• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

another near break in

to refresh all, our last house was nearly broken into a few months ago. since then we have moved. got a nice apartment in brandon called tuscanny villas. grounds are well kept, like the management. decent neighbors. anyway tuesday while i was at work and sarah was at home "looking for jobs" that parts belongs in the rant section. anyway she heard the deadbolt unlock and got excited. she thought that i came home early. luckily the apartment doors have a deadblot as well as a sliding type lock commonly seen in hotels. not the chain deal, solid steal. anyways the door slams into this and 2 spanish teenagers between the ages 17-25 start hollering, shaking and kicking the door. open the f* up, were coming in one way or another. sarah camly went to my nightstand and grabbed my ruger 45. stood by the door and the heard the distinctive click click. the jumped back and she opened the door and told them if she ever saw them again she would shoot them were they stood. they took off running. after the locked the door, decocked the removed one from the chamber. she called me and calmly told me what had just happened. i called the apartment manager on the way home and told them to send someone over immediatly to change out the locks amd remedy the situation. sarah suffers from extreme anxiety, to the point that she doesnt drive. but she said since i showed her everything about the gun and how to use it she felt safe. she didnt panick, just knew what she had to do before they broke down the door and robbed up, or worse. luckily she is alright and not shaken up by this whole ordeal. gunshow this sunday. we'll be there picking up something nice for her.
WOW, glad she had a piece to protect herself with. It's getting crazy out there. I've certainly thought about getting a concealed weapons license and finding a nice house protection device. My wife really wants a pink taser.
I'm glad she had that gun there and apparenty knew how to use it. :thumbsup:

This is an excellent example of why people just need to take their own safety at heart and arm themselves, "just in case". A gun is something akin to a life insurance policy that is ONLY in effect when you HAVE it close at hand.
LOL, not quite ready to take the step Clockwork. Not quite. Besides, I'll be working on the vette trying to figure out why my passenger side window won't roll down. Enjoy the show and hope the near break-ins cease before you have to use one of those home defense systems.
sarah spent a year in the army national guard before being discharged becuase the found out she suffered from cromes disease. she has had plenty of experience with guns from sidearms, m16, 50 cal, rocket launcher. ect. but i still went over everything with her on the 45 so she was comfortable with it. obviously paid off. not sure how they got a key. im thinking they never changed the locks or something. i told land lord was putting my own deadbolt on and she said i cant. they have to have access and they would remedy the situation. my stance is that if they got one key, they can get another. i let them put new deadbolt in, but im changing out this weekend, getting an alarm installed, and going to gunshow to get something for sarah to leave in the closet right next to front door.
i agree with rich. what would have happenend if she was not armed and competent. they would have eventually gotten the door to come down. (not anymore, i tapconned the door lock in place) i dont like to think what could have happend and am extremely fortunate she was armed and able to handle herself. i wrote this up in hopes that even if just one of you reads this and changes they way you do things. very possibly saving your loved ones
With them banging and pounding on the door while threatening her combined with her anxiety issues I think she may have been able to get away with plugging the arseholes right through the door. Or at least cranking off a round through the door that she purposely sent a little high. I know warning shots are not legal, but she just has to avoid using that term. She squeezed the trigger in "fear for her life" and the "gun jerked high". We all know if you aren't smooth on the trigger pull a miss based on the jerking of the trigger is possible.
dayummmm i like living where i can shoot them buried them case close.!!!!! North Port let the gators have something to eat..........:dancer01:
I know I will be burned for this. . .but, do some of you guys read what you've typed before posting???? I hate to sound like an English teacher, but. . .