• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

My Character, or lack there of......

quote: I also know to NEVER EVER do business with friends and to NEVER EVER take anything for free or in trade. That is a mistake I will not make again. There are no freebies in life, everything has a cost regardless...

AWW...that is not ALWAYS true....:coffee1:

WE LOST TOUCH BUT............
You can always pick up the phone and call me even though you moved to BFE...... :icon_cheers:


We may be out of touch for a short while but friendships never die. My list of close freinds that I drop everything in the middle of the night and come running when they call definitely includes you my brother.

Plus BFE should be a little quicker drive with that damn nice cam set up you put in. :D

i was hoping to see you at the parde saturday the posse was in, holy crap we were in your back yard. LOL
I had planned all month on going then at the last minute
things sort of fell apart...I got back home just as the parade was ending...I got the pics from Bill..looks like a good time was had by all....

Take Care...and you and yours have a great holiday


I doubt that detective is going to be very happy you posting his name on a public forum.



I doubt that detective is going to be very happy you posting his name on a public forum.



I don't think the detective will care one way or another that his name is on public website.

I'd be more concerned that as a detective, I can't figure out a way to make a criminal charge for fraud, embezzlement or both stick:(

detective Mike Thorne was kept informed throughout the entire process when we tried to take legal action but it was determined since he was a partner it is a "civil" matter

Who "determined" fraud to be civil? The detective or the SAO? If it's the SAO, we need to vote in another next election;)

FYI-"partners" are charged with this sort of thing all the time...it's called fraud and/or embezzlement;)
Shouldn't be that difficult to do. Unfortunately, over 30 years of law enforcement interaction, I've seen too many times where agencies "determine" something that is obviously criminal in nature to be "civil" simply because they are too lazy to make the charge or the state "doesn't want to prosecute (read that again-too lazy to try!)

It's a bit of a pathetic essay on our system :(

As for the tunnel, if the guy wanted it off a CF vendor, why not buy iot there to start with? let me see. I'll buy something on a whim, THEN do my research:rofl1:

Then, I'll go back and bitch until i get my money back?:lmao:

I agree with Spice my friend. You need to take a more proactive role in the leadership of your shop:thumbsup:
Get some good techs in there and supervise, teach and delegate brother....the business will grow....took me a long time to figure that out:thumbsup:
It was the SAO. Mike tried as he was brought in as soon as we uncovered enough to have what I considered a case, and he did what he could which I appreaciate. If it was an employee they would jump on it, but since it was a partner they advised it was a civil matter and so it has been expensive putting it all together....but were about ready.

Just as the guy I sold our big United Specialties race coach to in Maryland. It is still in my name, registered in my name, and I have a contract signed (I financed it for him and all was well for the first year, and then he quit paying app a year ago). FL won't allow me to report it stolen as I gave him permission to "use" it, Maryland takes the same stance and also claims it is a civil matter. I hired a repo company a year ago and they almost had it but a neighbor called him at work when they were taking it and he blocked them in with his dually and after an hour stand off they had to leave and now he has it hidden & nobody can find it. The atty's I have talked to up there want a $10k retainer to do it through the courts.....so frustrating since it seems there is so few law remedies for this stuff & I'm now out a $250k toter (this is a dual axle professional coach built on a Frieghtliner Columbia chassis like you see the Pro teams with that we used to pull the stacker with).

Also, I am always looking for qualified performance techs....not an easy task. Lot's that CLAIM to be good, but few turn out to be worth a crap.
I don't think the detective will care one way or another that his name is on public website.

I'd be more concerned that as a detective, I can't figure out a way to make a criminal charge for fraud, embezzlement or both stick:(

Who "determined" fraud to be civil? The detective or the SAO? If it's the SAO, we need to vote in another next election;)

FYI-"partners" are charged with this sort of thing all the time...it's called fraud and/or embezzlement;)
Shouldn't be that difficult to do. Unfortunately, over 30 years of law enforcement interaction, I've seen too many times where agencies "determine" something that is obviously criminal in nature to be "civil" simply because they are too lazy to make the charge or the state "doesn't want to prosecute (read that again-too lazy to try!)

It's a bit of a pathetic essay on our system :(

As for the tunnel, if the guy wanted it off a CF vendor, why not buy iot there to start with? let me see. I'll buy something on a whim, THEN do my research:rofl1:

Then, I'll go back and bitch until i get my money back?:lmao:

I agree with Spice my friend. You need to take a more proactive role in the leadership of your shop:thumbsup:
Get some good techs in there and supervise, teach and delegate brother....the business will grow....took me a long time to figure that out:thumbsup:
Gotcha Tracy:thumbsup:

For the record, our SAO is about as worthless as tits on a Boar Hog.

Unless it involves something that's going to bring them media coverage, something that involves a cop or high level political or corporate executive, or you just hand them a case on a silver platter, they're just not going to put the effort into it:(

I've actually beewn told by one of the sheriff's legal beagles, that the "SAO doesn't want to prosecute on...blah blah...":rolleyes:

We need new blood in there. Someone who has the sack to take any case that has merit, be it large or small, and win/loss records be damned, try thier darnedest to to prosecute it.
I don't want to take discretion out of the mix, but hell! When you hand them a case and they refuse to do the final leg work, thats just BS!

....breathe in....breathe out....breathe in.....breathe out.....whew...that's better. Ineptitude in our government employees burns me up...enough of that.

I know what you mean about qualified help:(

I've been blessed recently with a couple of hugely squared away people that are working with me:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I still have one though that I'm gonna have to horse whip if he doesn't get his stuff together (Pinellas County guy).

But thats what leadership is about. Selection, training, supervision...I'll get him squared away yet:thumbsup:

Hang in there bro, you'll get the right mix eventually:thumbsup:

Good luck to both of you in working out this other mess...now back on topic...
Man what a mess for sure.

Gotcha Tracy:thumbsup:

For the record, our SAO is about as worthless as tits on a Boar Hog.

Unless it involves something that's going to bring them media coverage, something that involves a cop or high level political or corporate executive, or you just hand them a case on a silver platter, they're just not going to put the effort into it:(

I've actually beewn told by one of the sheriff's legal beagles, that the "SAO doesn't want to prosecute on...blah blah...":rolleyes:

We need new blood in there. Someone who has the sack to take any case that has merit, be it large or small, and win/loss records be damned, try thier darnedest to to prosecute it.
I don't want to take discretion out of the mix, but hell! When you hand them a case and they refuse to do the final leg work, thats just BS!

....breathe in....breathe out....breathe in.....breathe out.....whew...that's better. Ineptitude in our government employees burns me up...enough of that.

I know what you mean about qualified help:(

I've been blessed recently with a couple of hugely squared away people that are working with me:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I still have one though that I'm gonna have to horse whip if he doesn't get his stuff together (Pinellas County guy).

But thats what leadership is about. Selection, training, supervision...I'll get him squared away yet:thumbsup:

Hang in there bro, you'll get the right mix eventually:thumbsup:

Good luck to both of you in working out this other mess...now back on topic...
Sounds to me like there's some wiggle room between Brad and you.
Remember what I'd mentioned earlier.
You guy's need a middle man for meadiation, I'd be glad to help.:)
consulting I do

Spice, you need to come down & do some consulting for me.....I AM to easy of a pushover for the employees and have never been able to be stract enough cause I'm always trying to please everyone. Serious, I'll trad work for knowledge!
In fact a pretty good track record at it.
Here's a freebie:
NADC out of Nashville, Tn.
Instructor Teacher : Chris Robarge
Degreed students in Hi Performance. High performance in every stage and level. More students taken by BMW than any college in the U.S.
More track records, and more Championship's yes championship in ARCA, NASCAR than any school including NASCAR's own tech school.
Has been on Speed Channel a few times.
Chris teaches everything from building AA/FD, Trans-Am, IMSA, the whole nine yards. These students are taught from a blank sheet of paper to a completed race car that is of champion caliber.
And I know you and most everyone in hear has heard of RPM MotorSports, INC. Chris owns the business, and teaches at the College as well.
I have pictures I'd be happy to send along of his shop (RPM) and phone number's.
contact me at jagman01j@aol.com

Cool, will do. I hired a grad from SAM (school of automotive machinests) that they had placed with us, but he turned out to be a disaster. Took on average 3 times as long as the book calls for per job and we wern't about to pass it along to the customers so had to let him go.

I'll Email you after I get into the shop the 26th.

Thanks again:thumbsup:
to further aid the left turn this thread has taken, LOL

Central HS in Brooksville where I work at has an auto tech shop. Just a crazy idea but why not consider taking a raw kid that is enthusiastic and train him to the way your shop does things???

Maybe an apprentice type deal possibly to get a look at a kid and see what their work ethic is like and so on? Possibly a joint venture between all the area shops?

I know for a fact these kids would be very excited at the prospect of competing for a spot in a performance shop and the possibilty of having a paying gig right after graduation would be very motivating to them.

You could even set minimum standards for them to qualify such as math skills (algebra) and reading skills.

Additionally you are helping give a job to a local home grown kid too.

Just a hair brained idea I had.
That can work. We take on an intern each year and one of our more loyal techs was just that. Right out of tech school w/no experiance and he has turned into a super reliable worker and does the R&R part, but is still a ways from letting loose on engine builds and turbo designs. And it's taken 3 years to get him to this point. But he will be with us for the long haul. Good suggestion!

to further aid the left turn this thread has taken, LOL

Central HS in Brooksville where I work at has an auto tech shop. Just a crazy idea but why not consider taking a raw kid that is enthusiastic and train him to the way your shop does things???

Maybe an apprentice type deal possibly to get a look at a kid and see what their work ethic is like and so on? Possibly a joint venture between all the area shops?

I know for a fact these kids would be very excited at the prospect of competing for a spot in a performance shop and the possibilty of having a paying gig right after graduation would be very motivating to them.

You could even set minimum standards for them to qualify such as math skills (algebra) and reading skills.

Additionally you are helping give a job to a local home grown kid too.

Just a hair brained idea I had.
That can work. We take on an intern each year and one of our more loyal techs was just that. Right out of tech school w/no experiance and he has turned into a super reliable worker and does the R&R part, but is still a ways from letting loose on engine builds and turbo designs. And it's taken 3 years to get him to this point. But he will be with us for the long haul. Good suggestion!
If you need a Belligerent Old Bastard to keep the crew in Whips and Chains,or a Crash Test Dummy I might be interested in the spring!!:thumbsup: I'll bring my own Anvil and Sand Pile!!:thumbsup:

If you need a Belligerent Old Bastard to keep the crew in Whips and Chains,or a Crash Test Dummy I might be interested in the spring!!:thumbsup: I'll bring my own Anvil and Sand Pile!!:thumbsup:


Works for me Junk!!:thumbsup:
Interesting isn't it when 2 opposites can reach

...Not a bad idea at all...:thumbsup::thumbsup:

something along the same lines of agreement.
Sounds ot me Tracy and Brad need a place to sit and have a PINT together and get things back on track. I really don't see money as the object of their problem, I do believe a solid work plan, and structure of business practices needs some attention, but certainly not something that can't be reached.
START a new year..NEW.
Thanks guy's for this site and the men who have the shoulder's NOT to judge on face of what is, or is nos not objective in here. Thanks Rich and Thanks Shadow.
