• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Chris Harwood dba XtremeMotorsports, SportscarTech.com, and Arrive-n-Drive.com

Raising money by moving on to a new crowd of people to pay off the old crowd of people. Grr.

Someone should alert his new sponsors about his business practices.

I'll guarantee you he won't pay a dime unless he's afraid of going to jail. This guy has no conscience. The "someone" in your post is you. If you don't push it, from what I'm told the state won't either. Did you read the link in my previous post?

I think you've had your non-working car back for a few months. Have criminal charges been filed? I'm really trying to help Liz even though it looks like I'm criticizing but if you don't do it no one else will either. Put that dirt bag where he belongs.
Some good news about my motor. A tool was left on the flywheel to lock it in place.They removed the tool and my motor turns by hand now.
Bad news is they put holes in both my rocker panels where jack stands had been put. They also broke the right front sway bar link.Wonder what else I'll find screwed up as the rebuild continues.

That's good news on the engine Mike. Who put holes in the rocker panels? If it's the shop the car is at now get it out of there.

Have you filed criminal charges yet?
unfortunately, my only recourse is going through the state or taking him to small claims court which costs more money and even if I do win. He doesn't have anything to win. I'm not spending another dime on him or my car he jacked up.
I'll guarantee you he won't pay a dime unless he's afraid of going to jail. This guy has no conscience. The "someone" in your post is you. If you don't push it, from what I'm told the state won't either. Did you read the link in my previous post?

I think you've had your non-working car back for a few months. Have criminal charges been filed? I'm really trying to help Liz even though it looks like I'm criticizing but if you don't do it no one else will either. Put that dirt bag where he belongs.

Please note that no matter how angry anyone gets over the situation or towards the person who caused it, I want this to remain a civilized and professional discussion. Personally derogatory name calling is really not acceptable and only reduces the effectiveness of what a forum of this nature is trying to accomplish.

Not to mention that such talk borders on libel, and I just don't think that is a wise idea at all.
Rich I was thinking about something, I'm not really sure where the turbos that you wanted coated are located on the car but I assume one would coat them to prevent heat from breaking them down? I was wondering if the spray paint would make them a hazard?
Rich I was thinking about something, I'm not really sure where the turbos that you wanted coated are located on the car but I assume one would coat them to prevent heat from breaking them down? I was wondering if the spray paint would make them a hazard?

My turbos are mounted at the rear of the car, and therefore don't get as blistering hot as those that mount under the hood. So no, there is really no danger at all from the painted coating catching aflame.

It is interesting to note that Chris removed the paint coating on them while he had them with him and supposed to be at Jet Hot. Not sure what he had in mind at that point.... I'm guessing that he probably just wanted to remove the evidence of spray painting that I saw on them. In my opinion, wanting to remove the evidence as best he could. Unfortunately for him, the evidence is all in the correspondence I captured via emails.
unfortunately, my only recourse is going through the state or taking him to small claims court which costs more money and even if I do win. He doesn't have anything to win. I'm not spending another dime on him or my car he jacked up.

Same. Someone give me $400 and I'll take him to court.

The dude STOLE parts from me and the police that i contacted said they couldn't do anything. It's not a failure of the people who have been getting F'd. It's a failure of the system not getting involved. Bob Buccholz should have called the DA by now and let them open up a case. CHRIS HARWOOD SHOULD BE IN JAIL.
There was a flywheel lock tool left on my motor from Chris's shop.The holes in the lower rocker panels are from the jack stands the car was sitting on for 3 months. I also found out the the wiring harness for my TPS and fuel injectors has had the connectors cut off.
I sent Chris a text this afternoon letting him know I need the parts I'm missing.They want to start putting the motor back together on Thursday.So I need to know from Chris if he has them or not by tomorrow so I can start ordering what I need and have it shipped overnight.
The Calhoun County Sheriff wasn't all that helpful today. I called Bob Buchholz as soon as I got home and left a message on his answering machine.
The Calhoun County Sheriff wasn't all that helpful today. I called Bob Buchholz as soon as I got home and left a message on his answering machine.


If you want to take him to court then do it. When you state your claim, include court costs, fees, etc in the body of the claim. You don't need an attorney.

As for the Sheriff’s office, how about a few more specifics as to how they refused to assist? Might help sort things out a bit.

Remember, you don’t have to accept what some patrol person or even a district supervisor gives you as final rule.

Go over their heads. Go to the Sheriff if need be! Go to the press.
Hell, most sheriff’s are more scared of the press than they are of the bad guys.

Although portions of this matter are civil, the criminal side is growing stronger by the day.

If the sheriff, local PD and especially this Buchotlz character from Agriculture, with all the time he’s had to work on this, can’t get it figured out, then maybe it’s time for some new blood up your way.

You have to remember too, most of the DOAC investigators are retirees (old retirees) from somewhere else, just riding out another pension. Not really there to save the world.

This is basically what I have posted before but it looks like no one is getting the picture. I have contacted Buchotlz and have not received a reply. I wonder why. :thumbsdown: I have written to Bill Posey, my Congressman but he hasn't had time to reply. If you folks don't demand action I doubt you'll get any. I'm demanding to know why they are not protecting the citizens of Florida and I WILL GET A REPLY.

I lost your phone number. Feel free to call.
You can't get blood from a turnip, it is very difficult to recover money even when it is court ordered. Court fees also have to be paid up front. Our best hope is that the state will prosecute him. If they lump us all together.
You can't get blood from a turnip, it is very difficult to recover money even when it is court ordered. Court fees also have to be paid up front. Our best hope is that the state will prosecute him. If they lump us all together.

I wouldn't think for a moment you'll get so much as a dime. I want to know why the state has continued to allow him to stay in business after the initial complaint was filed. He had no license, right? I want to know why they are not protecting other citizens of this state. I want to know why he's not being prosecuted.

I think you can sit there for a long time and hope. Hope will get you nothing.
Because they collected his fine money and called it even, they weren't worried about the little guy, they were worried about collecting fines.

Now, frankly anyone who takes him to court is not going to get a penny out of Chris no matter how bad they win. Simply because he has nothing to give up and nothing that he owns worth selling off if the state does sell his stuff off. They can't take money off of his checks if he ever gets hired anywhere because he will just move out of state and disappear.

The best bet is to get him in jail in the first place and THIS is where I am concerned, because the STATE needs to put up. The people have been robbed and have made written and verbal complaints to police departments and consumer affairs and JACK **** has happened to him.

Bob, you are really coming off the wrong way. You don't understand what it took to endure most of this BS to begin with, but I don't think you've realized how much effort people have put in to getting him in trouble. A civilian shouldn't have to take someone to court to have them put in jail, the complaints and proof are ALL there for SOMEONE in the state/local government to do something. A warrant is WELL overdue for this guy who has commited felonies against the people. People want to be done with this and once they apply all that effort in getting their own cars back and filing what should be enough worth of reports to the proper agencies, they are just worn out and want to be done with it. They have done MORE then enough.

Maybe some sort of Tallahassee News journalist will take up the mantle of justice, anyone know anyone? Police and Consumer Affairs not assisting the people in the first place is news itself.

Maybe getting ahold of the district attorney will help, that seems to be the best option in my opinion as they can do the most damage.
Same. Someone give me $400 and I'll take him to court.

The dude STOLE parts from me and the police that i contacted said they couldn't do anything. It's not a failure of the people who have been getting F'd. It's a failure of the system not getting involved. Bob Buccholz should have called the DA by now and let them open up a case. CHRIS HARWOOD SHOULD BE IN JAIL.

Why do you need $400? I believe filing a small claims court suit only costs around $35 or so. As long as your claim is under $6,000 you can use small claims court to try to get restitution. More and more places of finance and employment are using background checks on people they extend loans to or hire for employment. Having a judgment filed against him for the damages he inflicted upon you in the manner apparent would be a great big red flag for the rest of his days. Heck, Chris's employee, Justin, can't get a job working for a car dealership because of his driving record. That's nothing compared to what outstanding court orders and judgments do for prospective employers.

And if Chris were to flee the state to escape a judgment, then that could be construed as contempt of court and he would then have a warrant out for his arrest. Imagine THAT showing up on a background check when he tries to get anywhere financially or employment-wise.... Heck, I think more and more states are being reciprocal with that sort of info even for the issuing of driver's licenses. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in that kind of a position for the rest of my life.
I am no attorney but perhaps the legal recourse you are all seeking individually would be more attainable if you all got together for coffee somewhere an discussed the possibility of a class action against this individual. At the very least you could pool all your data and appoint someone to approach the authoritys as a representative for all and not just one persons problem. I know from experience that an individual making a request will not get the attention a group approching the same people for help will.Remember the squeakie wheel gets the grease and the louder the squeak the more attention it gets. Good Luck with whatever you do.
Bob, you are really coming off the wrong way. You don't understand what it took to endure most of this BS to begin with, but I don't think you've realized how much effort people have put in to getting him in trouble. A civilian shouldn't have to take someone to court to have them put in jail, the complaints and proof are ALL there for SOMEONE in the state/local government to do something. A warrant is WELL overdue for this guy who has commited felonies against the people. People want to be done with this and once they apply all that effort in getting their own cars back and filing what should be enough worth of reports to the proper agencies, they are just worn out and want to be done with it. They have done MORE then enough.

You're right Dan, I probably don't know everything that has transpired nor what any of you have done to seek resolution. You must agree though that it's not been enough. You know the old saying, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going".

Everything I have posted is info from someone that knows exactly how the state works and what has to be done to get the resolution that all of you deserve. It's especially tough for you because of where you're at but none of us can just quit. I know I won't until somebody can explain to me why he's in business. I will continue to write emails and if they don't reply I'll keep on writing until they do.

I will try to get more suggestions but everything I posted should get the job done if we all continue to demand that someone takes action. I wish other members would join us.
All involved in the problems with Chris Harwood will be meeting together with the state investigator in the near future. We are all pretty worn out and strapped for cash after going through this ordeal. Going to court isn't worth the effort due to a judgment would never be paid. We plan on letting the state handle this.I'm sure Bob Bucholz has more then our complaints to look into. So for the people who are posting the state is dragging on this need to be aware of the investigator's current workload. As for wanting to know what the sheriff's department said to me it's not your concern. I'll do what I have to with the state to get Chris his just rewards.