• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What Happened?


Can't say I blame you there Rich. I try to avoid any dealings with lawyers....whenever a dispute erupts between two or more entities, no one wins but the lawyers. Besides, it's not in their best interest to resolve the dispute, rather, they try to keep the hostilities flying, and like the croupier at the craps table, just keep skimming the money off the top, LOL! Damned bottom feeders.:thumbsdown:
I just got tired of people chewing on my leg when I try to enforce the rule there about using their full name on posts...


I might ask why you would allow people to chew on your leg? The BOI is a valuable tool that should be put back onto this site. It's real easy to enforce the rules without having any discussion. DELETE.

I would be more than happy to moderate that forum for you.
It is my fault. I responded to an entry in BOI not realizing that it was in BOI and did not include my name.

Then, I did not take kindly to the sarcastic way in which I was scolded.

Not a fun place for me anymore. Good bye all.
It is my fault. I responded to an entry in BOI not realizing that it was in BOI and did not include my name.

Then, I did not take kindly to the sarcastic way in which I was scolded.

Not a fun place for me anymore. Good bye all.


I understand believe me, but hang in there my friend.
We all have rough spots and everyone lately seems to have a lot on thier plate (I know I did).

There's a lot of good folks here and we'd all miss ya bro!
It is my fault. I responded to an entry in BOI not realizing that it was in BOI and did not include my name.

Then, I did not take kindly to the sarcastic way in which I was scolded.

Not a fun place for me anymore. Good bye all.

I'm sorry, Lou, but which statement of mine is it that you consider as "sarcastic"?

This one:
Rich Z said:
Dear Lou G, You have received an infraction at The ALL Florida Online Corvette Club. Reason: Failure to provide FULL NAME on post in BOI ------- You post is subject to being deleted unless this rule is complied with. ------- This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. All the best, The ALL Florida Online Corvette Club

Or this one?
OK class, this is a test...

What does this statement mean?
FULL NAMES are required to post in this forum!

Just wanted to set the record straight here in case some people got the impression that I was especially caustic and sarcastic towards Lou. Obviously, my definition of the word "sarcastic" and his differ quite a bit. My goal was to get the point across as quickly and directly as possible without being couched in a lot of fluff and hyperbole. Sorry some feel that this is a failing on my part.

I understand believe me, but hang in there my friend.
We all have rough spots and everyone lately seems to have a lot on thier plate (I know I did).

There's a lot of good folks here and we'd all miss ya bro!


Hell,I want to retire and can't because of the Jobs I have promised to do!:banghead::banghead::banghead:


Hell,I want to retire and can't because of the Jobs I have promised to do!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

I want to retire too, but like I tell people....."I can't retire as long as I have credit cards!" :rofl1::rofl1:
Andy :wavey:
I'm sorry, Lou, but which statement of mine is it that you consider as "sarcastic"?

I'm guessing the second quote. He said he made a mistake and didn't notice he was in the BOI. Would this work?

Dear Member,

Your post has been deleted because you did not comply with the rules. You must state your full name to post in the BOI forum. If you would like to re-post your message just add your full name and you're good to go.

Thank You
I'm guessing the second quote. He said he made a mistake and didn't notice he was in the BOI. Would this work?

Dear Member,

Your post has been deleted because you did not comply with the rules. You must state your full name to post in the BOI forum. If you would like to re-post your message just add your full name and you're good to go.

Thank You

Had that member merely made note of either the infraction or the notice I posted in that thread, and complied with the requirement to provide their full name, then the post wouldn't have had to be deleted. I gave him time and opportunity to correct that mistake, but he preferred to take the low road instead.

The second notice was used in such a manner as to also remind all other readers of the requirement indicated, in case it had slipped their notice as well. The notice "FULL NAMES are required to post in this forum!" was plainly visible at the top of the page of the thread while he was viewing it.... :shrug01: Sorry he felt he needed to take it so personal and that incident made this place no fun for him any longer....

Hell,I want to retire and can't because of the Jobs I have promised to do!:banghead::banghead::banghead:


I want to retire too, but like I tell people....."I can't retire as long as I have credit cards!" :rofl1::rofl1:
Andy :wavey:

Huuummmm??? Retirement? I've heard that word before?
Oh yeah! The place you go when you're tired of screwing off and want to get busy!:lmao::lmao:
I'm guessing the second quote. He said he made a mistake and didn't notice he was in the BOI. Would this work?

Dear Member,

Your post has been deleted because you did not comply with the rules. You must state your full name to post in the BOI forum. If you would like to re-post your message just add your full name and you're good to go.
Thank You

If anyone cares, I happen to like the above comment (or some derivative thereof) as a standard canned alert to the violating member:thumbsup:
It's polite, not to brash, yet makes the point clearly and tells the member what, why and how to correct the "infraction."

Frankly, when I saw the original post, I almost posted a :dancer01::thumbsup:to FRC Tom's positive comment. I too failed initially, to realize it was in the BOI, since it was POSITIVE, NON-ACCUSATORY, and NOT DIRECTED AT A BUSINESS.

IIRC, the BOI was designed for BOTH ATTABOY's and OH CRAPS!

Seldom did we see an ATTABOY posted there:thumbsdown:

This "infraction" was easy to make. Like I said, I almost made it myself:eek:

And yes, it was the BOLD RED LETTERS that upset the member.

Had that member merely made note of either the infraction or the notice I posted in that thread, and complied with the requirement to provide their full name, then the post wouldn't have had to be deleted. I gave him time and opportunity to correct that mistake, but he preferred to take the low road instead.

The second notice was used in such a manner as to also remind all other readers of the requirement indicated, in case it had slipped their notice as well. The notice "FULL NAMES are required to post in this forum!" was plainly visible at the top of the page of the thread while he was viewing it.... :shrug01: Sorry he felt he needed to take it so personal and that incident made this place no fun for him any longer....

IIRC didn't Lou usually post his full name when posting in the BOI?
Since I didn't post in there, I simply don't recall.
Gotta remember too, that some people don't go back to thier previous posts or threads when they visit.

And not everyone is on as much as others even though they may stay logged in.

Is it possible that he hadn't seen the infraction notice or actually been back to the BOI?

Is it possible that he though the post had been deleted and just chose not to post in there again?

I hate to see someone haul over this kind of thing.:(
He simply may not have seen the
Frankly, when I saw the original post, I almost posted a :dancer01::thumbsup:to FRC Tom's positive comment. I too failed initially, to realize it was in the BOI, since it was POSITIVE, NON-ACCUSATORY, and NOT DIRECTED AT A BUSINESS.

Seldom did we see an ATTABOY posted there:thumbsdown:

This "infraction" was easy to make. Like I said, I almost made it myself:eek:

And yes, it was the BOLD RED LETTERS that upset the member.

IIRC didn't Lou usually post his full name when posting in the BOI?
Since I didn't post in there, I simply don't recall.
Gotta remember too, that some people don't go back to thier previous posts or threads when they visit.

And not everyone is on as much as others even though they may stay logged in.

Is it possible that he hadn't seen the infraction notice or actually been back to the BOI?

Is it possible that he though the post had been deleted and just chose not to post in there again?

I hate to see someone haul over this kind of thing.:(

This is one reason we need you on here. The voice of reason. You put so much thought into your posts and go to great lengths to explain your position and why.

I have talked to Lou via PM and email in the past and he's a good guy. He's been a member here since 2006 and has over 800 posts. I do not remember him being involved in any bashing or pissing contests.

This board will lose a valuable member over a polite comment he made not realizing he was in the BOI. That's just not right.

I am pleased to say that I had a positive thread about the Vette Doctor in Melbourne. When I first joined this board I was looking for a good Vette mechanic and so I posted about Bob after he did a good job on my car. Problem is now the next newbie looking for a mechanic around here won't have a clue. That's just not right either.
I have altered the Board Of Inquiry forum whereby only members who belong to a special member group can post new messages there. The requirement is simple: They must have their FULL NAME within their profile.

Since I have to add members to this group manually, and if they have not already provided their FULL NAME within their profile, they will have to contact me to be added to this group AND provide their FULL NAME for me to add to their profile. Yeah, this could be easier. But since at least one member removed his FULL NAME after the fact, I had to keep that from happening in the future. The only time a member can edit that profile field is upon registration. After that, it is then locked.

I felt this would possibly be a reasonable compromise to just doing away with that forum completely.

I have altered the Board Of Inquiry forum whereby only members who belong to a special member group can post new messages there. The requirement is simple: They must have their FULL NAME within their profile.

Since I have to add members to this group manually, and if they have not already provided their FULL NAME within their profile, they will have to contact me to be added to this group AND provide their FULL NAME for me to add to their profile. Yeah, this could be easier. But since at least one member removed his FULL NAME after the fact, I had to keep that from happening in the future. The only time a member can edit that profile field is upon registration. After that, it is then locked.

I felt this would possibly be a reasonable compromise to just doing away with that forum completely.


Thanks Rich.