• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Rules for posting in the BOI forum

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Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
I guess I need to make some guidelines about how to best utilize this forum. Some will be common sense, and others will be simply my exposing some scars from the lessons I learned on a much larger BOI forum I run on another site.

  1. FULL NAMES are required in the "Name" prompt in your user profile. This is for legal reasons, and is non-negotiable. YOU must be willing to accept responsibility for your words. If you are not willing to do that, by being anonymous, then I am sorry, but you just cannot utilize this forum.
  2. Anyone posting in this particular forum without providing their full name will receive an infraction and incurs the risk of having their post deleted.
  3. The name of the PERSON or BUSINESS, or BOTH must be in the topic line of any new thread you create. This allows a reader to quickly see who the thread is about and also makes search engine spiders more efficient in picking out the names relevant in the discussion. Many people will just not open up a thread if the topic line is not concise about who or what it is about.
  4. Whenever possible, try to utilize an existing thread about a particular person or topic. Readers are MUCH more likely to read a long thread than they are to read a dozen of short ones. Most people will not use the SEARCH function, and the first thread they come to will be the one they read, and likely assume that this is all there is about the topic.
  5. Derogatory comments or expletives within the topic line are not allowed. Don't let your emotions cause the hard work you went through typing in a long involved post to get removed.
  6. FACTS are the building blocks of getting what you hope for accomplished. Emotional rants will have YOU put on the defensive and pretty much just shatter your credibility entirely. Opinions are OK, but you need to state such statements as such. Be careful that YOU don't engage in libel, and therefore subject yourself to possible litigation for words you utter that the opposing party can prove to be false.
  7. PROOF is welcome, but not absolutely required. This is simply because absolute proof may be difficult to come by, and the situation you are involved in may be the result of many things that are hard to prove, but taken together as a whole view, will pretty much paint the picture that you want the viewers to see.
  8. No one on the staff of this site will act in the capacity of a judge in any manner. We will not try to decide what is the truth, and what are lies. This will just be a black board where anyone can write what they wish to (even lies), and YOU, as the reader of those words, have to make your own determination about what is the truth. We will not hold your hand to try to guide you in making that sort of a decision. By leaving a thread or posts on this site, it is not inferred that we agree with it in any degree.
  9. There is no requirement that anyone posting on any specific thread have to be directly involved or know the parties that the thread is about. Sometimes objective third party discussion may be helpful for the persons who are in a conflict to receive some feedback about what the public perceives about their actions, and perhaps offer solutions that a majority might consider as being reasonable to resolve the issue.
  10. We cannot edit your posts, thread title, or anything at all concerning what you post in the BOI. That is because if we were do that, and litigation resulted from your words, WE would be considered as legally being co-authors of what you wrote. Sorry gang, but neither myself nor the mods are going to be much inclined to go to court just because you spelled someone's name wrong. PROOFREAD your posts to make sure they are correct before you submit the post. Once you click that button, it's now in concrete. YOU cannot edit nor delete anything you post here. And no, WE will not do so for you after the fact. So you are strongly advised to make CERTAIN that your ducks are all lined up in a row, and you can back up anything you claim.
  11. Heated arguments that erupt into out and out flame wars will be quenched in whatever manner works best at the moment. This can be simply by a word from a mod, an infraction levied from the system designed for that purpose, or giving both antagonist and protagonist a three day vacation to cool off. Understandably, some people in the heat of such an altercation might feel the need to throw a few punches at the mod trying to cool things off. I strongly suggest that you resist that temptation. The mods here are doing so by VOLUNTEERING for the job, and I am not inclined to allow them to take abuse while helping ME out. Threats of violence, in particular, will get you ushered right out the door rather quickly.
  12. This is not a forum ONLY for BAD GUY stories. It is also for members to post about some people or businesses who have gone the extra mile or proven to you to be exceptional in what they do. Give them some recognition. Help everyone else to not only avoid the BAD GUYS, but also put the spotlight on the GOOD GUYS every once in a while.
  13. Ignorance of the rules will not excuse you from violating them. I have no way to KNOW you have read the rules, so I just have to assume that you have.
  14. This will be one of the few threads that will be edited now and again as needs change to modify the manner in which this forum needs to be guided.
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