• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Scanners to the left, scanners to the right...

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Do you think that perhaps the government is REALLY getting just a little bit carried away with this kind of crap?

Unfortunately, our privacy will always take a back seat to the "security" of our society. I hate to think of the untold billions that have been spent since 9/11 in effort to prevent more terrorist attacks.
Unlike the Japanese Kamikaze corps that sacraficed themselves in WW2 and then stopped after the war, the Jihads will never stop. :ack2::mad::nonod:
Maybe we need to drop two big ole bombs over the jihads to show them what their god really looks like....thats why the Japanese gave up.
I'm looking for a paint that will show up on their scan (legal of course) and use
it to paint a message to them on my skivvies. Like SKRU U TSA!
OR........maybe just the outline of the one finger salute for them.......
Grumpy :wavey:
Do you think that perhaps the government is REALLY getting just a little bit carried away with this kind of crap?

Eh, maybe?
Depends on exactly what it can "see" and how effective it really is?

In the public domain, you have a limited (at best) expectation of privacy.
The whole issue really hinges on unreasonable search and seizure, and the infringement on your constitutional rights.

If the technology is being used in restricted or high risk areas. ie: Sea Ports, Airports, Bus Terminals, stadium and concert venues, etc., then I don't have an issue with it.
If the technology is used on the general public, on a public street, AFTER (true) intelligence has determined a threat exists (not just that something might happen:rolleyes:), then I'd still support it's use.
Hell, even on the borders (especially that Canadian one:rofl1::rofl1:) to disclose human traffickers, by all means, help yourself. Everyone knows that CBP has the right to search without warrant or PC simply because you're making the crossing.:yesnod:

If on the other hand, local law enforcement were to gain use of the technology, and use it to randomly scan passing motor vehicles, then I'd have to shout a resounding NO!:thumbsdown:

At that point (IMHO), you've severely infringed upon the citizens constitutional rights.

Unfortunately, our privacy will always take a back seat to the "security" of our society. I hate to think of the untold billions that have been spent since 9/11 in effort to prevent more terrorist attacks.
Unlike the Japanese Kamikaze corps that sacraficed themselves in WW2 and then stopped after the war, the Jihads will never stop. :ack2::mad::nonod:

And unfortunately, if someone wants to do harm, they'll still be able to do it.
The Feds and other agencies have caught or stopped several threats over the years post 911.

The two (2) biggest reasons why?

1) These folks can't keep thier mouths shut.
2) They attempt to gain access to otherwise restricted materials, which keys up the feds.

If they were:
1) More resourceful.
2) Worked independently.

We'd find out about the plan when we saw the cloud.....

Maybe we need to drop two big ole bombs over the jihads to show them what their god really looks like....thats why the Japanese gave up.

True, but even that wouldn't stop the jihadist.
They're fundamental radicals.
Dedicated and committed to thier cause, such a plan would increase thier resolve and hatred of the US, increase thier martyrdom status, and very likely turn the entire mideast, some of which are our allies (this year:rolleyes:), against us.
Aside from the above, unlike some groups, where you can remove the head and the snake dies, this snake has no real "head."
Radical Muslim jijhadist cells, are working all over the world. Take out one, the others become stronger.
Some may fall apart, but the majority will continue on.

So the bottom line is, although the thought of turning everything from Africa to China, into coke bottle material is intersting, alas, it won't work:nonod:

You have to kill these groups from within.

I'm looking for a paint that will show up on their scan (legal of course) and use
it to paint a message to them on my skivvies. Like SKRU U TSA!
OR........maybe just the outline of the one finger salute for them.......
Grumpy :wavey:

If you figure it out Andy, let me know. I want some too:yesnod::D:thumbsup: