• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

316.272 Exhaust systems, prevention of noise

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
316.272 Exhaust systems, prevention of noise.--

(1) Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with an exhaust system in good working order and in constant operation, including muffler, manifold pipe, and tailpiping to prevent excessive or unusual noise. In no event shall an exhaust system allow noise at a level which exceeds a maximum decibel level to be established by regulation of the Department of Environmental Protection as provided in s. 403.061(13) in cooperation with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device upon a vehicle on a highway.

(2) The engine and power mechanism of every motor vehicle shall be so equipped and adjusted as to prevent the escape of excessive fumes or smoke.

(3) A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.
History.--s. 1, ch. 71-135; s. 1, ch. 72-39; s. 1, ch. 73-89; s. 27, ch. 79-65; s. 135, ch. 94-356; s. 204, ch. 99-248.
There's a new revision to this one that specifies something to the effect of "louder than factory". I'll look it up and post it here.
How would they determine such a thing in practice? Is the burden of proof on law enforcement to do the measurements?

Along with those videos I took of the before and after exhaust systems on my Z, the program I used to clip out those sections shows a visual of the audio track frequency wave as well. If I think of it later on tonight, I'll post it for a comparison. From what I can recall there wasn't that much difference that I could see.
I think it's meant for the obnoxious exhaust, ie: ricers with the fart can mufflers or the Harley's that can be heard a mile away when their getting on it. Those make it difficult to talk to someone when their driving next to you, and can even hurt your ears when your taking off from a red light next to them with your windows down.

I'm also looking for the statute to pass it on. I keep finding the same one you already quoted, but it's in the 2005 logs that I'm seeing it. I'll get back to ya.
Actually I think the boom box cars are a whole lot more abusive to my ears then any exhaust will ever be. I've had my vehicle literally shaking because of some idiot next to me with the subwoofers cranked into overdrive. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually be IN that car. They had to have blood coming out of their ears and other orifices! :eek:

(yeah, I definitely need to load more smilies in this site.....)
Rich Z said:
Actually I think the boom box cars are a whole lot more abusive to my ears then any exhaust will ever be. I've had my vehicle literally shaking because of some idiot next to me with the subwoofers cranked into overdrive. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually be IN that car. They had to have blood coming out of their ears and other orifices! :eek:

(yeah, I definitely need to load more smilies in this site.....)

Oh yea,,, that's a big problem here too. There is a new law that says the stereo cannot be plainly heard from 25 ft or more from the vehicle, (used to be 100 ft). That's a non-moving cite worth about $78.00 that some of the police around here like to write. I HATE to hear it inside my home where I have a reasonable expectation of peace and quiet.:mad:
Heck, I NEVER turn on the radio in my vette. I don't care for the noise. Not that I am anti-music, as I have a kick-ass home theatre system. Six main speakers based on the Heil Air Motion Transformer, and four (4) subwoofers. I could bring the walls down in the house if I wanted to. Fortunately the nearest neighbors are through the woods quite a ways.

But in the car, no, I would rather drive without the noise to disturb me. So no, I really don't appreciate some clown next to me rattling my teeth with the tunes HE likes to listen to, and thinks the whole world must feel the same way.

Matter of fact, I have a '98 Jeep Wrangler that I bought brand new and I have only turned on the radio ONCE, right when I bought it, just to make sure it worked. :)
gsjack said:
I listen to the sweet music of my GHL's instead of turning on the radio in the Z.:cool:


HAH! I know what you mean. No tunes at all on the radio that will sound better then my Z's engine at 2K rpm.
Rich Z said:
HAH! I know what you mean. No tunes at all on the radio that will sound better then my Z's engine at 2K rpm.

2K?? How about more like 5 or 6K,, grin, :D :p

I was able to get my hands on a 2006 statute book and took these pics to share with you. The statute has a new subsection that's not in the "Online Sunshine" 2005 model.

:mad: My photo server is down for "routine maint". I'll post the pics later today.
I just saw in another Legal Issues post you submitted the statute used around here for modified muffler cites was quoted in 316.293 (5)b FSS. No need to post my pics because this is the exact same thing I saw in the 2006 book.


(a) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle or any other noise-abatement device of a motor vehicle operated or to be operated upon the highways of this state in such a manner that the noise emitted by the motor vehicle is above that emitted by the vehicle as originally manufactured.

(b) No person shall operate a motor vehicle upon the highways of the state with an exhaust system or noise-abatement device so modified.

:o Kind of general, so it covers anything "louder than factory".:(
These laws are kind of vague. Just like the "Exhibition of Speed" statute.

(2)(a) A person may not:

1. Drive any motor vehicle, including any motorcycle, in any race, speed competition or contest, drag race or acceleration contest, test of physical endurance, or exhibition of speed or acceleration or for the purpose of making a speed record on any highway, roadway, or parking lot; :mad:
Ah, but I think the burden of proof would be on the state to prove that your vehicle is louder then stock. So they have to go find your exact model in stock form and then get audio tests done as a comparison. Wonder how many local LEOs would want to do such a thing?
Mine exhaust measured 100 db at idle last year at the Fest.

Now I have a new cam and 1 more point of compression!:)
I really don't think any of us have much to worry about unless LEO has nothing else he can write. If I get pulled, I may be loud but that's not what I'll get written for.lol...........Tom:)
I heard an interesting tidbit from someone just the other day. They STRONGLY suggested driving without using your seatbelt. The cops are MUCH more interested in writing tickets for that these days and will normally forego the speeding ticket if they can give you one for the seat belt. Since it is no moving violation, it's simply a fine with no points attached to it.

Not sure how accurate or true it is, but the guy said he had heard that from several reliable sources. Maybe there is a big push for them to get these citations on the books for some reason.
Rich Z said:
I heard an interesting tidbit from someone just the other day. They STRONGLY suggested driving without using your seatbelt. The cops are MUCH more interested in writing tickets for that these days and will normally forego the speeding ticket if they can give you one for the seat belt. Since it is no moving violation, it's simply a fine with no points attached to it.

Not sure how accurate or true it is, but the guy said he had heard that from several reliable sources. Maybe there is a big push for them to get these citations on the books for some reason.

I wouldn't do it. In my experience in this area they will write BOTH cites. Then you're in deeper. Plus, NO MATTER WHAT the guy who knew someone who's cousin's friend's little sister's boyfriend says about surviving a crash because he would've drowned/burned/been crushed if he were wearing his seatbelt,,,, IT's BS. Seatbelts save lives. There's no way to control a car from the passenger seat if things get hairy. More heads hit windshields, and more people get crushed getting ejected than EVER die from being trapped in a car. :D

Here's a link to a video from a helicopter of a guy being ejected and run over by a passing car when he crashed. Granted, it's a Police pursuit, but anything over 10 or 15 mph could throw someone from a car, let alone at highway speeds.


Just my .02 cents, off the soapbox now.:o
Heck, I can't argue about the seat belts. Just stating what someone else told me, so take it for what it is worth. And as always, your mileage may vary.... ;)
exile said:
I really don't think any of us have much to worry about unless LEO has nothing else he can write. If I get pulled, I may be loud but that's not what I'll get written for.lol...........Tom:)
How true...

I know most of the sheriffs in my county, a few live in my sub-division. They are all cool and could care less about how loud the cars are. As long as your not really screwing up big time, they cut you a break.;)

The law is intended for the totally obnoxious and those that pollute the air. I have never wrote a ticket for it when the exhaust has been modified tastfully and professionally. The ricers who go above and beyond to make noise for the sake of making noise are the ones that give us the most grief.