• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Xtreme Motorsports

There seems to be enough corroborating informatin from other sources to at least suggest that the situation had some merit.

I'll give it a little while then check with the state and see what's going on.

You can probably find FATBUM whining on some other sites (if they too haven't tossed his arse to the curb).

Bottom line is, if this sort of thing is going on, we don't need it. If someone has facts, post them up, do what needs to be done, and move on.

I'm still wondering why he (FB) would have taken the car back to Chris after contacting the authorities, nor why Chris would even agree to work on it again (much less talk to him after all this posted BS)?

Time will tell.

For now, it's DIW....
There seems to be enough corroborating informatin from other sources to at least suggest that the situation had some merit.

I'll give it a little while then check with the state and see what's going on.

You can probably find FATBUM whining on some other sites (if they too haven't tossed his arse to the curb).

Bottom line is, if this sort of thing is going on, we don't need it. If someone has facts, post them up, do what needs to be done, and move on.

I'm still wondering why he (FB) would have taken the car back to Chris after contacting the authorities, nor why Chris would even agree to work on it again (much less talk to him after all this posted BS)?

Time will tell.

For now, it's DIW....

I might add that when folks decide to go into a tirade several times that it takes away from their credibility. And they definitely lose any support base they may have had.

As myself, Shadow and Rich have posted it can be very expensive to file a civil suit. I predict there won't be one. As Shadow has already posted the shop is still in business so I agree he may pay a fine and that will be the end of it. Life goes on.

Rich's car is in the shop and I also think Thunder's is. If they come out smiling I'm sure that will help Chris and negate a lot of what fatbum posted.
Well, all of our vehicles have been in Chris's shop at one time or another for various reasons. And I have never had any complaints about the work he has done on any of them. Trust me, I didn't choose XtremeMotorsports to do this extensive mod on my car on just a whim.... There is no way I would have selected Chris for the work if I had not had complete confidence in his abilities.

Yeah, my build pretty much turned into a nightmare and I've had the car tied up for over 6 months, but it wasn't his fault that I got a crappy Warhawk engine from World Products.

Chris has stood by me the entire time, even though I am certain that the issues he was having with other customers had a dramatic and noticeable damper on his enthusiasm for his business.
I'll bet they did:(

I was a little surprised initially in his (Chris') lack of responsiveness on the forum. A little communication would have gone a long way.

After FB started belittleing him and of course, after any potential charges arose, he was smart to keep his "virtual" mouth shut. If he is guilty of these "charges" he needs to avoid further incrimination.

If not, then he needs to print this whole thing and sue this knucklehead into oblivion!

(I'm not looking for the latter to happen though).

Lets just see what happens?
I'll bet they did:(

I was a little surprised initially in his (Chris') lack of responsiveness on the forum. A little communication would have gone a long way.

That was my thought but I did share a PM with him (Chris) and I keep that stuff private. We all know of Rich's problems with the engine and he explained why he has Chris doing the work. It's not that I don't believe FB entirely, but I think there are other factors we know nothing about. Same with the other deal that has gone silent.
The whole deal dies i mean.

:lmao:FRUEDIAN SLIP?:lmao:

That was my thought but I did share a PM with him (Chris) and I keep that stuff private. We all know of Rich's problems with the engine and he explained why he has Chris doing the work. It's not that I don't believe FB entirely, but I think there are other factors we know nothing about. Same with the other deal that has gone silent.

There usually are 2 sides.
Heck, when I took my car into Xtreme back in late October, and through the next month or so, Chris seemed very distracted and looked like his get up and go just got up and went. And I told him so. He just was not the same guy I had known before. I have no idea what was coming down on him at that time, but it was around the time that my engine came back from having World Products botch up, er "fix" the intake manifold bolt holes, that Chris seemed back to his old self. Now when I go over there the place seems to be active with people dropping in and things going on, whereas before it was more like walking into a mortuary that lost it's contract with the cleaning crew.

All I know is that SOMETHING apparently happened in Chris's life last Fall/Winter that put him behind the psychological eightball for a while. Hopefully that is now over with and the REAL Chris Harwood is back.