• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

When We Need Help...


Road Trip!
Have you heard of any of the oil producing countries offering to help us with oil spill?...yet we are tha first to assist and pour $$$ into anyone that has a catastrophe...Think it is time to step back and rethink about our priorities...who we should and should not help...:toetap05:
I agree.

There may be something that we're not aware of, but I haven't heard of anyone stepping up to the plate:(

Of course, they have a dog in the hunt see.....the more we loose and the more people get incited over offshore drilling and want to ban it, the more we're at thier mercy....Cha...Ching!
Accidents happen ,I know I've caused a lot of 'em .This oil spill pizzed me off from day one .My main concern is that no one then or now has a handle on it .

I've read every bit of info on the cause to the action plans and I believe the oil will keep on pumping into the gulf for weeks if not months --that pizzes me off royally.:mad:
^ If that is so, then the pro-green people should be happy. Since before too long...

... we really will be able to run a car on water!:hehehe:
What really galls me is that our leader in D.C. did not a thing for over a week. Do you remember how the media and the libbies crucified OLD G.W. for not stopping Katrina?? All I can say is NOVEMBER is comming.......
What really galls me is that our leader in D.C. did not a thing for over a week. Do you remember how the media and the libbies crucified OLD G.W. for not stopping Katrina?? All I can say is NOVEMBER is comming.......

Had the government stepped in at the beginning, we the taxpayers would have gotten the FULL tab for the cleanup...At least now BP is 100% liable even if they are pushed to the side...The Dept of Interior is partially to blame not OBAMA personally like you implied...

Katrina was different in that nobody did anything for days while innocent people were perishing in the streets...All GW had to offer was that dumbass look he was so famous for...

At least if Palin was VP now she would be in the bayou with her coochie cutters and tank top helping out with the effort which would be pleasing to eye and McCain would be barking orders from shore in his wheelchair...
No doubt where you stand! It is the same thing because it is a national disaster.. Libs and Osama Hussien Obama still can't take responsibility for thier actions or lack of. But they still are blaming poor old George.When is it going to be WE screwed UP??:banghead:
No doubt where you stand! It is the same thing because it is a national disaster.. Libs and Osama Hussien Obama still can't take responsibility for thier actions or lack of. But they still are blaming poor old George.When is it going to be WE screwed UP??:banghead:

Agree...We did screw up...we voted for both GW & BO...Now lets try and find a good pick for 2012...
No doubt where you stand! It is the same thing because it is a national disaster.. Libs and Osama Hussien Obama still can't take responsibility for thier actions or lack of. But they still are blaming poor old George.When is it going to be WE screwed UP??:banghead:

I have to agree with you there. Every LIB has the same excuse that it was the most recent Republicans fault.... NEVER the LIBs fault... :rolleyes:
Looks like leak is plugged for now...Congrats to BP and their subs...lets cross our fingers...a couple of more days will tell...Guess OBAMA will get blamed for this too...

Now the cleanup is the next piece of business...Before first gulf hurricane hits area...
Looks like leak is plugged for now...Congrats to BP and their subs...lets cross our fingers...a couple of more days will tell...Guess OBAMA will get blamed for this too...

Now the cleanup is the next piece of business...Before first gulf hurricane hits area...

It's already happened. Obama is the one who pointed the finger at himself, though.
The CEO of BP should go to prison for crimes against humanity .BP has lied since day one and the destruction they are responsible for will not be able to be reversed for decades .

Obama ,well he's just so far out of his league it's also criminal .I figured out the other day that Obama isn't black at all ,he's white but just completely full of "Bull Chit".
In China, they execute company executives...why not here?

As for BO, at least he manned up,something no one else has...
I listened intently to his new conference yesterday on radio,

An hour (+/-) of absolutely NOTHING!:thumbsdown:

The man didn't say chit worth hearing and tap danced around every direct question he was asked:(

I'm not anti-Obama.....I'm anti-POLITICIANS......period!:thumbsdown:

As one caller said on Hannity yesterday, (he was republican mind you), I'm ashamed of my party and it's politics (dems and rep) and can't wait for a true, non-party platform.

Apparently they're working on this system in California, where whomever gets the most votes in the primary, despite political affiliation, is in the runoff elections. Be it 2 dems, 2 pubs, or whoemever:thumbsup:

Not much good comes out of that fruitcake state, but in this case, they may be on to something:)

But however we do it, we need a total housecleaning and some independent (non-party) leadership for a change.:thumbsup:
we need a total housecleaning and some independent (non-party) leadership for a change.:thumbsup:

Exactly what this country needs is competent leadership that can make meaningful decisions in a timely manner.

When North Korea nukes the south are we going to take 30 days to study the situation ?Ya can't tell me that significant oil clean up couldn't have been started day one .The oil well could have been sealed within two days .The technology was utilized during the Gulf war.