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Unread 09-17-2007, 11:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rich Z
So, what IS needed? I think there are as many opinions on that as there are in any other hot topic...
Thanks 85, and Rich, there are no steadfast answers to this long standing problem

There are opinions, many of which as 85 mentioned are not rooted in fact or experience.

I'm sure Ken could chime in on this as well with all his years in the trenches.

Although again, there are no answers, some things that could be done:

1) Enforce and support the penalties in place. Stop the BS probation and community service nonsense for violent crime. Stop allowing the state to accept a lesser included charge on a plea bargain, for the sake of expediency!!!

2) More officers/detectives assigned to U/C & federal task forces to combat the illegal flow of certain firearms, posession of said firearms by those no authorized, and more gang related investigations.

I hate to say it, but "crime prevention" isn't working

3) Instead of having sworn officers assigned to the damned P.R. unit (Crime prevention), assign Community Service Officers, civillian officers to those functions, speaking engagements and the like and make better use of the sowrn personnel available.

4) Use your reserve/auxilliary officers to saturate certain areas. Hell, this is a ready force of sworn police officers, that cost the tax [ayers little if anything to keep or use. Our (former) agency had us out on special occasions at NO COST to the citizens. Damn it! Use them!

There's a lot of training, experience and expertise in many of those reservist. Many have lengthy backgrounds and left the full time service for other occupations or due for other honorable reasons (or they wouldn't still be sworn).
Use that resource wisely.

5) Training- I hate to sound like a broken record and it's usually the one thing most cops hate, but training, repetitive training on high-risk topics (alarm response, domestic response, traffic stops and the like) will save your ass!!!

6) Finally, learn from the mistakes and misfortunes of others. It's an unfortunate certainty that some of us (yeah, I still say "us.") will loose thier lives in the line of duty

Some due to circumstances beyond thier control, some from mistakes.

Study all those losses of life and never let them die in vain!

Try to learn to minimize the events you can't control, control what you can and not repeat the same mistakes as others.

85 also brings up another good point. Many departments have gone to a more tactical uniform, darker colors and heavier materiel. Add the Florida heat to the uniform, throw in a vest for good measure and, well, as he said, see how long it takes you to get out of it.

Mine stayed in the trunk during most of the hottest months here I knew better, but hey, enough was enough!

Let another officer get shot and everyone's vest came out for a few weeks. Then the novelty wore off, the complacency set in, and back in the trunk

When I became a motor cop- I hardly ever wore it. Most don't. I do recall being so hot on one motor day that things got fuzzy and started moving....uh, they were previously stationary

Had to loosen the straps on the helmet and take a quick breeze out across the Causeway just to cool off.

Whats needed in this regard, is more R&D on tactical clothing and equipment thats user friendly.
Light weight materiels and such that the officers will wear. And unfortunately, as some agencies have had to do, a MANDATE to wear your issued gear, regardless of the heat. We're (LEOS) a hardheaded lot and sometimes have to be hit with a brick twice to get the message across.

Finally back to the weapons, again, training. Tactical deployment and use of said weapons should be mandatory. Having the tools for the job without the knowledge or training to use them, well, I gots me a hammer, but I sure as hell can't build a house!!!

Come to think about it. After my last qualification day, I need to get my arse back to the range......I sucked!
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