• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Leno Or Obrian?


Road Trip!
Who was your favorite and your thoughts on all the drama the last couple of weeks?

IMO, Leno was getting stale and Obrian seemed to be finding his niche when the sh_t hit the fan...
I never watched O'Brian and always liked Leno. He's a car guy. This past week I have seen clips of O'Brian and I liked what I saw. I don't know what his problem is because if I understand it correctly they wanted to move his time slot a 1/2 hour. At his salary, why does he care? :shrug01:
Don't know much about either, except Leno's into cars:thumbsup: and Obrian looks funny....but, for a $45 million dollar severance package I could look funny too....
It's all been fun watching the drama. I found myself tuning in just for that. For me the best was Carson but he's not on your list. Leno is OK never got a good laugh but he was good with the Jay walking and headlines. I thought I was going to really like his 10:00 show but it never clicked for me, monologue and click. Maybe that show would have been better as an Ed Sullivan type variety show on Sunday night.

I never got into coco, his humor was a bit too far out there for me. However I feel kind of bad for him (aside for his severance). He was the first one to "fail" at the Tonight show. It was probably not his time but the network pushed it cause they were afraid they were going to lose him.

Kinda sucks to have to have to go back to the old job for Jay too I would expect. I knw once I got past a job, I would have a real problem going back.
Don't know much about either, except Leno's into cars:thumbsup: and Obrian looks funny....but, for a $45 million dollar severance package I could look funny too....

I look funny for a lot less!

It's all been fun watching the drama. I found myself tuning in just for that. For me the best was Carson but he's not on your list. Leno is OK never got a good laugh but he was good with the Jay walking and headlines. I thought I was going to really like his 10:00 show but it never clicked for me, monologue and click. Maybe that show would have been better as an Ed Sullivan type variety show on Sunday night.

I never got into coco, his humor was a bit too far out there for me. However I feel kind of bad for him (aside for his severance). He was the first one to "fail" at the Tonight show. It was probably not his time but the network pushed it cause they were afraid they were going to lose him.

Kinda sucks to have to have to go back to the old job for Jay too I would expect. I knw once I got past a job, I would have a real problem going back.

Kinda feel the same way here.

I hardly ever watch late night talk shows any more. Used to love Carson adn really enjoyed Dave Letterman. Leno I just never got into. Conan was good, but frankly, I'd rather watch something else all together most of the time (unless one is having Jimmy Buffett on:thumbsup::dancer01:)

But I recall Leno as a rookie comedian. He was funny:rofl1:

When he started doing the Tonight Show, IMO, his delivery sucked:thumbsdown:

A) A comedian should never have to explain a joke/punch line.
B) And, if you do, DON'T continue to explain it over and over after you've screwed up and explained it the 1st time!!:mad:

His guests were good, but so were Conans, and I preferred Conan's monologue and his comedic delivery much better.

Jays' a car guy but to me, that has Jack to do with his comedic skills or the show. When his show started to tank, I'd have rather he just hosted "Jays Garage" on a full time basis and gotten out of the late night game altogether.
Hell, with the cars he has alone there's enough material for 3 seasons.

As far as the whole shake up thing...if I feel anything, it's for Conan.

They both acted like a couple of primadonnas, Jay I believe dissapointed me the most. Worse than some of these spoiled, overpaid athletes. Reminded me of Paula Abdul...without the looks!!

So...Let's recap

Using one as a value:

Jay wanted to leave and left. (-1)

Conan was liked well enough and had the ratings as such that he was offered the position and accepted.(+1)

Jay FAILED. (-1)

Conan was doing well (apparently).(+1)

Jay boo hoo'd, pitched a tantrum, offered to take his toys and leave, and the networks caved.(-1)

Conan was getting the shaft and wanted to be compensated for it. (Can't blame him)(+1)

Conan got paid stupid $$$ to leave and whined about it:rolleyes:?(-1)

Jay comes back to Tonight as an overpaid failure, tail between legs.(-1)

Network PAYS stupid $$$ for a failure to return.(Priceless!:lmao:)

Leno- (-4)
Conan- (+2)

You add it up.....
Jay was number #1 in his timeslot with the Tonight Show until he 'retired' from it. He did NOT want to leave. The network wanted him to retire so that Conan would not leave. Jay Leno is not an overpaid failure by any stretch of the imagination.

As far as Jay versus Conan goes....Jay every time. But I do enjoy Conan's humor as well. I'd take either one of them over Letterman.
Jay was number #1 in his timeslot with the Tonight Show until he 'retired' from it. He did NOT want to leave. The network wanted him to retire so that Conan would not leave. Jay Leno is not an overpaid failure by any stretch of the imagination.

As far as Jay versus Conan goes....Jay every time. But I do enjoy Conan's humor as well. I'd take either one of them over Letterman.

You can't do that! Argue with the great Shadow. He's gonna get ya. :lmao:
Yep, I thought that it was NBC who went to Leno 6 years ago and told him that other networks were trying to steal Coco away so they promised him the Tonight show in 5 years. Leno at that time was and remained #1 in that slot till the switch. [Godfather] you’re out Jay, it’s only business [/godfather].

Coco was #1 on his after Tonight show, show (whatever it was called) but when he took over the TS he was struggling. While he gained a little on Letterman (who I don’t care for) was stuck in the #2 spot. The network brains started to get nervous, they took two #1 shows and transformed them into two failing shows. Somebody’s bonus was going to be a little short this year.

I don’t know who’s idea it was to put Leno on every night at 10 but that was a big fail. I actually thought I was going to like it but I guess it was because I really only watched the Tonight show for the monologues and skits since the guests bore the hell out of me.

Getting off topic a little but I really wish they could come up with some new ideas. Every time they get a hit, they spin off another dozen of the same thing. Year after year we get treated to cop shows, doctor shows and lawyer shows and of course we can never forget the played out reality shows.
Yep, I thought that it was NBC who went to Leno 6 years ago and told him that other networks were trying to steal Coco away so they promised him the Tonight show in 5 years. Leno at that time was and remained #1 in that slot till the switch. [Godfather] you’re out Jay, it’s only business [/godfather].

That was my understanding.
Jay was number #1 in his timeslot with the Tonight Show until he 'retired' from it. He did NOT want to leave. The network wanted him to retire so that Conan would not leave. Jay Leno is not an overpaid failure by any stretch of the imagination.
As far as Jay versus Conan goes....Jay every time. But I do enjoy Conan's humor as well. I'd take either one of them over Letterman.

I agree with this statement except I thought Conan's humor was like a 3rd grader..... Letterman SUCKS........ I vote for Leno all the way!
That was my understanding.

Well hell!

Like I said, I don't watch much late night talk so maybe I must have misunterstood it? It was my understanding that Leno "wanted" to retire, not that he was "forced" into it?

I agree with this statement except I thought Conan's humor was like a 3rd grader..... Letterman SUCKS........ I vote for Leno all the way!

Of all the humor on late night talk, I actually prefer Lettermans to any of them. Then again, I kind of enjoy dry, sick humor:rofl1:

Leno's delivery sucks...Any time you have to explain a joke, it "ain't a joke.":D

You can't do that! Argue with the great Shadow. He's gonna get ya. :lmao:

Hell!! Anybody can argue with me:thumbsup:

That's not a HALO over my head...it's a glare:D

Bring it on:thumbsup:
Don't honestly care for any of them since Carson retired in '92. Seems like this whole drama is a lot like the political scene they've all made fun of for years. Of them all, Leno probably gets the nod because of his garage.:yesnod:
I can think about somebody whose better than all of them.
