• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Feckin' Burglars!


New member
Sheriff's Helo circling overhead. Called the dept. to see whats happening? Seems 2 little rat bast**ds decided to B & E a house dircetly behind mine!!:mad:

As most of the gutless punks, they took off when the owner confronted them...

This might get interesting shortly...
Sheriff's Helo circling overhead. Called the dept. to see whats happening? Seems 2 little rat bast**ds decided to B & E a house dircetly behind mine!!:mad:

As most of the gutless punks, they took off when the owner confronted them...

This might get interesting shortly...
Then once the dogs have found them, POP A CAP IN THEIR ASSES!:thumbsup:
AA :wavey:
As most of the gutless punks, they took off when the owner confronted them...

So this is a bad option when the other option is... what? Assaulting and/or killing the homeowner? Yea, that's a good idea...:rolleyes:

No, actually, I'm just messing with ya Shadow.:crazy03:
So this is a bad option when the other option is... what? Assaulting and/or killing the homeowner? Yea, that's a good idea...:rolleyes:
No, actually, I'm just messing with ya Shadow.:crazy03:

No, running is good if you're a wanna be bad ass like most of these low lifes;)

You confront me in my home, God rest what's left of you after I'm done;)
(*hint to LEO's-Bring a spatula, more crime scene tape and a zip lock bag)

I'm glad the homeowner is ok and they spit on contact. Most people aren't prepared to defend themselves today:(

These guys will show up again...they always do....

And go for it bro....I can handle the ribbing:D:thumbsup:
Last night in Tampa a 72 yo homeowner was shot after an invasion because he was unarmed.

If he had been the outcome would have been different.
times they are 'a changin' my friends:(

But being armed and being able are two different things as well.

One would hope that anyone who is armed is capable of protecting themselves and thier families
One of the more surprising movies I have ever watched was Jagged Edge. The ending was so shocking for something coming out of liberal Hollywood that it really astonished me. If you haven't seen it yet, I'm not going to spoil it by telling you........