• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
A while back I took a stab at creating an international focus Corvette site, just to see if there was any interest in yet another Corvette site. Nope, apparently not. :shrug01:

So I'm shutting it down. I need to pinch some pennies with this server stuff since I retired my business, so I'm going to be terminating stuff that just isn't worth while continuing. I want to try to roll back to a single server, so I need to cut back anything that uses bandwidth and disk storage.

I have already closed one of my sites, and may close down ArmsLocker.com as well, since it just isn't going anywhere after YEARS of plugging away at it. Likely CorvetteTopSites will go away too.

I'm not sure what to do about this site. I plan on keeping it, but I may try putting it on a hosting service instead of allocating space on my own leased server. Not sure how well that will work out, but it will certainly be a lot cheaper than what I am paying for another server. Heck, the backup files on my main server are already over 5gb, so dumping more sites onto the server is going to be a real problem.

Anyway, just a fyi in case things get funky around here while juggling the sites all around on the servers. I'll try to give you warning, but sometimes I don't get much warning myself about when things NEED to happen.
FaceBook Corvette Florida

I would really hate that to happen, but I do understand the economy being an owner of a business also. Why don't you set up a FaceBook site now, so we all can stay in touch in case the worst happens. There are about 500 of us there now and and probably more that I don't even know about. I have my own site, a business site and TampaBay Vettes site.

:hehehe: Jimmy Jet (me!):

:hehehe: Consulting Engineering Group:

:hehehe: TampaBayVettes:

There are litterly 100's of Corvette sites on FaceBook!!!

Something to consider...I would be pleased to administer it with you!!
Jim Kill


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Jim, thanks, but this site will still be around. Just not on a separate server as it has been.
Sorry, but I will never be a Facebook kid:NoNo:

Facebook, MySpace, twitter, all that chit is just more crap to have to deal with and more ways for people to complicate your life.

I get offers all the time from frienda, but sorry, no thanks:NoNo:

I've seen whats happened with some MySpace and FaceBook accounts and just don't want to be a part of it.

That said, if we were to lose this place, I guess I'd be relagated to actually going out and meeting people *GASP* in person:eek:.

Might even have to pick up the phone....OMG!!!!:ack2: to communicate with friends:lmao::lmao:

Seriously though, if it's about $$$, although I know your feelings on the subject, why not get some donations and some sponsorships/advertisers?

I need to send you more $$$ just been busy. I'll take care of it this weekend:thumbsup:

Sorry, but I will never be a Facebook kid:NoNo:

Facebook, MySpace, twitter, all that chit is just more crap to have to deal with and more ways for people to complicate your life.

I get offers all the time from frienda, but sorry, no thanks:NoNo:

I've seen whats happened with some MySpace and FaceBook accounts and just don't want to be a part of it.


Well, I'm paying $244 a month for a server that holds this site and a few other nearly non-functional sites, including CorvetteInternational. Since I retired my reptile business, I just need to more closely examine my expenditures and not be so frivolous.

I will keep this site, but just no sure I can shoehorn it onto my main server without getting a larger hard drive. I can get hardware upgraded as a one-time charge without outrageous monthly fees, but still, I hate to bring down ALL my sites for a good day or so. The other option is just host the site with a webhosting service and hope the throughput doesn't suck too badly.
:toetap05:advertisers, sponsors, donations.....:toetap05:

If that were easy to do, then they would already be here. I've had people ask about sponsorships and advertising, I send them all the info pertinent, and never hear back from them. Sorry, I'm just not the kind of person who nags people and hounds them for money.... :shrug01:
If that were easy to do, then they would already be here. I've had people ask about sponsorships and advertising, I send them all the info pertinent, and never hear back from them. Sorry, I'm just not the kind of person who nags people and hounds them for money.... :shrug01:

No, you're not and I know that.
but to be "blunt" as you've said in the past, you're also too laid back about the business end of the site IMO.

At the same time, we also need people who are willing to get the name out there, get people interested in being here, and not sabotage your efforts.

It's time to get serious about the business endof this site. If there's nothing else to support it, then with this economy it becomes necessaray my friend.

Are there any "Obvious" links to a donation or supporter page here? NO!
Is the subject mentioned in the header or bottom of the page so people regulary see it? NO

See a pattern here bro?

There are literally dozens of Corvette sites on the web, some large, some not so.

CF sold out an ran a lot of people off one way or the other.

DC just sold, and who knows how that's going to pan out? Many are "concerned" that they'll follow suit. For the immediate future it doesn't appear that way, but who knows?

"If" that happens, forced out or walked out, people will begin looking for a new home.

Might be time to open it up a bit?

I don't know, I'm just ramblin' among friends.

I like the local flavor of the Florida site, but would really like to see more activity here, and have a place where people can come to get answers quickly from a wide base of knowledge, or just hang out and shoot the crap about vettes or whatever? Without the modding and censorship you find many other places.

That's what we have presently, just not enough traffic to support it:(

Thoughts from the rest of you?


Send me a pm with your information (I don't do paypal either if I can avoid it) and I'll send out the check today!

Thanks for everything you've done to make this place a home:thumbsup:
