• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


That's a start. Are you helping to make a difference? I'm sure you are but people have to realize it's a 2 step process.

1. Wake up
2. Vote

I don't need to make a difference to adults, it’s not up to me to impose my values and beliefs on other people. Like I said, I have been awake and making plans and taking notes. I make a difference every day I am in the classroom, teaching high school kids to become better readers and coaching basketball to players who do not realize I am teaching life lessons.

As far as voting, it makes no difference who is in there, everything comes and goes in cycles. Voting for president is a waste of time, it’s all in the delegates any ways, our founding fathers did not trust our judgment. :D

My number one job in this life right now is to take care of me and my family. I worry about what I can control, which are my actions. My decisions directly impact the well being of my family.

I got two choices, stay out in front of things and be proactive, or get left behind and be at the mercy of others. In life sometimes you are the bug and sometimes you are the windshield. I try to be the windshield as much as possible.

Having been a history teacher I have the advantage of seeing things evolve long before they become a problem. (There is a little story about Rockefeller and the shoe shine boy back before the great depression began that helped me see where we we're headed) I had a buyer for my house in Hillsborough at a price I knew would never happen again, so I got out. Moved to north Pasco and started reducing debt and cutting back long before things went south.

Hillsborough house taxes 2100
Pasco house taxes 300
Hillsborough house ins. 2200
Pasco house ins 700
Hillsborough water bill 120
Pasco water bill 0
Hillsborough car ins. 1600
Pasco car ins 475

Credit cards 0
debt payments - vette, 10 months left, Wife’s car, paid in full june 2011,
House paid in full 2016 and debt free.

I have half an acre zoned agricultural and can do basically whatever I want to do. I love it. This is where I plan to retire at in 26 years. So if for some reason social security is gone, I have 20 years to invest most of my salary for retirement since I will have no debts and my pension. Already researching solar power so I can tell the electric company to take a hike.

I don't care what the dems do, what the republicans do, what the conservatives do or anyone else for that matter. I care what I do and what my family does. That I can control.

Can any of the current elected officials cite the cost of a gallon of milk, gallon of gas or a loaf of bread today? I doubt it.

No offense but what I think and how I think it should be done are irrelevant, always has been that way and always will be, regadless of whom is in office or control. My job is to make the best of whatever the situation is for me and mine.

I don't need to make a difference to adults, it’s not up to me to impose my values and beliefs on other people. Like I said, I have been awake and making plans and taking notes. I make a difference every day I am in the classroom, teaching high school kids to become better readers and coaching basketball to players who do not realize I am teaching life lessons.

As far as voting, it makes no difference who is in there, everything comes and goes in cycles. Voting for president is a waste of time, it’s all in the delegates any ways, our founding fathers did not trust our judgment. :D

You do make a difference with everyone you come in contact with and with your students. A good teacher can really make a huge difference in a young persons life. Good or bad.

Your views about voting is absolutely wrong. We need a balance of power, not right or left. We need our reps to hear our voices. Voting allows us to express support or preference for a certain candidate or party. Voting is our Constitutional Right.

By not voting you are allowing it to be no longer the will of the majority that governs this country, but rather, the will of the minority.

Nothing personal intended or implied. :thumbsup:
Agreed...but my recurring nightmare is the fact that the very regime we are complaining about in this thread was duly elected by the MAJORITY. That is the biggest heartbreak of all. As Brad suggested, our founding fathers did not trust us to make the right decisions (hence, the check and balance) and we are witnessing the perfect example of why at this moment. I only hope that the few of us (minority) who share this ideaology can wake up enough of the others to make a difference...:toetap05:
If the government REALLY wants to see what we think during an election, then give us a NONE OF THE ABOVE vote and watch the sparks fly. That would tell them pretty succinctly that we don't like ANY of the choices we are presented with, so go back to the drawing board and start over.

Quite frankly, at this last presidential election, I felt dirty when I came out of the voting booth. I didn't want the person I voted for to win, but I wanted less the one I voted against. Sorry, I just am not going to do that again. If I am not presented with someone I REALLY want to be in office, I'm just not going to vote for the lesser of two evils. Matter of fact, I may just vote on a write-in of "NOTA", just to make a point.
Agreed...but my recurring nightmare is the fact that the very regime we are complaining about in this thread was duly elected by the MAJORITY. That is the biggest heartbreak of all. As Brad suggested, our founding fathers did not trust us to make the right decisions (hence, the check and balance) and we are witnessing the perfect example of why at this moment. I only hope that the few of us (minority) who share this ideaology can wake up enough of the others to make a difference...:toetap05:

The majority was duped. Transparency and jobs. That's what he said. He ignored his promises and spent the year working on HIS health care plan. Pelosi says we're ignorant and trouble makers. Frank said Fannie and Freddie are in good shape. I could go on for hours. DUPED is the key word here.
If the government REALLY wants to see what we think during an election, then give us a NONE OF THE ABOVE vote and watch the sparks fly.

We have that option. Vote Libertarian. I just can't force myself to do that because like you I don't like either choice but I'm actually voting for what I feel is the lesser of two evils. I feel voting Libertarian is a wasted vote.
Voting is our Constitutional Right.

........and so is not voting. :thumbsup:

And the exact reason I DO NOT state my political beliefs is that it always winds up in the end with insults and name calling directed at me. Most of my philosophies do not fall in line with those of you here, so I keep my mouth shut. :D

........and so is not voting. :thumbsup:

And the exact reason I DO NOT state my political beliefs is that it always winds up in the end with insults and name calling directed at me. Most of my philosophies do not fall in line with those of you here, so I keep my mouth shut. :D


While I disagree with your philosophies Brad I do not believe insults and name calling add anything to a discussion. I tried Yellow Bullet after Comp+ dropped their political forum. I tried to be very selective and avoid threads that were nothing but pissing contests. I gave up.
........and so is not voting. :thumbsup:

And the exact reason I DO NOT state my political beliefs is that it always winds up in the end with insults and name calling directed at me. Most of my philosophies do not fall in line with those of you here, so I keep my mouth shut. :D

I spent 30 years in K-12 as a technolgy director, where I was in the minority with my beliefs. I'm more Libertarian in my beliefs because I think less government is a good thing. In Georgia, we were able to declare our party affiliation when we arrived at the polls during the primary. I liked that. I was able to vote against certain people that were part of the party that I felt were the biggest problem, collectively. Here, we have to declare up front. Not thrilled with that.
I spent 30 years in K-12 as a technolgy director, where I was in the minority with my beliefs. I'm more Libertarian in my beliefs because I think less government is a good thing. In Georgia, we were able to declare our party affiliation when we arrived at the polls during the primary. I liked that. I was able to vote against certain people that were part of the party that I felt were the biggest problem, collectively. Here, we have to declare up front. Not thrilled with that.

I also believe Libertarians are close to what the Conservatives would like to see in government. Problem is that in my opinion it's a wasted vote. I think we will always have a 2 party system and we need our representatives to open their eyes and ears. If the Libertarians could mount a successful campaign I would be the first in line.
I also believe Libertarians are close to what the Conservatives would like to see in government. Problem is that in my opinion it's a wasted vote. I think we will always have a 2 party system and we need our representatives to open their eyes and ears. If the Libertarians could mount a successful campaign I would be the first in line.

Perhaps the vote wouldn't be wasted if everyone didn't believe that to be the case..... :rolleyes:
All I know is that if the Obama/Pelosi regime is allowed to stay its present course, the damage to this country will take decades and $billions to correct...that is assuming there are enough of us that survive the next terrorist attack(s). That leaves us with only 2 (reasonable) alternatives: (1) Impeachment or (2) Neutralize them thru the power of the vote by electing a more conservative Congress. I think the 2nd alternative has the best chance of success...:banghead:
All I know is that if the Obama/Pelosi regime is allowed to stay its present course, the damage to this country will take decades and $billions to correct...that is assuming there are enough of us that survive the next terrorist attack(s). That leaves us with only 2 (reasonable) alternatives: (1) Impeachment or (2) Neutralize them thru the power of the vote by electing a more conservative Congress. I think the 2nd alternative has the best chance of success...:banghead:

There is a third option that I cannot post. :hehehe: It may very well happen if they stay the course. I think the budget this year is 3.8 trillion. They think it's fine to spend a billion for security for the terrorist trials when they shouldn't even be tried here. Gitmo is all set and ready to go.

Try and run your business or family budget using our country as a guide. :eek:
There is a third option that I cannot post. :hehehe: It may very well happen if they stay the course. I think the budget this year is 3.8 trillion. They think it's fine to spend a billion for security for the terrorist trials when they shouldn't even be tried here. Gitmo is all set and ready to go.

Try and run your business or family budget using our country as a guide. :eek:

Yeah, obviously the government doesn't really understand the definition of that word "budget". It makes me laugh (in a gallows humor sort of way) to hear of the government taking over businesses because they believe they can do a better job of running that business.

I believe the entire damned government should be tried for malfeasance.
Nancy Pelosi's eyes open too far. Really, she should train herself to partially close her eyes. If she does that, and hold her head straight instead of looking down her nose all the time, I think she could pull off the "slightly jaded but good meaning grandmother" look. Instead, she looks really wired, like somebody shoved and then opened an umbrella up... well, you get the picture.

If the government REALLY wants to see what we think during an election, then give us a NONE OF THE ABOVE vote and watch the sparks fly. That would tell them pretty succinctly that we don't like ANY of the choices we are presented with, so go back to the drawing board and start over.

There was a movie that had something like that in it. Richard Pryor had to spend $10 million in 30 days, but not own anything other than the clothes on his back at the end of that period. Well, it was election time and he knew that both of the candidates were corrupt. So he ran for Mayor with the slogan "Vote None of the Above".:hehehe: Memory serves, he wins.