• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Birth of this Forum


New member
Since I am new to this forum, I am curious as to who started it. It looks great and very "familiar" to the big "CV" Forum. Any ideas on how to get this more active. We need more online activity and interaction with us Florida people. There must be a way to get this rolling. Perhaps make it a Corvette dating site for the singles....LOL Maybe more information about good and bad dealer encounters with sales and repairs. Who has been happy with delamination fixes? Most fun place to take your vette in Florida! Help me here...:banghead:
Well, I guess I have to take the rap for starting this place.......

As for getting it moving along, well honestly right now is the peak of my busy season with my business, so there's very little time available to do much about that. All it really takes is to extend invitations to other Florida Corvette owners you come across and to think of new interesting conversation here and contribute to ones already existing. Kind of a catch-22, though. We need more people here, but need to give them a reason for sticking around. And the reason they would want to stick around is because there are already a bunch of people here having lively conversations.

The BEST advice I can give is to LET NO QUESTION GO UNANSWERED. Someone posting a question and not even getting a single reply is about the most frustrating thing for anyone to go through. It makes them feel completely ignored. So make the effort. At least acknowledge that you have read their post and have tried to think of a helpful answer.

As for the suggestion about good and bad dealer encounters, that is what the BOARD OF INQUIRY forum here is for. And for fun places, the ON THE ROAD forum was set up with exactly that in mind.

So I think the building blocks for a solid foundation are all in place. All we need to do is to get some people here willing to start putting the rest into place.

And yes, I am working on getting some business cards made up and maybe some one page flyers to be handed out at Corvette shows and such. I would like to take out some ads in some of the Corvette magazines, but honestly, that takes more $$ then I am likely willing to throw around right now. So if you can think of someone who might like to be a sponsoring advertiser here, drag them on over. If I have the $$ coming in, then I can pump it right back into this site.

And thanks for your thoughts. And if you don't mind, I may move this to the Feedback forum where I think it would be more appropriate and likely to get more feedback from other members.

Oh well, back to the salt mines..............
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Fastcat3 said:
We need more online activity and interaction with us Florida people. There must be a way to get this rolling.
The way to get this rolling is for you to post more:thumbsup:
I'll be going to a car show tonight and two all Corvette shows in the next month. Of course I'll be mentioning it to everyone I talk to. The business cards would be great Rich. I can chip in a few bucks if you like. Through PayPal maybe? I honestly wish I was more creative so I could come up with some ideas for a logo.

And you certainly don't have to tell me to post more :hehehe:

MADN3SS said:
I'll be going to a car show tonight and two all Corvette shows in the next month. Of course I'll be mentioning it to everyone I talk to. The business cards would be great Rich. I can chip in a few bucks if you like. Through PayPal maybe? I honestly wish I was more creative so I could come up with some ideas for a logo.

And you certainly don't have to tell me to post more :hehehe:


what are the dates and places of the shows? i would be willing to do the business card thing also. i visit old town for the saturday night cruise and there seems to be a few vettes that show up there. perhaps that could be a place to get some exposure.
Well I have a member here working on a card design, but it seems he is kind of busy with other stuff. He is actually helping me out with this, so I can't really flog him too harshly............ :rolleyes:
gsjack said:
Would also be willing to throw in some $'s to help with cards Rich.


Well I do appreciate the offer, but honestly I just don't see this site getting the traffic to be worth much to anyone yet. I just feel I am not offering enough in return to even think of taking your money......

Heck it looks like many of the people who have already registered here aren't even visiting regularly any longer..... :nonod: Sort of puts a damper on my enthusiasm to try to get more sponsors. They just aren't going to be seeing the numbers to make it worthwhile to them.

All in due time, I guess.
TwistedFun said:
what are the dates and places of the shows? i would be willing to do the business card thing also. i visit old town for the saturday night cruise and there seems to be a few vettes that show up there. perhaps that could be a place to get some exposure.

September 2nd is Corvettes on the Pier in St. Petersburg and September 16th is a show at Dimmitt Chevrolet. I know at the Dimmitt show there will be lots of vendors. They will have Valve Cover races and what they call a "muffler rapping contest", which is just loudest exhaust at WOT.

Both flyers can be found above in the Calendar section. Hurry if you want to actually be in the show, you have to register soon. Hope to see you at both.

Z06Rocket also made me aware of a show at Old Town in Kissimmee the first weekend in October called VetteFest. Not much info on that one, but you can Google it.

I went to a local (Well 50-60 miles away for me) show tonight and took many, many pictures. When I have some time I'll post some of 'em up. Here's a teaser. '63 Stingray, '69 Yenko Camaro, a chopped Purple '55 Chevy and numerous other cars. Some really cool drag cars. I can't remember if it is the biggest weekly show in the county or state. During the better months, they can have up to 500 cars there!

MADN3SS said:
September 2nd is Corvettes on the Pier in St. Petersburg and September 16th is a show at Dimmitt Chevrolet. I know at the Dimmitt show there will be lots of vendors. They will have Valve Cover races and what they call a "muffler rapping contest", which is just loudest exhaust at WOT.

Both flyers can be found above in the Calendar section. Hurry if you want to actually be in the show, you have to register soon. Hope to see you at both.

Z06Rocket also made me aware of a show at Old Town in Kissimmee the first weekend in October called VetteFest. Not much info on that one, but you can Google it.

I went to a local (Well 50-60 miles away for me) show tonight and took many, many pictures. When I have some time I'll post some of 'em up. Here's a teaser. '63 Stingray, '69 Yenko Camaro, a chopped Purple '55 Chevy and numerous other cars. Some really cool drag cars. I can't remember if it is the biggest weekly show in the county or state. During the better months, they can have up to 500 cars there!


i will be at the dimmitt show on the 16th for sure. i would like to catch the one at the pier too but it depends on work.
It is bottom line that the registered forum members need to keep responding to posts and starting new threads of interest. Hopefully getting the word out at shows will be a big help. Perhaps we could all do business cards on our computers and put member of "Corvette Forum. com" on them. I know several people that just put a pic of their vette on the car and maybe a phone number and email that they give out to new friends they make at events. Great job, Rich! :thumbsup:
I guess I'm going to have to try to find someone else to do the business card design for me. I've already contacted a place I found online. I guess I need to do my part in this if I want this site to get up a good head of steam and beginning to move along and not go stagnant.

I may look into 1 page flyers as well as they seem to be real good attention getters. Business cards will often get shoved into a pocket and forgotten about. Heck, I know I do that myself.

Got a big reptile show coming up next weekend, so if I do well there, maybe I'll have some extra money to throw into this.

But in the meantime, word of mouth invitations are probably the best thing you all can do to help out.

And yeah, I AM thinking about that logo to put on my own windshield again.... :shrug01: The ULTIMATE sacrifice, I guess.......

Thanks guys...
Rich Z said:
Got a big reptile show coming up next weekend, so if I do well there, maybe I'll have some extra money to throw into this.

is that the one in daytona? if so i have a few friends that are going to be there.

you should have a little contest for all the members here. have a recruiting drive to see who can get the most new members to join in a month. the incentive could be a free membership to the site :lmao: or free snake or t-shirt. it would be nice to see the site take off and grow because it is nice to have a more local site to visit. the attitude on here is very relaxed and friendly. it is a good change from some of the bigger sites. i would be willing to do something, either windshield sticker or business cards or flyers whatever you want to go with. i would be willing to chip in on the cards or pay for the sticker.
Fastcat3 said:
It is bottom line that the registered forum members need to keep responding to posts and starting new threads of interest. Hopefully getting the word out at shows will be a big help. Perhaps we could all do business cards on our computers and put member of "Corvette Forum. com" on them. I know several people that just put a pic of their vette on the car and maybe a phone number and email that they give out to new friends they make at events. Great job, Rich! :thumbsup:

How about CorvetteFlorida.com?:hehehe:

Good ideas. Rich You have a PM bro.
Don't know why this thread died out. :shrug01: There are some great ideas here.

There is also a Fantastic show in Venice on 9/10, but the real fun is the party / dinner the night before. Check out www.venicefloridacorvettes.com Also check out Tampabay Vettes http://www.tampabayvettes.com/tampabayvetteevents.htm for a good listing of clubs and events around Central FL

People get involved for a slew of different reasons. Club politics don't do much for me anymore, but I'd like to find some new friends for local cruising. So (and I have not really looked) why not have a forum section that is for events around the state. or Things To Do / Places To Go Doesn't have to be an all Corvette event, just something a bunch of us can cruise to. There is a Concourse De Elegance in November somewhere around Orlando ~ just examples.

Rich, as for $$ contributions, why not offer a voluntary "Supporting Member" opportunity for $20. I think people could and would help a little.

Try linking with other sites. The person who owns Corvette Valley lives in S FL and would be happy to not only assist, but I'll bet give some advice on how to get this start up off the ground.

He's kinda squirrely :lmao: but still a good guy. :rofl1:

All just my $.02
