Thread: Privacy
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Unread 03-02-2011, 01:34 PM   #14
Rich Z
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Originally Posted by Bob K View Post
Why don't you tell us cause I don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Ok guys, relax, please....
Let's not turn another thread into a pissing contest
There are other forums more suitable for that

Then rather than all the innuendo, why don't you just tell him the "WHOLE story"

Here, let me do it for you.
Maybe this will clear the air, the other members (not like they'll particularly care) will know the truth, and maybe, just maybe all the innuendo, supposition and cryptic commentary can cease and we can go back to being the somewhat dysfunctional family we've always been?

Ok, ready?
Here it comes!
(drum roll please)........
.....It's as simple as this:

About a year ago, Bob started working with my company, heading up a Florida East Coast operation that I'm attempting to get off the ground.
A whole lot of busy work and not a lot of $$$ flow at the moment, but I pray that changes shortly.

ok....that's it.
The cat's out of the bag.

Now maybe everyone can breathe a bit easier knowing the numbers to the secret decoder ring

Why lash out at Rocket for his question?
Do you really believe we're all in collusion against you?
If that's the case, we might want to keep an eye on that new C6Flatfoot character too
I mean after all, he's a LEO, he did post just after Bob posted the thread, and a little before me, and he's at least in the same geographical area as Bob!

I think Rockets' comment: ...was well taken.

I'd like to know too?
Why continue to lash out and make snide comments?
As for the topic, it was Bob's choice. I had nothing to do with it and no prior knowledge.

It's simple.
For whatever reason, Bob posted a legitmate question in the form of a thread.
He placed the thread in the correct location, didn't point fingers, and left it open ended, requesting our opinions on the matter.

Rocket would have had no way of knowing (or reason to believe) that Bob had any other "motive" than to ask a question and await a response. If nothing else, it's traffic
There really doesn't need to be a "motive" behind everything.
I'm not sure how you came about the conclusion that "it (who is "it" BTW?) brought the topic" from another thread?
You're claiming that "someone brought the topic" here.
Isn't that what the board is for?

To clear the air even more, Bob doesn't consult me on non-work related matters.And he danged sure doesn't consult me prior to posting!
He has this thing called...uh, what was it?
Oh yea, FREE WILL, which in theological terms is simply the ability to make ones own decisions and screwup at will

As for my response, it was just that, a response.
Nothing more "sinister" than that.
Just my "opinion" on privacy matters.

The way it works for me these days, is I log in, hit "new posts", check out the board for anything I want to respond to, then log off and go back to work.
I no longer remain logged in 24/7.

In this one, after quite a bit of thought, I gave him my "opinion" on the matter and left it at that.
I even considered not posting in the thread at all because I was afraid my appearance there might lead to just this sort of response.

It was you that responded, totally off topic, with the "lockstep" remark.
Was it necessary?

For the record, when Bob and I do have conversations, they generally go something like this:

I contact him when we have work in the area, and he contacts me with problems.
I contact him with legal matters and policy changes, and he complies. Pretty simple.
He contacts me with questions and I provide answers.
Other than that, our conversations generally hinge on business growth and marketing....pretty heady stuff right there

So to imply that there's any collusion between Bob and myself, or any other member of this website, for any ulterior motive, is pure nonsense!
It's simply not happening.
Thanks for listening.
Originally Posted by Bob K View Post
You got to be kidding me. This is what the 'collusion' is all about? I never would have dreamed that something in my personal life would cause comments on a message board to get so twisted. Let me go a step further.

We have met twice. Once for a business meeting and once at the 'Meet & Greet' for Andy. I do not cal you to discuss anything I'm going to post and when I do post it's my opinion and my opinion only. We've also had a couple of major pizzing contests concerning business but like most people do we've mended our fences and have a closer bond because it enabled us to understand each other better. Will we have more? Maybe. Will we work through it. Definitely

Let me sum up with a story I have heard.

I knew a guy that had to quit going to football games. Every time they got in a huddle he thought they were talking about him.
Really? Interesting....... I highlighted some of the more interesting statements in the above quotes, btw.

OK, so now that you guys have laid out your "facts", let me add another one.

Originally Posted by Bob K
Hey xxx,

I'm in Palm Bay so I can meet anytime, anywhere. We can mix a little business with pleasure. I have something to discuss with you.

Originally Posted by xxx
I only mix corvette business with pleasure.
Originally Posted by Bob K
OK, I just wanted to let you know about plans for a new website that you could advertise on and I just wanted to explain what Gordon and myself are doing.

Originally Posted by Rich Z

Can you tell me the actual time and date you got that original message from Bob K?


Rich Z.
Originally Posted by xxx
both 02/26
first at 9:23 am
second 7:70 pm
The above is a copy of a correspondence that I received from one of the sponsor/advertisers here. I removed references to his name as I do not want to drag him into the middle of this. I also made it more readable than the original PM format shows. But in my opinion I do believe that this puts a lot of this into proper perspective now.

If anyone is willing and able to put 2 and 2 together, then please do so. Those who are unwilling or unable to do so, well, that sort of leaves you still in the dark I guess. Sorry about that, but the picture is here, in my opinion, if you care to look.

Seriously guys, I don't care what you do, but I believe HOW you are doing it is really not all that "friendly" now is it? As I have mentioned, I have watched this sort of dance before and the dropped hints that were thought to be inside jokes at my expense really weren't as "inside" as you thought. I knew what was going on, just needed some confirmation. Did you really think that I was too stupid to know what you were up to and referring to with your innuendos?

Yeah, I know, I was just being paranoid and too sensitive to remarks made........

Good luck with your new site, fellas. But please keep in mind that I am under no obligation to help you in any way or allow you the use of this site in that manner.

And a friendly word of advice. Do NOT give me even the slightest excuse to ban the both of you. I hope I don't need to explain that... Most other admins would have banned you LONG ago for a whole lot less. And any belittlement either actual or implied towards me or this site from either of you will get deleted along with you being escorted out the door.

Peace, "my friends" and " my brothers".......
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