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Unread 09-20-2006, 02:10 PM   #2
Delta House Member
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Nytro is on a distinguished road

It's amazing how narrow minded some people think. I worked for over 30 years at New Car Dealers and I was always amazed how personall want to fight and argue with customers, many times over the simpliest of things. Thats what happens when you pay people on commission. I always told my help if a problem arose that they couldn't solve to get me involved and I, being a Manager would solve it. It is a proven fact that if you piss a retail customer off they will tell at least ten people of their bad experience.

You spent $2000.00 on parts, they are probably marked up at least 40%, so conservativley speaking they probably made at least $500.00 off you. They should have taken you at your word and refunded your money and retained you as a customer so they could make more money off you in the future. It is truely amazing the people in business who have no business sense. Hindsight is 20/20, but you should have sent it back return reciept requested, but they still should have issued you a credit. It's not like you bought a long block or something. I would call and talk to a supervisor, if that doesn't work I would talk to the General Manager, then the Owner, I wouldn't be rude, but I wouldn't be afraid to go up the coporate ladder as far as you can if you are right. Unless the recieving clerk is a total moron and he stole or threw away the sills you returned, they should be able to check their inventory and see if the count vs. product on the shelf matches. If the shelf has one more than the computer says they have you win. Either way they should take care of you for the measley cost of the sills. Unless the customer is a total jerk, or just out and out lying, a smart businessman always satisfies the customer, and lives to sell them something another day.

Authority forgets a dying king
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