this? If so, I think BP owes us for depriving us of having the liberty to enjoy one of Florida's natural resources.

Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is the dispersants work like "Dawn" dishwashing liquid. They dissolve the oil so that it mixes with the water and is no longer visible....but it has to go somewhere. I would think the shellfish(oysters) would be especially susceptible to this, as they "filter" the water around them.
Hey Chas !

I saw reports where there was 207 millions of gallons of crude oil has escaped after 100 days.

Then I hear BP say they have sucked up 27 millions of gallons of oil and water.

hardly any hos washed up.

its somewhere
Hey Chas !

I saw reports where there was 207 millions of gallons of crude oil has escaped after 100 days.

Then I hear BP say they have sucked up 27 millions of gallons of oil and water.

hardly any hos washed up.

its somewhere

It's on the bottom all over offshore in very deep water, 400ft plus.
Honestly, I'm afraid to eat any seafood from the Gulf right now. Have any of you guys changed your eating habits because of this? If so, I think BP owes us for depriving us of having the liberty to enjoy one of Florida's natural resources.

Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is the dispersants work like "Dawn" dishwashing liquid. They dissolve the oil so that it mixes with the water and is no longer visible....but it has to go somewhere. I would think the shellfish(oysters) would be especially susceptible to this, as they "filter" the water around them.

Heck yeah. As soon as I heard about the oil gusher, I told Connie to buy up as much seafood as she could and store it in one of our freezers. So that is what we are eating now. Myway Seafood, where Connie works part time, is now getting their shrimp from Fernandina Beach on the east coast, even though the "authorities" are saying the seafood is fine in the Gulf.
Heck yeah. As soon as I heard about the oil gusher, I told Connie to buy up as much seafood as she could and store it in one of our freezers. So that is what we are eating now. Myway Seafood, where Connie works part time, is now getting their shrimp from Fernandina Beach on the east coast, even though the "authorities" are saying the seafood is fine in the Gulf.

The grouper and snapper 80 miles west of Clearwater FL are fine.
I'm still alive. They taste the same and look the same when i bring em up. I don't think the oil has had time to get down this far or if it ever will. Guess once we start getting strong cold fronts with 30knt northwest winds things could change.
Haven't changed my seafood eating habits and I'm not plannin on it.

If I see hard evidence of contamination, then I'll change. Until then, no way:NoNo:

As far as where the shrimp and such come from, it simply doesn't make that much difference to me as a consumer.

I feel bad for the commercial fishermen and restaurants along the Gulf though.

The paranoia over tainted seafood has had an effect on thier business. You'd really think people would be more intelligent and less tin hat typical:nonod:
Haven't changed my seafood eating habits and I'm not plannin on it.

If I see hard evidence of contamination, then I'll change. Until then, no way:NoNo:

As far as where the shrimp and such come from, it simply doesn't make that much difference to me as a consumer.

I feel bad for the commercial fishermen and restaurants along the Gulf though.

The paranoia over tainted seafood has had an effect on thier business. You'd really think people would be more intelligent and less tin hat typical:nonod:

I just don't want to BE hard evidence! Agent Orange comes to mind....
I just don't want to BE hard evidence! Agent Orange comes to mind....


Personally, I think it downright silly that people don't use their own gray matter and THINK about what is going on. IF there was, in fact, a major oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, and if a very small percentage of it was scraped from the surface or washed ashore, then WHERE is all of the rest of the oil? IF dispersants were used and IF they did the job, then they emulsified the oil and mixed it with the water within the Gulf of Mexico.

If all of the above is true, then anything living within the emulsified mixture quite likely is contaminated not only with the oil, but also with the chemicals that compose the dispersant. Since I am responsible for my own health and welfare and do not care to rely on the illogical statements made from entities not unduly noted for their honesty nor inclined to make statements contrary to the health and well being of their own financial position, I believe it behooves me to make a rationally sound decision concerning becoming part of a chain of events whereby those contaminants might percolate up the food chain into ME.

Quite frankly, it certainly won't KILL me to eat chicken for a while, awaiting results of those guinea pigs who choose this path for themselves. :rolleyes: