• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Bob K

I just watched a segment of O'Reilly and he showed a news clip. It was the biggest air head on Earth, Pelosi. She says regardless of the obstacles they will get health care passed. She said if a fence was put up they would pole vault over it. If unable to pole vault over it, they would parachute in.

What the f--- is wrong with this woman? She is two heart beats away from the presidency. If the CIA truly shot JFK, you think they would do me a favor? :reddevil:
My husband gave her a good name the other night, I cant remember what..dang it (have to excuse me Im going through some heavy medical treatments right now)

Anyway it was the nastiest name I have ever heard anyone say in such a polite p.g. manner.
I just cant stand the look on her face and that nasty grin. It scares me
We think alike at least regarding the bi--h. Like you I can't stand seeing that face. I think it's because of her pompous attitude and she's so stupid. Like Obuma, she knows best. :banghead:
I just watched a segment of O'Reilly and he showed a news clip. It was the biggest air head on Earth, Pelosi. She says regardless of the obstacles they will get health care passed. She said if a fence was put up they would pole vault over it. If unable to pole vault over it, they would parachute in.

What the f--- is wrong with this woman? She is two heart beats away from the presidency. If the CIA truly shot JFK, you think they would do me a favor? :reddevil:

Obviously she considers us poor lowly citizens to be "obstacles" to her wishes. That's the problem with a lot of these idiots. They forget WHY they were voted into office in the first place. To REPRESENT us, not RULE us.
She is from San Fransico that explains a lot but certainly does not represent the rest of the country.

In case any one heard on the news the other day it was kind of buried. I addition to the $1 Trillion dollars spend this last year for all the bailouts, Thursday congress approved a bill to increase the national debet $1.9 Trillion. :thumbsdown:
In case any one heard on the news the other day it was kind of buried. I addition to the $1 Trillion dollars spend this last year for all the bailouts, Thursday congress approved a bill to increase the national debet $1.9 Trillion. :thumbsdown:

So what are they doing, borrowing more money from China, or just printing up more US dollars.... :banghead:

People should start stockpiling durable goods to use in barter, because pretty shortly our dollars won't be worth using as toilet paper.
Why don't they read history books. You cannot spend your way out of a recession. Socialism doesn't work. Small businees is what gets us out of the mess we're in.
The thing that frustrates me is that some worn out hippie broad or some clown from Nevada or some left wing district in Boston has any impact on my life. I didn't have a chance to vote for, or against, these fools, so why should they have any influence on anything to do with people in Florida.
quasar05, unfortunately we have a problem in Fl. It's called the Bill Nelson disease. It affects vision and hearing. We need to get him outta there.
The thing that frustrates me is that some worn out hippie broad or some clown from Nevada or some left wing district in Boston has any impact on my life. I didn't have a chance to vote for, or against, these fools, so why should they have any influence on anything to do with people in Florida.

If the federal government would obey the restrictions placed on it by the US Constitution, then certainly that would reduce the influence they can have on local issues. The US Constitution was actually a very effective design, but it presumed that it would be instituted upon honorable persons placed in office. And it also presumed that "the people" would not allow the government to amass the power over "the people" that has now taken place due to abject complacency and apathy. The problem is that at this late date, it would likely take bloodshed to wrest that control and power from their grasp. A price most people just are not willing to pay because they have been wrapped within a numbing blanket of false security and just don't see the need. And unfortunately quite a few people really believe that they can make substantial improvements via the ballot box. Seriously, look at the choices you are FORCED to make during election day. If you can really call that a "choice"...
If the federal government would obey the restrictions placed on it by the US Constitution, then certainly that would reduce the influence they can have on local issues. The US Constitution was actually a very effective design, but it presumed that it would be instituted upon honorable persons placed in office. And it also presumed that "the people" would not allow the government to amass the power over "the people" that has now taken place due to abject complacency and apathy. The problem is that at this late date, it would likely take bloodshed to wrest that control and power from their grasp. A price most people just are not willing to pay because they have been wrapped within a numbing blanket of false security and just don't see the need. And unfortunately quite a few people really believe that they can make substantial improvements via the ballot box. Seriously, look at the choices you are FORCED to make during election day. If you can really call that a "choice"...


Obviously she considers us poor lowly citizens to be "obstacles" to her wishes. That's the problem with a lot of these idiots. They forget WHY they were voted into office in the first place. To REPRESENT us, not RULE us.

Hey Rich, it's King Obamination and his court...:ack2:
If the federal government would obey the restrictions placed on it by the US Constitution, then certainly that would reduce the influence they can have on local issues. The US Constitution was actually a very effective design, but it presumed that it would be instituted upon honorable persons placed in office. And it also presumed that "the people" would not allow the government to amass the power over "the people" that has now taken place due to abject complacency and apathy. The problem is that at this late date, it would likely take bloodshed to wrest that control and power from their grasp. A price most people just are not willing to pay because they have been wrapped within a numbing blanket of false security and just don't see the need. And unfortunately quite a few people really believe that they can make substantial improvements via the ballot box. Seriously, look at the choices you are FORCED to make during election day. If you can really call that a "choice"...

While almost everything you say is true I do disagree. The voters can make a difference. We need term limits and there's only one way that can be done. Vote em out. Our voices need to be heard. They heard us last week via the MA election. That got their attention.

We need to get Congress back into the middle of the road and working together. We can only do that at the ballot box.

As for the bloodshed comment I do agree most Americans would not fight. I am not in that category. If Obuma ever succeeded in his Socialist form of government and tried to take away my rights and guns they would have to kill me to gain access to my home and guns. I don't think that day will ever come but I have thought about it and I know what I would do.
I watched 2 minutes of the video and couldn't take anymore. I almost feel like I should go vomit.

That is so sad, can't begin to put into perspective...Hopefully, people in this great country of ours will wake the F**k up!:ack2: