• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Where Have All the Posters Gone

I really enjoy the big Corvette forum! I never had any problems with any of the mods over there, thete is always something to talk about and lots of action.

Just agree to follow the forum rules and all will be fine.
Could not be said any better :dancer01:
Rich Z said:
...But in any event, any suggestions on how to make things better here concerning participation? How do you suggest we get participation in order to attract participation?


Solutions? Suggestions? You made the statement, now offer up some solutions:thumbsup:

See, as we all know, it takes INPUT to make a forum move. That INPUT isn't generated by watchers.

You can not force people to post!
all replies in RED

Shadow;61468[B said:
Bostons last Tuesday?
What happened there?
Never saw a word about it on here?


probably because you run around the net bashing me and then call me asking how long we are gonna be at an event..if you hate us CF members so much why would you want to hang out with us??? you think I came to Guru....yeah I heard....to funny....alot of people are tired of it G...not just me....let it go. Even Andy is tired of the bitching about CF over there as are the Mods/Admins on DC....funny no one comes to CF and complains about getting banned on any other Corvette site.

Although each of the aforementioned sites have thier forte', none of them provide me with the local input I recieve here:NoNo:

None of them provide me with the friendships I've made here:thumbsup:nor do they provide me with the ability to actually meet many of the members through out the year.


Even the formerly HUGE CorvetteForum failed in that regard.

formerly?? 100 new registrations a day

I had to keep checking back into the section, missed a lot of posts or got them late

because it moves.....almost 200K registered members

The averages are much better here:thumbsup: but we need the people to start posting, responding to the threads and begin starting new ones:dancer01:

You'll find here that even though we may disagree, there's little if any "moderation", "editing", "locking" or any of the other free speech issues you'll find on some sites. There is some as we recently saw, but not nearly as much:thumbsup: Maybe thats a bad thing? Maybe it's a good thing? Time will tell.

Low activity...nothing to do....

What we're NOT is a COMMERCIAL SITE . As such we don't rely on sponsors or vendors to stay up and running.:thumbsup:

hence low activity
and another thing when the Roadhouse forum starts tripping work filters and people get blocked at work your posting is gonna drop too....but like I said WTF do I know :wavey:
...Take a look below:
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 421
Rep Power: 7

Over 761 days on board and 421 posts?

I'd guess that elsewhere your post count is likely up in the stratosphere:thumbsup:

There's a lot going on. Shows, events, cruises, parties, gatherings, etc, etc, etc, but if no one informs anyone and no one posts about them, nothing's going to happen:(

Yes my post count there is up there on the other site.. For the 1st several years many post were about many issues I had with my Vette. And trying to keep it on the road. Well before 2006). Over this time I have made many friends there. I became an events Coordinator there and doing a lot of the back scenes work for the St Jude fundraiser.
FLORIDA[/B] owners and as such, could be a much greater resource than just about any general "section" on any of the major forums. You don't have to search for it, you don't have to sift through everything from Florida to South Carolina, and many of us are truly local to one another:thumbsup:

Yes so this board will move slower. I can not tell you why it does not move. What I do know is that my club with 250+ members are encourage to come here! For some reason most of them don’t. Jim Kill tells them at every show and meeting about this board, he appears to be the events coordinator for here, so I will not step on his toes..

Also there are event sections. A lot of my post are in Southeast. Hell I even have post in southwest now, since I went to Texas for a St. Jude Event. I also post in off topic. This area is very active and will not trigger corporations to block this site.

Now on to the "RoadHouse" section. I believe this will trip corporate sensors. but of course I do not know. I fell this type of section has not place on a Corvette Board. I understand you have to want access to it, but just the fact people know it is there. :thumbsdown:
As we can see from this, there's room on the internet for everyone. Some places just haven't caught on to that concept or are too worried about the almighty dollar $$$ to embace it:(
I will not quote all the forums you are marketing here again. Yes there is room for everyone, some will always be more active than others and we may never know why....
This is a great place for FLORIDA CORVETTE OWNERS to meet:thumbsup:

Although each of the aforementioned sites have thier forte', none of them provide me with the local input I recieve here:NoNo:

None of them provide me with the friendships I've made here:thumbsup:nor do they provide me with the ability to actually meet many of the members through out the year.

Even CorvetteForum failed in that regard. I had to keep checking back into the section, missed a lot of posts or got them late as a result, and only had a handful of true friends on that site (as evidenced later):(

The averages are much better here:thumbsup: but we need the people to start posting, responding to the threads and begin starting new ones:dancer01:

The local motorcycle forum I am on is more active than the national one I am one. I think this is because many people are friends and have become close, but I really do not know why some forums become more active than others.

If you missed post on the other forum, you should have subscribed to the a particular thread (rather it was and event thread or just on Off Topic thread you were interested in) then you would have gotten e-mail everytime some one posted. If you did not want that; then you should have subscribed to it, so you have the link in e-mail then unsubscribe to it after 1 person responded.

I like speed ;), and to me if I post a thread and 1 hour later it has no post and goes to the 2nd or 3rd page, I am ok with that. On the other side, if I post a thread and several people rely then that is also good.
So...if you don't think the site "moves"...then stop complaining and help do something about it;)

Comments like that are counterproductive and do not help a site grow. :NoNo:

Instead, try being part of the solution;)


Not complain, I am responding to a thread ;). Comments like this are stating the truth, I do not think it is a secret that there is little activity here.

As I have said I do not have a solution, just observations from all the Forums I am on :wavey:.
well...not that anyone here gives a f*** about my opinion but when you narrow your scope of membership to one state and sponsor no events and have few supporting vendors whats to bring anyone here??? Since you don't want to run it as a business and like the small scale thats what you got. There are other small forums that have alot of activity but they sponsor/hold events and have vendors.

You need to relax man.
not that anyone here gives a f*** about my opinion...

A self defeating attitude doesn't help:(

Of course we care about your opinion as much as anyones, as long as it's stated in a positive manner in an effort to produce positive results:thumbsup:

The "membership" is narrowed particulary to CATER to the FLORIDA CORVETTE OWNER/enthusiast:thumbsup:
Thus the name: :thumbsup:

That was not done by accident. There are numerous sites on the internet that cater to the national and international crowds. :thumbsup:

We wanted something specific to us rather than just a section on a major forum. In effect, this has taken that "section" out of the other forums and placed it in a category all it's own. Easy to locate and access:thumbsup::thumbsup:

We're still fairly new and in the future, I'm sure there will be events. The problem is, since we're not a national forum, there's not a lot of use in sponsoring a Cruise In type event at say, Bowling Green, Ky. I'd rather leave that to the other forums to handle:thumbsup: Maybe in the future we can sponsor an event at a local shop or two:thumbsup:

We've done cruises to St. Augustine, had dinners and travelled to shows all over the place for the comaraderie. That's what the site is all about...the FRIENDSHIPS:thumbsup: I'm sure more will come

whats to bring anyone here???

Wow. That one I didn't expect:(

I guess if all one care about is $$$ then that's a pretty fair statement.

For me and many others here, it was the opportunity to meet and socialize with other corvette owners from FLORIDA:thumbsup: To meet new friends and aquaintences and attend more local events:thumbsup:

It was all about the comaraderie. The $$ never was an issue.

Since you don't want to run it as a business and like the small scale thats what you got

Why is not "running it as a business" a bad thing?

There are more than enough commercial corvette sites out there to fill the need:thumbsup:

It's kind of nice to have a place to go that is not dependent or focused on the almighty $$$.
It's more laid back, more open, and less anal about retaining members or the potential of upsetting someone over some insignificant BS:yesnod:

As well, since we're more a fraternal site vs. a for profit commercial site, and in as much as our sponsors are not paying $24000.00 / year to advertise:eek::lmao:( certainly not enough traffic here to command that), we're not going to have the funding to promote events as some others may.

There may come a time when we sponsor or co-sponsor a regiional event here in Florida.

But for the time being, most of us are content with our "little" dysfunctional family here. It'd just be nice to get the post up and a little more useful traffic.

Time will tell.

This site was designed not as a business but to allow the FLORIDA vette owner/enthusiast, a place to meet/greet and get together with other local vette owners.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

There are other small forums that have alot of activity but they sponsor/hold events and have vendors

Are they Vette sites? How long have they been around?

Please feel free to provide links to said forums. Maybe we can take some suggestions from them?

Any positive input is welcomed:thumbsup:
Looking forward to it.

Come on folks. This place is centrally located and near the interstate. Lets have a party at Anti Venom on the 14th!:dancer01::thumbsup:

There is a Charity poker run on this same day. (I know Jim has posted in the TBV section) Having 2 events on the same day (in one state), will not cause owners to meet each other, because they have to pick and event.
from the TBV calendar


Come join the Tampa Bay Vettes
Saturday June 14, 2008 - Rain or Shine
Raffles and Door Prizes !!!!

Discounts available at various stops where cards are dealt
All Proceeds will benefit the “Dream Factory of Florida” for children
$20 per car or bike - includes one lunch & one hand of poker
$10 extra for second poker hand – extra lunch can be purchased
(BBQ from the Smokehouse BBQ)
Meet at Ferman Building 9839 Adamo Drive
(Highway 60) Tampa, Florida 33619
Registration from 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Free coffee & Donuts, For more information call Doreen at 813-472-0892
probably because you run around the net bashing me and then call me asking how long we are gonna be at an event..if you hate us CF members so much why would you want to hang out with us??? you think I came to Guru....yeah I heard....to funny....alot of people are tired of it G...not just me....let it go. Even Andy is tired of the bitching about CF over there as are the Mods/Admins on DC....funny no one comes to CF and complains about getting banned on any other Corvette site.


You guys are too easy and way too predictable. Toss out a little chum and next thing ya know it's a pewter feeding frenzy:lmao:

You really need to chill out before you blow an anurism.

I'm not sure what drives you to feel the need to put dowm smaller sites, to consider them insignificant and to try to determine how they are moderated or administered?

Just stop being so defensive when it comes to the other forum dude.

I have no need to defend this one, why not try a similar approach?

Posting any more in reference to this matter is a waste of my time and energy. You will believe what you want and will defend the proverbial hand the feds you to to the dying end.

I'm not going to waste my time. I've asked you to meet in person and we could discuss this in it's entirety and hopefully work out any differences of opinion. You've failed to respond and to date, failed to come to the table.

I will comment on your response then, it's over!

Your "truths" don't hold water.

Why do you care or take the time to monitor other sites? CF is one of the largest (next to DC) sites on the net. Enjoy it and stop worrying about the competition.

I don't "run around the net bashing you" Get over yourself dude:rolleyes:You're just not that important.

If there's a thread regarding some (percieved) rediculous action that took place over there, we discuss it. If you're brought up, so be it. We reap what we sow bud.
I've let far more go than not simply because I'm tired fo hearing about it!
It's old hat.

Your allegation that I "hate" the forum (your words not mine) is rediculous, and unfounded.
There are a few people there that I no longer have use or respect for (not that it bothers them I'm sure), but i don't "hate" anyone. You're way off base making that allegation.

Even then, that would be no reason to keep the information regarding the dinners from the majority of the members here.

Remember, not everyone here (for whatever reason please) is a member there and not everyone can or wants to access that particular forum.

Heck, I've posted the same event on several forums over the years, just for that reason, saturation. The more that know the more that are likely to show up:thumbsup: The more the merrier. For me, it's about seeing a huge parking lot full of Corvettes and sitting down (or standing around) with friends that bear a similar interest. Not about which website has the most members:thumbsdown:

I've even STICKIED your posts here and placed the events on our calendar. Don't know what else I can do for you?:shrug01:

If thats the motive behind your action, then it was petit and immature.:thumbsdown:

The only time I've called you about the dinner was the time before last. I was trying to see if i could make it up there before you guys left. Wasn't going to happen. You were the only number I had in my phone. Sorry if it bothers you to ask? My bad. Don't worry, it won't happen again!

Although each of the aforementioned sites have thier forte', none of them provide me with the local input I recieve here

None of them provide me with the friendships I've made herenor do they provide me with the ability to actually meet many of the members through out the year

And you replied:

Unless you've become adept at mind reading, you have no way of validating that statement or response. My opinion is my opinion, not BS, thank you and facts are facts.

I've been involved in MUCH MORE interaction (the face to face kind) here than I ever did there or elsewhere, simply due to the demographics and specificity of the site.

I've never been to a DC gathering or a get together from the Valley. It's been here and the old forum that has had all the get togethers:thumbsup: If you want to consider that BS, then so be it???

Even the formerly HUGE CorvetteForum failed in that regard.

formerly?? 100 new registrations a day

Quality over Quantity I've always said. I've read some of the post...and the responses. SSDD.

The last time I checked, DC had more active members on any given day and generally more quality activity.
The newbies are just that...newbies. Do a google search and you'll generally find CF at or near the top. Thus the new registrations. It' s the first place they find.

During the exodus, some of the other sites (DC/Valley,etc) were experiencing new memberships in the double and triple digits. Guess where they were coming from? Just a fluke I guess?

A lot of those were Old timers, Lifetime Supporting Members and quality people that were simply fed up with the BS.

I had to keep checking back into the section, missed a lot of posts or got them late
because it moves.....almost 200K registered members

At the time it did. That's what I like about this place. Although it's somewhat slow at times, you don't miss much:thumbsup:

BTW, registered members....:shrug01: They don't drive a sites page count, just the numbers. Threads move the forum:yesnod: I've seen recently pages that barely turned over there. Not at all as it used to be.

The averages are much better here but we need the people to start posting, responding to the threads and begin starting new ones

You'll find here that even though we may disagree, there's little if any "moderation", "editing", "locking" or any of the other free speech issues you'll find on some sites. There is some as we recently saw, but not nearly as much Maybe thats a bad thing? Maybe it's a good thing? Time will tell.

you responded with:
Low activity...nothing to do...[/QUOTE]

Once again, you seem to take some perverse pleasure in trying to demean other sites:( If you'll reflect on some of your previous comments about this and other sites and some of the e-mails and pm sent to me, it's pretty obvious that you carry a good bit of disdain for the "smaller sites."
It's a sad but consistant commentary coming from you.

Could it be that we really just don't have the need or desire to monitor or control input here as some places? Why is that so hard to believe?

There's plenty that wouldn't last a post or 2 much less several pages at CF and some other sites.
We let people such as yourself, voice thier opinions freely. We sort of draw the line at outright vulgarity, but other than that...as you've been enjoyed the luxury of...you get to bash away:thumbsup:

What we're NOT is a COMMERCIAL SITE . As such we don't rely on sponsors or vendors to stay up and running.
Your response:
hence low activity

You just don't get it do you?:rolleyes: It's not what this place is all about.

Oh, and the Roadhouse? Not an issue. DC has had a BABES section for years and they're doing fine with the military, private sector commercial and other "filters".

you think I came to Guru....yeah I heard....to funny....alot of people are tired of it G...not just me....let it go.

Actions speak louder than words.

Even Andy is tired of the bitching about CF over there as are the Mods/Admins on DC....funny no one comes to CF and complains about getting banned on any other Corvette site

I speak with Andy on the phone off and on. I know what Andy is tired of.
It ain't just the forum complaining;)

Most of the us are tired of hearing the same thing about the other forum. Seems to be a redundant thread. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. But we have no control of those issues. We're tired of having people come there to complain. They do it because they have no other place to turn. When a person feels they've been wronged, they generally turn to family and trusted friends to vent.
If you voice a counter opinion elsewhere, as you've done here on several occasions here, the thread gets locked/edited and one may find themselves in Time out, having thier posts read before allowing them to be posted or worse, having your pm's monitored:( See the point?

Occasionally, you guys will lift a ban and the person having a short memory, will go back into the gene pool...until the next time...

funny no one comes to CF and complains about getting banned on any other Corvette site

Pretty well proves my point, thanks:thumbsup:

Finally, as I've said repeatedly and as you have ignored repeatedly, in many cases (yes-such as mine) the "offending party" was NEVER ADVISED of the "violation!"

It's difficult to change a persons behavior when they don't know what they did wrong? AS Chasz said, just follow the rules. Problem is, when you're not advised of a violation, it's kind of difficult to know what not to do.:NoNo:

I posted one day and the next day I go to log in and all I get is: "service denied." Date ban will be lifted" NEVER.

No ryme, reason or explanation? I still to this day i'm still in the dark. I have no idea why I was banned? Never insulted the mods/admins or IB and didn't disrespect the forum (such as you've done here repeatedly!).

I posted in a thread, I'm assuming someone got thier panties in a wad over something (no idea what?) and the thread was locked. Almost if not everyone involved in that thread was banned, and again, most if not all, have no idea why?

If there's any way you can consider that "justified", "fair", "adult" or "professional" then there's a much bigger problem.

But every time the questions been raised, you've tap danced around it like a damned ballerina, choosing to lodge derogatory comments toward this site, it's members on occasion and it's admin staff and moderators.

...and we allow it...until now.

Lately it seems you only show up when you can stir the pot or voice negative commentary regarding the forum and it's operation.

A much as I enjoy these little chats with you, I think I'm done.

I've stayed as far away from this next statement as I could over the last year to not appear to be airing sour grapes. I'm done:mad: My patience is at an end.

There will be no more discussion (from either one of us) regarding the way either of the forums are operated, moderated or administrated!

I'll give you the courtesy you and the admins at corvette forum failed to extend to me and many others.

If you continue to berate the site, it's members or staff, you'll get a vacation.

You're welcome to stay or leave, the chioce is yours.
As you've told people over there in the past, if you don't like it here, you're welcomed to leave. Don't let the door hit ya!

And despite appearances to the contrary, I still care about you as a brother in the LEO community and fellow corvette owner, and I'd still get up in the middle of a cold winter night to assist you if you needed help. I'm just tired of the rhetoric. Don't make me regret my decision.

If you ever decide to accept the olive branch, fine, we'll talk.
You're choice.:wavey:
There is a Charity poker run on this same day. (I know Jim has posted in the TBV section) Having 2 events on the same day (in one state), will not cause owners to meet each other, because they have to pick and event.
from the TBV calendar


Come join the Tampa Bay Vettes
Saturday June 14, 2008 - Rain or Shine
Raffles and Door Prizes !!!!

Discounts available at various stops where cards are dealt
All Proceeds will benefit the “Dream Factory of Florida” for children
$20 per car or bike - includes one lunch & one hand of poker
$10 extra for second poker hand – extra lunch can be purchased
(BBQ from the Smokehouse BBQ)
Meet at Ferman Building 9839 Adamo Drive
(Highway 60) Tampa, Florida 33619
Registration from 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Free coffee & Donuts, For more information call Doreen at 813-472-0892

Good point.

Jim is the moderator for the TBV section and I haven't been in there for a while. We have an events section and calendar. If it's on the calendar or the in the events section, it can be seen. If it's just in the TBV section, it's not going to get a lot of play from the outsde.

As a matter of fact, there are five (5) different events scheduled on the same date. Something for everyone:thumbsup:

Can we get everyone together at the same time for the same reason? Sure, but just like Cruise In and the Ultimate Corvette Party, there's always going to be a conflict with someone somewhere? At least this way, it gives people an option. We can always change the date of the BBQ, it's not set in stone. Each club has it's own agenda, each site has it's and everyone has thier own idea of what they want or have time to do.
There have been conflicting events at various times on all the other forums. Can't control the world.

Thanks for the heads up:thumbsup:
Ok G......the truth is out there for anyone who wants to look..they know where just make sure they search under your other forum name on the other sites.
I know they know because they emailed me the links

The reason you were banned was given to you as why you were allowed back.

Without going into specifics

Personal attacks 11/10/07

Bashing of Corvetteforum/IB/Moderators 12/20/07

Restored 12/27/07

Restored on promise to abide by Forum rules, stop posting disruptive threads and make peace with pewter 99.

Criticism of Moderation 2/19/08

none of these user notes were posted by me....

as for this

During the exodus, some of the other sites (DC/Valley,etc) were experiencing new memberships in the double and triple digits. Guess where they were coming from? Just a fluke I guess?

we didn't ban but less than 20 people ....most came back..we permanetly banned maybe.

anyway....my name was thrown out here and the references to LEO and IP masking were directed at me...


enough of wasting Richs bandwidth on this
Ok G......the truth is out there for anyone who wants to look..they know where just make sure they search under your other forum name on the other sites.
I know they know because they emailed me the links

The reason you were banned was given to you as why you were allowed back.

Without going into specifics
Personal attacks 11/10/07
Bashing of Corvetteforum/IB/Moderators 12/20/07
Restored 12/27/07
Restored on promise to abide by Forum rules, stop posting disruptive threads and make peace with pewter 99.

Criticism of Moderation 2/19/08

none of these user notes were posted by me....

as for this

During the exodus, some of the other sites (DC/Valley,etc) were experiencing new memberships in the double and triple digits. Guess where they were coming from? Just a fluke I guess?

we didn't ban but less than 20 people ....most came back..we permanetly banned maybe.

anyway....my name was thrown out here and the references to LEO and IP masking were directed at me...

enough of wasting Richs bandwidth on this

I guess you didn't believe me when i said enough was enough?

Feel free to search anywhere one cares:

Here ya go:

Streetknight-Corvette Forum
Shadow-Corvette Florida/Corvette-Guru/CorvetteActionCenter

See, I really have nothing to hide.

"They" huh? ok:rolleyes:
Without going into specifics
Personal attacks 11/10/07
Bashing of Corvetteforum/IB/Moderators 12/20/07
Restored 12/27/07

...was a joke!

Instead of trying to be cryptic, please feel free to be specific. If I said something, you can danged well believe I meant it!! And I don't hide behind curtains to do it and I could really care less who knows it.

I'm still not sure where they got the "personal attacks" on 11-10-07? unless it was my response to the newbie from Arizona with the macho attitude?
If that was it, so be it. I let his smart mouth get under my skin. BTW, if that was the case, I was still NEVER INFORMED as to "why" (specifically) I was banned, nor did I EVER recieve a warning about my "conduct." Frankly, I didn't see it as that bad. Seesm to me the lad simply bit off more than he could chew then went whining to the mods/admins when someone set his butt straight. But what do I know?

Regardless, I was NEVER informed. If you were told otherwise, then you were misinformed.

The next ban on 12-20-07 was what I like to call, the political censorship ban:lmao:

IB had just purchaed the Forum and there was turmoil and lots of it. Even some of the mods had no idea this was happening until after it occurred.

When the members began to complain, regardless of what thier complaint may have been, the administration took an I don't care, don't complain attitude and tuned them out.
Instead of responding to members suggestions, complaints and inquiries, the forum admins and moderators chose to IGNORE THEM, and tell them to stop discussing the problems, percieved or otherwise.

I realize after while, the complaints became redundant. But that in itself should have tld you something?

Instead, they chose to ban/moderate anyone who disagreed with them or IB or spoke even remotely negative things about the takeover. A childish position at best.

If anything was mentioned about IB, the buyout, the site, the pop-ups, anything even resembling a critical statement (such as you've done repeatedly here), it was quashed!

Instead of acting like friends among friends, they chose to act like IB employees and totally tune out the long time forum members that were asking questions and making suggestions to improve the site.

One thing shone brightly through the entire ordeal...the forum administrators/moderators were totally unable to accept criticism, constructive or otherwise and had no interest in the concerns of the membership. It was all about the $$$$.

If you took the time to read all my post, not just the ones you (or whomever?) disagreed with, you'd be hard pressed to find many if any incidents of actual "bashing" on Corvette Forum.
In the steering committee section, which was a LIFETIME SUPPORTING MEMBER BENEFIT, which BTW, seemed more adrift than being "steered," there were a LOT of complaints. Everything from the pop-ups to the banning of long time members for absolute nonsense. Once again, the admins turned a deaf ear.
We had vendors (who pay upwards of 24k/year for the "priviledge" of being there) being upstaged in thier own threads, by pop-up ads offering the same or a similar part or service at a lesser cost!!!

The answer? Just have the vendor block the pop up so they (vendor) can't see it. This did nothing to resolve the problem, just masks the symptoms.

When the staff stops listening to it's members, things go badly. And they did.

You'll also find post after post where I tried to mediate, to ask the other members to give IB a chance to work out the bugs and make things work. Guess that qualifies as "bashing.":lmao:

BTW, If you notice, all of these alleged "violations" occured AFTER the IB buyout. Interesting if nothing else.

Restored on promise to abide by Forum rules, stop posting disruptive threads and make peace with pewter 99.

Thats correct:thumbsup:

Although I dont' recall a "disruptive thread" I agreed to "stop" anyway:lmao:
After the 1st ban, I spoke with Jim via pm (he too has no idea how to use a telephone:lmao:). We agreed that I'd not piss in anyones cornflakes and I abided by that agreement. For what it's worth, Jim is as hard headed as you if not moreso. And as narrow minded and one sided as they come. Typical newpaper person:rolleyes:(at least thats what I was told he did for a living?)

I told him that I'd tried to "make peace" with you, but you didn't seem too interested. I'm not going to kiss his or your backside to make peace. If you don't have what it takes to discuss our differences man-to-man in a professional manner, then that's not my problem.

I have always abided by the forum rules in the past and other than that one moment, never had an issue. I've always tried to positively contribute to the forum and assist anyone I could what what they needed. I've gone to the fundraisers in torrential downpours to honor a fallen member, and worked to help support St. Judes (which I now do on my own) Yet, how many years and how many posts later I'm a bad guy?? Lets just say my dance card was full:thumbsup::lmao: Along with beaucoup others in the same genre? See a pattern here? Eh, you probably don't.

I probably had less than 20 posts from the reinstatement until the next ban. I read and if there was something I could help a member with, I sent them a PM. I pretty much stayed off the forum and under the radar.

Then this:
Criticism of Moderation 2/19/08

Well, how 'bout that sparky! This is the 1st time since 2-19-08 that ANYONE has mentioned this:thumbsup: Musta been "classified", you know, FOUO:rofl1:

That was NEVER relayed to me by pm, e-mail and unless it's been added in the last few hours, doesn't appear on the ban notice when I tried to log in;)

And of course, I've seen you several times in person and you've yet to say a thing!

Now I'd ask you (or whomever?) to show me where I was "criticising moderation" which led to the ban?

My thought is your mods/admins are too thin skinned for your own good and too heavily ingrained in the IB lifestyle to know the difference between a statement and a criticism:rolleyes:

You "assume" too much and don't take time to listen (this isn't directed at YOU specifically but to the site in general).

BTW, while we're on the subject of PM's, it was brought to my attention by one of the former, long time and well respected moderators from there that now posts elsewhere, that reading (at least certain peoples) PM's had become routine:( If thats' true, the entire staff should be ashamed of themselves!!

And you wonder why there's a lack of respect?

I think you'll find that there were overall, well over 20 people banned, either permanently or temporarily or placed in moderation.

Sure some came back and some are still there. They talk about it all the time on the other sites, why they stay. They stay to read and check out the sale sections and GP's. Some also logged out and refuse to come back but I guess they're not missed.

The brain trust of the early model sectons went elsewhere as did the mainstay of the C4 section.

If you happened to go to DC, you'd have seen member after member after member from the CF signing on there and the intros were almost always the same:yesnod:Tired of the mods/admins/IB and the BS! Most of them went to and stayed in the OT section there.
But again I wouldn't expect you to see that.

anyway....my name was thrown out here and the references to LEO and IP masking were directed at me...

Funny you should come up with that particular (locked) thread. Guess that was sent to you as well?

Eh, it is entertaining reading.

You know, as with fingerprints, most people have a writing style that follows them. Certain words, phrases, punctuation, etc.

Yes, your name was thrown out...but not by me. If others saw the same thing then maybe there's something there????? Why would you have even known about this? Oh, that's right, "somebody" pm/e-mailed it to you.
All I can tell you is, if the shoe fits....

Ok, we've now that we've aired our differences publiclly, good or bad, for better or for worse, lets get back to the business of CorvetteFLorida.

One thing you'll find about me is I'm very blunt and straightforward. If I say something, it's because I mean it. I generally think things through before I say/type them, but like anyone esle, I'm human and on occasion something slips that shouldn't. Sue me!

As previously stated, I've offered several times to sit down with you and discuss these issues. It seems you're once again either being mislead or just plain shortsighted.

You have to take the TOTAL post and threads into consideration before you can really determine what was meant. Piecemeal such as this is for the most part, worthless.

You mentioned that "they" have sent you messages. Trust me when I tell you that I've gotten many complaints form current and former CF members regarding the site, the way they were treatetd and the moderators/admins.

I usually let them vent, tell them to forget about it or not go back and to move on.

I've been asked why you're here? I've even been asked why I have'nt banned you?

My response? Simple.
You have a RIGHT to be here and speak your piece and haven't done anything "to" be banned.

I'm not "after" you nor am I "stalking" you as you once surmised:rofl1: Thats just paranoia.

As far as CF goes, I've supported that forum for years and paid to do so. I've also gone out of my way to promote it. To be treated like that was uncalled for and certainly not the way I'd treat a "friend."

Finally, yes, after that last "you're outta here" with no explanation, I was angry!!
And yes, I've voiced my dispeasure regarding the site, IB, you, Jim, some other mods and even Jesse who until now I've considered a close friend:( in the past. I don't retract anything. Everything I said was either justified and/or backed up with fact.

It wasn't said on CF so it's really no ones business. If "people" from other sites are sending you e-mails/pm's about it, then I feel sorry for them:( But it's nothing I wouldn't say to your (or anyone elses) face.

It lasted a brief while and it was over. Out of my system and on to greener pastures.
I have no time, energy or desire to carry on that negativity. It is what it is and what it is, is counter productive.:thumbsdown:

But coming on here and bashing our site and it's administration/moderation is not and will not be tolerated any longer.

If you want to help and assist us with our growth, please feel free to join in. You assistance will be greatfully accepted. If not, then please refrain from the negative diatribes and innuendos.

If there are other issues, please feel free to pick up the phone, you have my number. If you want to talk, once again, I'll be happy to sit down with you and we can attempt to clear the air.

I won't accept or respond to anymore of your irrational, demeaning or condescending PM's.

As CF has in thier "rules", (PP) on occasion a member may become so obnoxious that they may be banned for no other reason...

The matter is CLOSED:wavey:
Gentlemen, this thread is about traffic on THIS site, concerning why it is low, and perhaps how it can be made better. This thread is NOT about personal disagreements nor is it about and perceived deficiencies or problems with one or more other sites.

For the record, I really don't care how active and successful some other site is. I really don't care that this site will never get as big. And I really don't care that this site will never make me rich nor famous. I wanted this site to bring us ALL closer together and be a place where all the members will hopefully consider everyone else as their friends.

This site is here for people who want to use it and come here for whatever reasons that please them. If we don't provide something they want, then certainly they can go elsewhere in their search. This site was founded in the hopes it would help Corvette enthusiasts who live in or visit Florida have a place where they can contact FRIENDS 24/7 for whatever they want to talk about, with full knowledge that nearly everyone here is reasonable close by and maybe even a neighbor. If the fact of the matter is that many have nothing to talk about for a stretch, then that is fine, too. We'll be here when they decide to come back to rejoin us when they want to.

Commercial sponsors are great, and I appreciate their help and support, but I have made it clear from the beginning that that is not what this site is all about. This site is NOT focused on the pursuit of making money. This site is not like many of the other Corvette sites in that I do not hold anyone hostage for their wallet before they can talk about their business here. We do not delete posts or threads that someone who is NOT a paying sponsor may want to expose to a targeted audience like this, and force them to fork over the dollars before posting their product or services info. Yes, this is a disincentive for paying advertisers, since they can certainly post for free, but that is irrelevant to ME. I really don't care, because I REALLY don't need their money to keep this site going. Their contributions are all VOLUNTARY, and as such viewed as their willingness to help this site to survive without being REQUIRED to do so. THAT is the way I want them to feel about this site, and THAT is the way I want our members to recognize that effort on their part towards this site. They are HELPING us out VOLUNTARILY and out of the goodness of their heart.

So in a nut shell, this site is BY and FOR Florida Corvette enthusiasts and as such I personally welcome everyone, without a required toll booth, to discuss items of interest, whether personal or commercial in nature, to this target audience.