• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Business/Organizational dates?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
I was looking at the CruisinCorvettes website with the intention of putting some dates on the calendar here, and also referring to a page handed out at the last Whataburger cruise in for the dates listed there for the organizational meetings. Connie is interested in coming to these meetings and hopes to help out, so she has been asking me to check on the dates for her. So I did, and we are confused....

On the site, there is a business meeting listed as so:

Which puts the meeting at tomorrow night.

However, on the page we were given, which lists the Organizational meetings for the next 5 months, it shows the meeting to be on October 19th. Now this is confusing enough, but the text on the page states that "Organizational meetings will be held the third thurs of the month at the Rose and Thorn Restaurant in front of the Tallahassee Car Museum at 7pm."

So now I'm not sure not only WHEN the meeting is, but WHERE.... Not to mention that the 19th is actually a Friday, and not a Thursday.

I guess I should mention that the 16th of November shown on this same page for the November meeting is ALSO a Friday...

So...... I would love to be able to put all this on the calendar on this site, but I just don't know what dates are real.

If the next meeting IS actually tomorrow night (Thursday), we probably can't attend again, since we can't move around the employee schedule at this late date. :shrug01:

The sheet you have is for the March 8th car show committee mtgs, sorry about the mix up on the dates, they are on Thurs nite, the third one of the month at Rose and Thorn.
The monthly club mtg is at PoBoy's the first Thurs. of the month
Hope to see you there!
Alas, we missed this month's business meeting. Connie wanted to re-arrange the schedules of our workers so we could make it, but didn't realize it had snuck up on us that quickly. Maybe next month......
