• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Windows 7

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
If any of you are considering upgrading your Vista system to Windows 7, DON'T do it! I'm hearing a lot of accounts of people trying to do that and getting into an infinite reboot loop that puts their PC down for the count.
I think I might have accidentally reported your post to the mods!...lol

Im holding off on 7 for now. but Im really close to going back to mac or Linux!
I just finished reading the current copy of PC World magazine where they had a pretty extensive article on Windows 7. I just don't see the advantage to upgrade.
I just finished reading the current copy of PC World magazine where they had a pretty extensive article on Windows 7. I just don't see the advantage to upgrade.

Windows 7 is supposed to be a fix for Vista, which most people feel is too bloated, a resource hog, and generally unreliable. In my case, I would need to pay nearly $200 for this "fix". Yeah, what a racket! Create buggy software, twist people's arms so that they HAVE to use it, then charge them again to fix the bugs in the product you made them buy. Of course, the NEW product will without a doubt have it's own set of bugs, for which you will have the dining pleasure of paying for yet again.

I had thought I may be interested in Windows 7 if it would upgrade my system without a disk format and reinstall with no hitches, but it seems a lot like Russian roulette to try that route. Thanks, but NO thanks! I've got enough irons in the fire right now as it is.
Mac vs. PC

I like that ad where the two guys are talking (Mac & PC) and PC keeps going back in time.....

"You need to upgrade to 7, no more problems, trust me."
"You need to upgrade to Vista, no more problems, trust me." etc....

Sad but true.. :banghead:
For all the money that Microsoft rakes in, you would think they could hire the best programmers on the planet, hands down. The only obvious conclusion to come to is that the crap they foist on us is no accident. As clear an example of the "king has no clothes" as I have ever seen in real life.
For all the money that Microsoft rakes in, you would think they could hire the best programmers on the planet, hands down. The only obvious conclusion to come to is that the crap they foist on us is no accident. As clear an example of the "king has no clothes" as I have ever seen in real life.

Thats hitting the nail on the head. Bill Gates didn't get to be the worlds richest man for nothing .........
Having them design a piece of software that will never need to be upgraded, would be like the big car companies designing a car that would never break. Both would be out of business tomorrow.
Having them design a piece of software that will never need to be upgraded, would be like the big car companies designing a car that would never break. Both would be out of business tomorrow.

"Upgrades" and "bug fixes" are two entirely different things. Microsoft attempts to cloud the picture by using the terms interchangeably so they can charge us for the bug fixes.
I've heard a lot of positive reviews, but for $200, they can @#$%&*. If Windows 7 is what Vista was supposed to be, then replace it...for nothing.
I see OS7 more of an upgrade over Vista then just a bug fix galore. Xp home was 1k times worse when it first came out when you start talking about bugs compared to vista. XP imo became very usable right before they decided to scrap it and move on to vista.
I will stick with crappy XP.

You have until spring 2012. Then you will have to upgrade or hope you don't have any bug or virus problems. Microsoft will stop all support at that time.

I have two laptops with Vista and a desktop with XP. If the desktop is still chugging along in 2012, I will probably just use it for reminder/appointment calendar and games.
The world is going to end in 2012..cmon now :hehehe:

Yeah, I read that somewhere. Supposedly because the Mayan calendar ends on that year. Well, heck, according to the calendar on my wall, the earth is going to end on December 31, 2009. That's the last date it shows there.... :rofl1:
The last computer I bought in 1997 had windows 95. I don't get any viruses because the code isn't that old. :lmao:

How on earth is that thing still running? My computers need to go every 4-5 years no matter what because the systems fail to boot up, or they run so slow I can grow a beard waiting for pictures to down load, or some other technical issue creeps up.