• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Police using motorists for fundraising

HP...no attack taken my friend:thumbsup:

Although you make many valid points, in the situation I described, none of them would have been applicable. There's a lot more to it. We can discuss it one day over a :icon_cheers:

85....as have I bro:thumbsup:And you're absolutely on target with the publics perception:thumbsup:

I can't tell you how many questions I've fielded just like that while teaching drivers school:rolleyes:

The general public has no idea whats happening inside a partol car.

KAP...I don't have an aversion so some unmarked cars. I do have an aversion to a FLEET of them!

When you start putting that many on the road for traffic enforcement, then you're just kicking up revenues IMO:(

Traffic enforcement is education and prevention, combined with aggressive patrol, not sneek and peek spy chit!

What really burns me up, is most of the motor officers we have now run around in motor uniform driving unmarked cars. That is, unless it's a perfect day, then maybe they'll ride????

If you want a car, give your scooter to someone who'll ride the MOFO!

Ok guys and gals, I'm outta here on this one...gotta get ready to leave:thumbsup:
Near to where I work, a speed limit was recently reduced by 10mph. By law, the authorities are supposed to have a 'new speed limit ahead' sign put up, however they didn't. The day after the speed limit was reduced, there was a speed camera van which succesfully nicked over 500 motorists. The van was positioned right by the signs and at the steepest part of the downhill run. The junction, which the speed limit is supposed to protect, is some considerable distance from the sign. This was clearly a revenue collection excercise.

Unfortunately for the authorities, they have had to pay back every penny due to the missing warning sign. Poetic justice in my opinion:D.

Drivers need respect where it is inappropriate to speed. 90 mph at 4am on an empty motorway is safer than 70mph at rush hour. Speed cameras should be used where they might save lives e.g. in the middle of villages and towns, not on a downhill stretch of road right by the signs;).