• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Give Them More


New member
Montebello High School in California
See anything wrong

If they don't like this country, they are welcome to leave anytime they want to. I don't think anyone here is keeping them here against their will.
If they don't like this country, they are welcome to leave anytime they want to. I don't think anyone here is keeping them here against their will.

It's like every other group of people who don't like the situation they live in, the lazy bastards know it's much easier to cry and moan about how wrongly they are treated, then to grab their stuff and go somewhere that's better for them.

I know it's bad down there in Mexico now, but I lost all patience with them in high school when a girl whose parents were illegal aliens who were given citizenship called me a racist for thinking that we should kick all of the illegals out.

I don't have anything against Mexicans who are in the country legally though, they seem to be hard workers and honest people. I just don't like the apparent immunity to laws that they enjoy, and the unwillingness to wait for the process (and to follow the laws) shows me that there's some "character flaws" there.
I followed your link and from what I can understand from it ... This did happen. I didn't see any mention of a photoshopped photo. Did I miss it?

I thought at first is was but the link confirms that it did happen but not by the students at the school. I was students from a near by town.
I thought at first is was but the link confirms that it did happen but not by the students at the school. I was students from a near by town.

So they say.

This is like the two kids who were suspended and sent home because they wore American flag tshirts to school on Cinco De Mayo.... The "holiday" is created by a beer company, and has nothing to do with USA history. It is about France vs Mexico history - but the beer company made it a holiday to have another big alcohol purchasing day. What BS!