• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Another (yet worthy) Newby


patriotic member
I've joined this forum because I was invited (by Rich as a lot of you were). I'm hoping this forum can get back to the fun that some of the other forums used to have. They used to be fun and informative, now there's just a lot of folk who just want to ridicule and let you know how much better they are than you...

Most of these people have just bought their first Corvette and have become overnight know-it-alls. Some have been on forums so much/long that they don't even know if it's night or day outside...for those of you who fall into this category...turn the computer off and go get a/several beers.

Thanks Rich, for possibly giving us Florida Corvette Guys/Girls a place to enjoy.

This post might have sounded a little bitter, but it really wasn't intended to be, I'm happy for this new venue...and besides, this site has "spell check" (:D .)

I'm happy to be here...hello to all...

Well, honestly I can't really guarantee how this forum site will turn out. It's pretty tough to walk the line between being completely free and open on one hand, yet being able to deftly determine the idiots and swiftly (and fairly) deal with them as appropriate based on their actions. I would tend to err on the side of leniency, which some people will like, and others will not. I've been running message board sites for a pretty long time and learned the hard way that you just can't please everyone. Being lenient is much less work than being a hard ass, so laziness will be the better choice here.... :)

But I don't have any axes to grind, and have nothing to prove to anyone. I can only hope that everyone else is here with fun and interest in mind, which is the reason I set this up in the first place. I can take my lumps with the best of them, so if you have any complaints, suggestions, or just want to gripe at someone, feel free to do so here.
One of the best forums around!

Rich has done a great job here and has the support of alot of Vetter's.

I can only speak for myself....I have met alot of great people here....It's a great forum to tell people about events, learn some things about Corvettes.

We have are own window decals now, screen saver and fliers...not many forums can claim that....and it was done in less than a month!!

:thumbsup: RICH.....YOUR THE MAN!!!!:thumbsup:

p.s: Welcome NVR LAT :welcome:
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Welcome to the site!

It is mostly laid back here and most of us appreciate the leniency of the little things. Some people just like to see how far they can push the envelope too. Which isn't always bad. Rich pretty much has an open door policy for suggestions, ideas and what not. So keep that in mind.

For me personally, on any forum, I try to refrain from talking politics and religion. They can be the most volatile conversations for either side. This place is supposed to be an easy going site where fellow Corvette enthusiasts here in Florida have a site to chat about many things from maintainance help, creative modding ideas, legal issues, traveling around the state, recommending service personnel or dealerships and many other things. So sit back, relax, have a beer and live by my credo.

Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.
welCome!! :thumbsup:

I have been a 'vette owner for 2 weeks now, so I do know everything...about everything. :lmao:

I've noticed from my time in the fbody community, it's a lot easier to joke and kid with folks you've had face time with at events. since we're all from one state, that shouldn't be hard to do. :wavey:

On public boards, I try to post as if my 13 year-old nephew will be reading. :D

I didn't know that the Corvette Florida Web site is so new. Thanks for putting this altogether. Hopefully more and more Vette folks will sign on.

Your Screen Saver is great!

I saw that we could get stickers for Corvette Florida? Please tell me how I can obtain one.

Also, I would like to update my profile. How can I do it?


Welcome to the site.

Rocky to update your profile go to the upper left of the page and click on "User CP", this will take you to a page giving you options to change your profile facts.
Welcome to the site. :welcome: Your post doesn't sound bitter, but it sounds as though you've had bad luck with other sites. I can honestly say that I haven't seen anything here that would prevent me from recommending this site to any Corvette owner (florida resident or not).