• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

A note about registering on this site

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Please note that when you register, an email is sent to your registered email address that contains a link within it that you MUST click on in order to verify that your email address is valid and working. Unless and until you do that, you are in kind of a limbo state here. You can read messages, but you will be unable to post anywhere. This is in place to try to keep the number of spammers down that have been hitting on all of the message board sites lately.

This feature can be an issue with some ISPs because some of them (such as EarthLink) have spam blocks in place that automatically block all emails from unknown senders unless they go through a challenge process. Quite honestly, I cannot take the time to do that, so if your ISP utilizes this sort of process, you will need to put rich@corvetteflorida.com into your list of acceptable email addresses. Otherwise, your registration will NEVER be completely processed.

Also, some ISPs (such as Yahoo), seem to automatically throw all vBulletin based messages into a SPAM or BULK MAIL folder, so if you have registered and not received the verification email, you may need to check in those folders for that email so you can complete this process.

I have set it up so that all members who are in this "limbo" state of registration have their member name displayed in gray as an easy method for you to check your status if you are having problems posting here. You can see the list of members presently logged in at the bottom of the main page of this site at any time. So if YOUR name is grayed out, then you will then be able to determine what the problem is and why you can't post messages here.

Of course, if you are having problems with any part of this system, simply use the CONTACT US, link at the bottom of the page and give me as many specific details as possible about what the problem is, and I'll take a look for you.

Please note that I review all new registrations on this site when I see they are in the limbo state (registered but email NOT confirmed). What I do is make a judgement call on whether the email address LOOKS like the member may be a legitimate Corvette enthusiast or not. Those who appear to be legit and perhaps are just having problems with their ISP passing through the verification email, I manually pass through to get them on here. Those that look suspect, well, they just die on the vine and cannot post here.

Couple of times I made a mistake and a spammer has gotten on here, but when noticed (please note you CAN notify me if you find a spammer before I do), I delete all their spam, and either ban them or delete their account completely.

So if you are in "limbo", please contact me about your situation.

Just a fyi, I made a couple of the prompts during registration as mandatory entry fields. I think this will help out quite a bit with the spammers registering here and spewing their crap before I can get around to deleting them. The two mandatory registration fields are Location (just because I think that is valuable info for us to know about everyone, and Where did you hear about CorvetteFlorida? (just because I want to know. I sure wish someone would say they saw my vettes around town with the decals and that prompted them to check out the site and join up. :rolleyes: Would make me feel putting that lettering on was worthwhile... )
