• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Pics of a girl on a Yamaha R6...trust me.


New member
I personally don't understand what all the hoohah is about. A woman in a bikini posing on a motorcycle. Nothing offensive about it. Guy got banned from Corvette Forum for a month. A few of you know Garett and Cameo. Though I'd share, enjoy.

Cameo (pics)
Picked up a 2006 R6 a few weeks ago.

- GREAT Track bike if anyone is in the market for one.

Snapped a few pics of Cameo on the bike with her Z06 in the background.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v199/GarettO/Cameo and Bike/IMG_0412.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v199/GarettO/Cameo and Bike/IMG_0410.jpg


This is the result on Corvette Forum...
Report Bad Post
You have been banned for the following reason:
Moderator call out/challenge.

Date the ban will be lifted: 09-13-2006, 10:00 PM

I "Heart" Corvette forum


I post pics of Cameo over on corvetteforum

They get removed - For whatever reason.... (PG13)

One of the mods starts to bitch about me posting them.

We have a few words in public he ended on saying:

Shut your mouth

I was told to take it to PM's

So I responded along the lines of... :

Power Trip ?

The situtation has been taken care of by the "better" mods. And I have been in discussion with Grumpy and the pewter99. I dont understand the removal of the pictures, but I will respect the website consider this a mute subject.

So now I am guessing the pu$$y cried out to one of the admin's and got me temp banned over there.

Mod in discussion: Mr. Mojo I believe?

- Great site for information anything corvette related, but for crying out loud some of the mods and people over there need their shifters removed from their asses.
In my opinion, sometimes moderators take things (and themselves) way too seriously. I have seen my fair share of message board sites pretty nearly destroyed by the admin's poor choices in moderators. They need to be picked as carefully as you would employees you are hiring to help keep your business afloat.

And one thing I have learned is that once you ban someone, even temporarily, they will often a grudge and harbor some resentment at that treatment.......
Great pics but...you did say there was a bike and a Z in there somewhere didn't you?:D

Seriously though, sometimes mods take things too far. I understand they have a responsibility to the site and it's members but they need to dispense their judgement and authority in smaller doses sometimes. There's nothing offensive about those pics at all.
I really like the second picture where they have it all black and white while leaving Cameo in color. Nice touch.
I see nothing wrong with these pictures, either.
I think moderators should be required to memorize the definition of "moderation"........ :rolleyes:

  1. Being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme: a moderate price.
  2. Not violent or subject to extremes; mild or calm; temperate: a moderate climate.
    • Of medium or average quantity or extent.
    • Of limited or average quality; mediocre.
  3. Opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion.
Having served previously and currently as a moderator on various sites, I've found that it's generally better to attempt to resolve any percieved issue directly with the member via PM/e-mail or by phone if you know it, rather than calling them out or embarrasing them in front of thier peers. Generally, it's the same way I treat people in an L/E situation.

A MOD should NEVER have a direct "open" confrontation with a member regarding the board rules. Take it to PM immediately. If the member refuses to work with you, then you as the moderator have the solution:lmao: No need to argue. after all, it;s not YOU (mod) thats been "violated" it;s a board rule.

Allow the member the opportunity to correct the issue so no one looses face and the admins stay happy.

The problem the the Corvetteforum is it's $$ driven.

They have paid sponsors that they depend on to help keep the site up and running. Unlike here, it's also apparently a for profit entity.

From what I read, some of the sponsors complained or blocked the forum at work due to some archiac, prudish outlook on sexuality:rolleyes:

I was also informed once that since some places might block it, causing a loss of $$, they have choosen not to have a babes section at all.
Whenever it's discussed theres always a handful (couple mods and a few others) who repeat the same old rhetoric about "porn" and being a family site?
However, if you visit certain areas and read certain threads, they're anything but PG13:hehehe: Over there, even belly buttons and bikini's are a :NoNo:

There's truly nothing objectionable about the pics you posted...nothing! Thanks for sharing them:thumbsup:

You're right though, some of the mods go overboard and take this stuff too seriously.

I know Frank (MOJO) and it just doesn't sound like him. If he did it, I'm suprised. He's usually very easy going, level headed and decent to get along with.
Some of the mods feel like any questioning of thier authority is a "challenge."

We had a minor problem on one of the sites I moderate. Unfortunately we had a couple people that simply refused to keep thier personal life drama off the site:( After several attempts to resolve it as formerly mentioned, I had to start locking and moving things. I did however, contact eah one effected and gave them an explanation of my actions. If they had a question, I tried as best I could to answer them.

There are a couple over there that seem pretty heavy handed with the lock button and get off tossing around the "banned camp" threat:rolleyes:

There are some really good folks over there, but some of the rules are just assbackward:rofl1: Thats what happens when $$'s involved:(

Now...more pics!:thumbsup:
Just for the record, this site will ALWAYS be for the members. Sponsors and advertisers are a nice perk, but it's the members that make a site. If there is ever a conflict here between sponsors and members, I will side with the members. And if I ever forget this promise, you all can show up on my doorstep and beat my ass to a bloody pulp. :ack2:
Rich Z said:
Just for the record, this site will ALWAYS be for the members. Sponsors and advertisers are a nice perk, but it's the members that make a site. If there is ever a conflict here between sponsors and members, I will side with the members. And if I ever forget this promise, you all can show up on my doorstep and beat my ass to a bloody pulp. :ack2:

Save to file: RICHZ :hehehe: :hehehe: :lmao: :thumbsup:
Rich Z said:
Just for the record, this site will ALWAYS be for the members. Sponsors and advertisers are a nice perk, but it's the members that make a site. If there is ever a conflict here between sponsors and members, I will side with the members. And if I ever forget this promise, you all can show up on my doorstep and beat my ass to a bloody pulp. :ack2:

Noted! :lmao:
2Vettes said:
I really like the second picture where they have it all black and white while leaving Cameo in color. Nice touch.
I see nothing wrong with these pictures, either.

I was messing around with that feature on Photoshop yesterday. Here is a pic of a flower from a Frangipani tree (used to make Hawaiin Leis) that I have in my backyard.

The only thing offensive to me reagarding those photos is the fact that I couldn't be there to witness the shoot in person!!!!:banghead:

Regarding the photoshop comments, can someone tell me where to find the function in photoshop to create the B&W/Color effect? I have Ver. 7.0.


Last edited:
dajael said:
Regarding the photoshop comments, can someone tell me where to find the function in photoshop to create the B&W/Color effect? I have Ver. 7.0.

It's under image-adjustments and you can either do desaturation or Hue/Saturation and just slide the Saturation bar all the way to zero.

I like that affect. Very nice. Thanks for posting the flower. I've got photohop elements but haven't gotten through the classroom in a book yet. :shrug01: So, I'm just a beginner in the photo editing world
G has no problem with his girlfriend Cameo shooting a few pics.

Have no idea why the "Mod Police" there would.:shrug01:

I personally think, they were tastefully done.:thumbsup:

gsjack said:
G has no problem with his girlfriend Cameo shooting a few pics.

Have no idea why the "Mod Police" there would.:shrug01:

I personally think, they were tastefully done.:thumbsup:


It's not the "Mod Police." Please refer to my previous post. It's the site OWNERS and ADMINISTRATORS, not the moderators.
I was pretty vocal on the "babes section" thread, but kept running afoul of a few people that had either been around longer than me or held moderator/adminstrator positions, that opposed it; however, the biggest opposition came from the owner, Troy.
Not all of the mods opposed it. One of the "complaints" or concerns of the admin was the difficulty in moderating the site so it didn't get out of hand. If people would have used some common sense in the 1st place and not posted nudes or commercially available models, and kept it to things like wives, girlfriens or personal models such as G's, the Babes Section would still be up and running:(

The mods are just enforcing the rules the board sets.

I'm not defending the MODS, just stating some fact some may not be aware of.

I like the openess of this board myself. Hope it gets more active.
I just went back and looked at the pic G posted on the CF. Other than stretching it by claiming the "pose" was "sexuallly suggestive":rolleyes: there's absolutely NOTHING in either of those 2 shots that violates the TOS/Guidelines for the Corvette Forum.

The last I looked (they were taken down for a while for revamping:hehehe: ), the guidelines forbid:

-nipples, genital areas/full/partial nudes, belly buttons (can you believe that one-ala the 20', 30's) and various forms of cleavage:hehehe: and sexually suggestive position.

None of the above are visable and to assume the position she's in is "sexually suggestive", screams of a narrow minded, puritanistic attitude:(

Having met and talked with Frank (Mr. Mojo over there), that just doesn't sound like him. Nor does the "shut your mouth" comment. To me, thats simply out of line for a moderator. Whoever it was, obviously had a maturity issue or, let the matter get to far out of hand and lost control. Either way, it's a sad commentary.

Frank is very well centered and from what I can tell, very controlled and easy going. If it was him, I'm surprised. Maybe he was just having a bad day?

Either way, whoever the mod was, he/she might be glad the lady wasn't in the "normal riding position" for that type of bike....the mod would have really lost a nut over that one:lmao:
I got a thread locked down over at CorvetteForum because I simply described the thrill of "going up through the gears" which one of their moderators interpreted as me describing "street racing". I didn't know one could race myself but according to him that's what I was doing.

I apologized for posting that cause I had no friggin' clue how sensative of a site it could be. Yet, I see others, and there's a multiple page thread on there right now, that is MUCH more closer to a street racing thread than what I said.

I see many occasions over there where "what is good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander". Bias plays a big role over there.

I only hang in the C2 section which apparently isn't nearly as controversial as the C5 section can be.

I think this site is just great. We seem to moderate ourselves pretty well and I can't think of anything off the top of my head that could even be considered as controversial, except Rich's pets.....:rofl1: :rofl1:
Formula Outlaw said:
So what ARE the limits on posting pictures???????

Not that I condone nudity or anything like that....:rolleyes: ;) :) :thumbsup:

Haven't really given it much thought nor consideration. I'm not really a prude, but have stumbled upon pictures that I really wish I hadn't seen. :ack2:

I think a nebulous rule of just "good taste" should be the guiding light. Which, of course, is a HUGE gray area. But let's just leave it at a basic rule of thumb that if I have a photo posted here, and a half dozen or more members object to it (or I do so personally), then it will be removed. No more penalties then that, unless someone gets obsessive over their posting.

Heck, I like a good dose of "retinal massage" as well as any guy, but there should be limits on a publicly accessible message board such as this. As far as drawing the line between tasteful "art" and pornography, I guess the best description I have ever heard was "you really can't describe it in detail, but you will know it when you see it".

Does that sound fair enough?