• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Decalre Or Don't Declare Weapon

Bob K

I was talking to a friend of mine who is a deputy. His advice was that whenever I was stopped by a LEO, say for a traffic violation, that I should tell the deputy that I am armed.

I never do that. If they ever asked me or told me to get out of the car then I would immediately hand them my permit. If I kept a weapon in the glove box, which I don't and I had to reach in there for a registration I would first hand them my permit.

In other words, if there's any chance they'll see the weapon I'll disclose that I'm carrying but if not I see no reason to tell them. Any thoughts?
Not a bad approach Bob, just play the cards your delt. If he's on edge let him know very early. Never allow yourself to appear "hipped". Be up front as a law abiding citizen and "be cool. I've always felt that I'm more prone to consider you an ally then an enemy if you are calm and (at the intelligent time} let me know your packin and under what authority.

Others may feel differently but it worked for me for 25 years of all kinds of encounters and I always came home safe.
Not a bad approach Bob, just play the cards your delt. If he's on edge let him know very early. Never allow yourself to appear "hipped". Be up front as a law abiding citizen and "be cool. I've always felt that I'm more prone to consider you an ally then an enemy if you are calm and (at the intelligent time} let me know your packin and under what authority.

Others may feel differently but it worked for me for 25 years of all kinds of encounters and I always came home safe.

I'm a pretty easy going guy unless something really pizzes me off. I've had maybe one or two officers that were irritating but nothing close to really making me mad. I'm always "cool" because I have friends that are or were LEO's and all of the folks in uniform have my gratitude and respect. I definitely feel like I am an ally.

I would never vocally tell an officer I am armed if they didn't ask. If it was necessary for them to know I would just hand them my permit so they know up front I'm legal. I think that's important to put them at ease. I also would never hesitate to help a LEO if they needed it. We have a lot in common and that is not to let the bad guy win. :thumbsup:

I hope others jump in here with their opinion.
In a perfect world, I'd prefer the driver to hand over his/her CCW along with the DL, or at least state that they are CCW permit holders. See if this link works.


Yeah, that's what I would, and have, done. Since my CCW permit is right there in the wallet alongside my DL, I just would pull out both at the same time.

So here's another question: If an officer asks to see your weapon, would you really want to grab it to pull it out to show him or her? I had someone tell me they were presented with that dilemma and refused thinking it was a pretty dumb idea.
In a perfect world, I'd prefer the driver to hand over his/her CCW along with the DL, or at least state that they are CCW permit holders. See if this link works.


Great video and right on point. Some states do require that you inform the officer. I had forgotten that and this gives me food for thought. I do carry my permit right behind my drivers license so it is convenient and easy to get to. Thanks 85.
Yeah, that's what I would, and have, done. Since my CCW permit is right there in the wallet alongside my DL, I just would pull out both at the same time.

So here's another question: If an officer asks to see your weapon, would you really want to grab it to pull it out to show him or her? I had someone tell me they were presented with that dilemma and refused thinking it was a pretty dumb idea.

That's what I said, I would just hand them the permit and not just say I had one.

If they want to see my weapon they have to pull it cause no way in heil I would. I can imagine countless scenarios where you end up in a no win situation. For instance a LEO passing by your location not aware of what's going on.
I agree with Ken, and it definately depends on the circumstances of the stop and the degree of skiddishness you see in the officer.

As I've said countless time, I really never gave much thought to a guy/gal packing legally and telling me about it. They're usually not the one that's going to hurt you.

Now, if there's 2 officers on the stop, you can just about bet that one of them is going to be sneaking and peeking around the passenger side.

The last thing you want to hear is "GUN!" coming from some now panick stricken rookie on your right that caught a glimpse of your grips:rofl1:

As for handing it over, if the statute requires it, then again, it depends on the officer.

If they want me to hand it to them, I'll hand it to them.
If they want to remove it, so be it.
Now, if there's 2 officers on the stop, you can just about bet that one of them is going to be sneaking and peeking around the passenger side.

The last thing you want to hear is "GUN!" coming from some now panick stricken rookie on your right that caught a glimpse of your grips:rofl1:

:lmao::lmao::lmao:Oh Damn,This reminds me of a deal I got into with a rookie HP in South Carolina,the Older Trouper was laughing so hard he had tiers running down his face!!I'll have to wright it up and start a new thread!!:rofl1::rofl1::rofl1: