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How has the gasoline price crunch affected your driving habits lately?

How are gasoline prices affecting your driving habits?

  • Don't drive at all and use public transportation until this ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Well, gasoline prices are shooting through the roof and there really doesn't seem to be any end in sight. So I'm just curious to see how this may be affecting everyone's driving habits. Is it making an impact in your lifestyle?
I don't go out much during the week. Back and forth to work. Except for Doctor's or Dentist appointments, I usually only run errands on the way home or to work. Keep in mind I work at night. I drive as little as possible during the peak traffic times. Except for an occasional cruise, I don't even take the Z out on my days off (They are during the week). When I actually get any, we use my wife's car. I've been working 6 and 7 days a week. I can get one tank of gas to last almost two weeks.

Honestly not one bit. Perhaps when it reaches higher prices such as $4.00/gallon I might drive a bit more gas-conscious...right now I try not to let it affect me, however. At the end of the year it's not going to add up to enough to where I would want to not drive the way I do. Right now I'm paying mid to high $30's for gas per week in my Audi (requires 93)...with the Vette it's going to be a jump from that.
I have a company car so I only put a few thousand miles a year on the car anyway. I average from 2500-5000 a year. 95% of my use is fun or relieving the "itch" to feel the acceleration beneath my seat.:)
I dont even look at gas prices. It's not like I'm not going to buy gas and the oil companies know this.
I'm little lighter on the pedal and doing the 1-3-5 shift deal sometimes.
No, I haven't backed off driving. It's still cheap entertainment all things considered, and driving the Z is entertainment for me. I don't use it for a beater. I hate what the petroleum companies and the speculators are doing to gas prices though. I drive a lot in my work. I am a real estate appraiser and real estate sales associate, so I'm out everyday driving Sarasota and surrounding counties. I really think about the gas I'm burning driving for my work. But, when I get in the vette and go for a spin, I don't give it much thought. Best money I can spend. Figure it this way, just pleasure driving, I might burn $25. a week, maybe a little more. But hey, most enjoyable $25. I spend in a week. I know to some extent the petroleum industry is counting on my continued use of their product, I will do what I can to conserve when I'm working and running to the store for something, but I drive the Z as much as ever and will continue to do so.

with the Vette it's going to be a jump from that.

Zach, if you can keep your foot out of it you will be surprised how the vette compares to the Audi. 28 to 30 MPG is not an unreasonable expectation :)
exile said:
Zach, if you can keep your foot out of it you will be surprised how the vette compares to the Audi. 28 to 30 MPG is not an unreasonable expectation :)

Considering I do quite a bit of highway mileage, if I drive like a normal human being I'll get great mileage!

My Audi is rated at something like 22 MPG city/ 25 highway...I was suprised to see that I get just a little under 20 when I'm driving it hard all the time.
To me, my Vettes are cheaper than seeing a shrink. So no, do not even really look at the price of gas.
If i want to play, i need to pay anyway.

Heck, and I thought I was just being a jerk because I didn't give a flip about the cost of gasoline either. Otherwise I would be de-tuning the engine to be able to run the regular gasoline in the Z.

I do so little driving anyway, that I suppose it's not going to make that much of a difference either way. But I am glad that the wife and I got rid of our full sized Broncos we had when we first moved down here. They would have been eating us alive by now guzzling the gasoline like they did.

But still, you have to wonder how these gas prices are going to affect a lot of other things.
Rich Z said:
But still, you have to wonder how these gas prices are going to affect a lot of other things.

I've been doing a little too much wondering lately. I'm writing a detailed research paper on something very closely related - peak oil.
Sure is filtering down thru the cyclical side of the economy, fertilizer, steel, plastics, aluminum, etc.
Really most industrial compamies are really passing on the increases to consumers.

Well it has got to worry you some. Civilization uses an enormous amount of this non-renewable resource every day and ALL of the future supply is based on hopes and projections. The tap COULD run dry any day, and THEN what?

But I don't expect anything to be done until the crisis hits.

Years ago when the wife and I were thinking about moving to Tampa, we subscribed to the Tampa Tribune and had it sent to us up in Maryland. One day there was a really interested article published in that paper where someone had dug into the financials of all of the members of Congress. Guess what? Nearly all of them were stock holders in the various and sundry oil companies! Would you REALLY expect them to vote in a manner that would reduce the value of their stock holdings? I don't think so..........
Rich Z said:
Well it has got to worry you some. Civilization uses an enormous amount of this non-renewable resource every day and ALL of the future supply is based on hopes and projections. The tap COULD run dry any day, and THEN what?

But I don't expect anything to be done until the crisis hits.

Years ago when the wife and I were thinking about moving to Tampa, we subscribed to the Tampa Tribune and had it sent to us up in Maryland. One day there was a really interested article published in that paper where someone had dug into the financials of all of the members of Congress. Guess what? Nearly all of them were stock holders in the various and sundry oil companies! Would you REALLY expect them to vote in a manner that would reduce the value of their stock holdings? I don't think so..........

NOOOOOO Whay would they care? They don't pay into SS either, and after 1 simple 4yr term they are set with retirement for themselves and their spouse for LIFE !
By the way ZACH, how did you quote only 1 line out of the whole statement in your post #10? I can only quote the whole thing, and not just a point I would be commenting to.
Hey Rocket, if I may answer for Zach. Highlight the line you want to quote, go to the little page looking thingy at the top of the "Reply to Tread" box. It sits next to the "Insert Image" thingy. When you click on it, the curser will be flashing between the words "Quote" in your message. Just right click and paste.............Tom;)
Yes sir...or you can just copy and paste whoever's text and put it between two quote brackets like so (without the spaces!):

[ q u o t e = Z a c h ] C o r v e t t e F l o r i d a . c o m i s c o o l ! [ / q u o t e ]
Will show up as
Zach said:
CorvetteFlorida.com is cool!
Learned something new. I usually just quote the whole thing, then delete what I don't want to quote.
lol the vette does better on gas (even goin balls to the wall) then my jeep on idle. i dont mind prices at all.