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Z06 Rocket 05-07-2006 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by SebringBill
It's my understanding that laser isn't allowed at night as the beam could temporarily blind the driver.

Naw, It's not visible to the naked eye. It is not the same as a red dot laser pointer someone might use for presentations on a board or wall.

06 C6 05-24-2006 10:34 PM

I have a Valentine One and will never have anything else. Believe it or not, it'll often catch the radar signal 2 miles out. Plenty of time to back off. I like it best because of the arrows. It'll tell you if the signal is in front of you ( and how many) or behind you. Costs a little more than the others, but WORTH it.

Rich Z 05-25-2006 12:18 AM

I have heard some people complain that the Valentine gives too many false warnings. Has that been the case for you? Are you in a more rural area or in an area more heavily populated?

MADN3SS 05-25-2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rich Z
I have heard some people complain that the Valentine gives too many false warnings. Has that been the case for you? Are you in a more rural area or in an area more heavily populated?

Definitely a lot of false warnings! If you drive by most grocery stores it will set it off. It will indicate that it is getting 2 signals, one for the in door and one for the out. On the all bogeys mode, which has no filtering, I can't even use it around town. Way too many signals. I turn mine on advanced logic, which gets rid of some, but not many. On my normal route to and from work, I just had to memorize where it goes off and how many signals it detects. I just have to pay attention to the number to see if it rises by one. Kind of a pain in the azz. On the highway, I just keep it on all bogeys mode. I do love the arrows though. One of the only things going for it. And the fact that if they make any upgrades to future detectors, that you can send yours in for the upgrade instead of buying a new one.

06 C6 05-25-2006 06:41 PM

Rich...I have my Valentine in my Corvette 24/7. To be honest, the main time I use it is on the road. Virtually ALL radar detectors will be going off anywhere in the populated areas...any time you pass Target, Walgreens, CVS, etc.
I use mine primarily when I'm on the highway. It's unsurpassed for distance...(mine picks up the signal as much as 2 miles away). I was reluctant to spend the money initially; now, I feel that it's worth every penny.
06 C6

Rich Z 05-25-2006 06:48 PM

Well one part of me says I should get one, simply because I like all sorts of technological gizmos. And yes, maybe it may save me from a speeding ticket some day. But the other part of me is reluctant. It's just another gizmo distraction I have to worry myself about. And honestly, my track record with getting things that meet up to my expectations is kind of poor. I'm getting tired of spending money on stuff that is not debugged, has poor quality control, or just doesn't work like some sane person designed it. So yeah, I'm getting gunshy about buying stuff, I guess. I guess this latest fiasco with the Diablo Predator (in another thread), is leaving a foul taste in my mouth.

MADN3SS 05-25-2006 08:52 PM

Another thing....there is no mute button. That gets annoying. I unplug it a lot!

exile 05-25-2006 09:10 PM

OK, I have stated this earlier but here goes again. Radar detectors work very well. There are some extreme circumstances where a cop can bag you before you know he's there, but as stated, it's rare. The radar used mostly in most areas is K/Ka band. The more sophisticated radars are too expensive for the cops to use extensively. So for me, 99 out of a hundred times I'm hit by radar it's from K band. My detector lets me know way ahead of time there's a cop up the road with radar. I check my speed, most of the time I'm good, but occasionally I'm a little over. When I'm feeling a little frisky with another vette or stang, if my radar detector is quiet, I have a little more liberty and am more apt to play.
You can still get caught. You can get caught with laser, instant-on, or just plain visual. But a radar detector is very liberating on the road. I've got so comfortable with mine I am uncomfortable without it, say when I'm driving the Jeep or someone else's car. Yes, there are false warnings, but you get used to the behavior of the detector after a while and know when the alarm is false. I mentally tune out false reading and the only time it bothers me is at a long stop light or if I have someone riding with me and we are talking. Then I turn it down or off. I know when a cop is approaching by the way the warning builds. Goes from a low reading and low audio warning and builds up rapidly. That's a police cruiser up ahead. What's my speed?
You can't go wrong with a good detector. It cost less than one speeding ticket and it can save your bacon many times over. It's a great gismo in my opinion and I won't be without one till I'm old and creeping along in my Cadillac. I don't know it's in the car till it's needed.......Tom

sigarms 05-25-2006 10:34 PM

Rich-I have two radar detectors one at each end of the price range. My Valentine1
is good and may be the best but it's expensive. I use it only on the interstates and in town it's stored in the vette tray behind the seats and covered.
The other unit is a Whistler 1730 www.buyradardetectors.comunder Whistler and believe it or not it's $39.00 at WalMart(WallyWorld). It's for the daily driver and it picks up a lot of signals but it will go bezerko crazy when it gets hit by a real radar gun. I leave it plugged in all the time. It saved me 3 tickets in one day several years ago.
If you have never had a detector before buy one of these cheap ones and see if you like having something on your dash and it may save you a tix at the same time.
You mentioned you like Techno Gizmos. Start a thread and list the stuff you have and the stuff you like.. WiFi hotspot finder. Actron code reader

Rich Z 05-26-2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by sigarms
You mentioned you like Techno Gizmos. Start a thread and list the stuff you have and the stuff you like.. WiFi hotspot finder. Actron code reader

Oh the gizmos cover a wide range of stuff. Laser range finder, major audio doodads (Heil air motion transformers, equalizers, sound pressure meters), electronic measuring instruments for my lathe and milling machine, chronograph for my shooting hobby, digital powder scale and trickler, miniature security cameras, digital game camera, all kinds of computer stuff, etc., etc........ I'm actually surprised I have NEVER owned a radar detector before. Even in the days with my GTO.

I guess I am reluctant to see the "raised eyebrow" look from the wife when she sees a radar detector in the Z. "Uh huh.... thinking you may need that, huh?" :toetap05: :rolleyes: The other day when she came home from work, she asked me "Anything exciting happen here today?" And I said "Oh yeah.........." So she comes back immediately with "You get a speeding ticket today?" So I think she is expecting that......

Hmm, thinking back, I'll bet it's been at least 20 years since I have had a speeding ticket....... (trying to knock on wood, but not sure this compressed particle stuff will suffice....)

So most of you seem to like the Valentine, eh?

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