• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Your Impression of LEO

What is your "General Impression" of LEO

  • They are usually pretty fair

    Votes: 16 84.2%
  • Most are corrupt & show favoritism to other LEO

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters


I'm having a "debate" with another forum member as to the general opinion of LEO in general.. please post...
I think most are very fair.......at least they have been to me! If you choose to be an A-Hole, then you will reap the benefits of that decision :thumbsup::yesnod:! Be nice to the LEO, and they will usually treat you in a pleasant manner. There are, of course, exceptions on BOTH sides of the badge. Personally, I wouldn't want that job........:nonod:
Andy :wavey:
I'm having a "debate" with another forum member as to the general opinion of LEO in general.. please post...

I have no problems with LEO's and actually enjoy their company. I had wanted to join the Michigan State Police when I was a young guy but got talked out of it and I regret my decision.

I don't know a lot about what goes on with you guys pertaining to the job but I have several friends that are LEO's. They're not cowboys and in fact are very different than some people think. Ol buddy. :D
I think the REAL debate you are referring to is whether LEO's should be exempt from the law because of some sort of professional "courtesy". In other words, if a LEO is caught violating the law, should they get a pass card whereby a private citizen getting caught doing the same thing wouldn't likely get that pass?

So I think your poll is pretty misleading and deficient in details concerning what the actual issue was being addressed in that other thread.

Here is what we were REALLY discussing...

So you are stating that it is perfectly OK for LEOs to treat non-LEOs differently from LEOs in the performance of their duties? That the laws being broken by LEOs should be treated differently than the same laws being broken by regular citizens? In effect, "do as we tell you to do, not as WE can get away with."?

And you wonder why LEOs have issues with the publics perceptions of them?

YES !! Its called a "PERK" of the job!! And I have no problem of the publics perception of me when I was "On the job"

I'm not to familiar on how to work this forum, but if you or maybe Bob can post a "Poll" we'll see what most think of LEO either + or - ...

If you can please start a poll...:thumbsup:
LEO impression

Almost all LEO's are my favorite people on this planet along with teachers, medical personnel, firefighters, and members of our military. :crazy03:

A few bad eggs do fall through the cracks here and there and they are usually weeded out pretty quickly.

Think for a minute what our society would be like without them! :nonod:
I know this appears like I'm supporting Jpee out of friendship but that would be far from true. Here's the issue:

"And you wonder why LEOs have issues with the publics perceptions of them?"

I think this is the reason Jpee created the pole.
there should be a few more options, not just good cop, bad cop. ive been pulled over by complete a holes, as well as some pretty cool cops. ive had a few ask about my car and mods, and ive had others tear through my entire car for no reason throwing all my stuff onto the side of the road, looking for. . .whatever they were looking for. cant really put into 2 catergories. what would be good is for the leos on this site to give some pointers as to what to do and what to say when you do get pulled over.
Just a couple of short points if I may.

1) Having spent my entire career in Law Enforcement for a good sized agency and having interaction with many agencies all across the country I have NEVER met a corrupt LEO. Have officers,deputies/troopers made mistakes that cost them their jobs or careers? Yes they have.

2) Professional curtesy to other officers is not a given. I remember giving a ticket to an NYPD because an attitude about being exempt or above the law. It was his attitude that got him the ticket (just as with anyone I ever stopped). I was never a "big on traffic unit" but if faced with an obvious infraction I would work them as necessary and with all the curtesy I was allowed by the driver.

3) Have I ever shown professional curtesy to another officer, yes. We walked in the same dangerous shoes and pursued through the same dangerous streets and gone through the same dangerous doors after people who would take our life with no concern for us or our families.

4) What you say about attitude of officers is a bit misguided. Most (not all) are truly super people. Take them out of uniform and get to know them and you'll probably like what you find. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Were their LEO's I didn't care for, yes. Were their ego's, yes. Just don't use too broad of a brush.

Just my observations.:thumbsup:
what would be good is for the leos on this site to give some pointers as to what to do and what to say when you do get pulled over.

I can do that, I'm an expert. :rofl1:I'm not a LEO but:

1. Be respectful, they're doing a job
2. No BS. You know damn well you're guilty and have earned the ticket.
3. I'm outgoing so I always engage them in conversation and I think they
know I support them.

These 3 tips have gotten me out of countless tickets and if they had written me up my view of them would be the same. I have been pulled over maybe 5 times in the last 10 yrs and only once was ticketed and that cop gave me a huge break when he wrote it. He could have taken me to jail in CT for driving 100 MPH but he reduced it to 80.
Just a couple of short points if I may.

1) Having spent my entire career in Law Enforcement for a good sized agency and having interaction with many agencies all across the country I have NEVER met a corrupt LEO. Have officers,deputies/troopers made mistakes that cost them their jobs or careers? Yes they have.

2) Professional curtesy to other officers is not a given. I remember giving a ticket to an NYPD because an attitude about being exempt or above the law. It was his attitude that got him the ticket (just as with anyone I ever stopped). I was never a "big on traffic unit" but if faced with an obvious infraction I would work them as necessary and with all the curtesy I was allowed by the driver.

3) Have I ever shown professional curtesy to another officer, yes. We walked in the same dangerous shoes and pursued through the same dangerous streets and gone through the same dangerous doors after people who would take our life with no concern for us or our families.

4) What you say about attitude of officers is a bit misguided. Most (not all) are truly super people. Take them out of uniform and get to know them and you'll probably like what you find. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Were their LEO's I didn't care for, yes. Were their ego's, yes. Just don't use too broad of a brush.

Just my observations.:thumbsup:

Good points! And I agree with all of them and especially #4. I've met some SUPER people at Vette shows and find out after the fact that they are/were LEO's. Never would have known if someone hadn't told me.
Andy :wavey:
:thumbsup: for LEO's and the jobs that they do! :yesnod:
My best bud here in Jacksonville is a now retired J S O and told me of a car that over took him on I 95 at 95 or so MPH with New York plates. As the car passed him the guy shows a badge to the side window. That must make it OK the JSO told me. He did pull him over and told him to slow down and the badge thing is not the way to go in florida. did he give him a brake yes, was he do one if he is willing to stop a bullet in his job. I think so .
Just a couple of short points if I may.

1) Having spent my entire career in Law Enforcement for a good sized agency and having interaction with many agencies all across the country I have NEVER met a corrupt LEO. Have officers,deputies/troopers made mistakes that cost them their jobs or careers? Yes they have.

2) Professional curtesy to other officers is not a given. I remember giving a ticket to an NYPD because an attitude about being exempt or above the law. It was his attitude that got him the ticket (just as with anyone I ever stopped). I was never a "big on traffic unit" but if faced with an obvious infraction I would work them as necessary and with all the curtesy I was allowed by the driver.

3) Have I ever shown professional curtesy to another officer, yes. We walked in the same dangerous shoes and pursued through the same dangerous streets and gone through the same dangerous doors after people who would take our life with no concern for us or our families.

4) What you say about attitude of officers is a bit misguided. Most (not all) are truly super people. Take them out of uniform and get to know them and you'll probably like what you find. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Were their LEO's I didn't care for, yes. Were their ego's, yes. Just don't use too broad of a brush.

Just my observations.:thumbsup:

Well said. I agree.

After thinking about this some more, 2 points came to me.....

1. Suppose I'm at an Eric Clapton concert. Do I get to go backstage and see Eric? probably not, because I'm just Andy Anderson. BUT........if my name is Mick Jagger and I'm a member of the Rolling Stones, I probably get ASKED if I want to go backstage. Just about any scenario you can come up with will probably be the same. It happens EVERYWHERE to one degree or another, even with the LEO's.
2. You have NO idea what the LEO just came from! Maybe he just left the scene where a speeder hit a minivan killing or severely injuring one or more small children, or from the funeral of a co-worker. They might have just come from a situation where they got shot at. I've been shot at with the intent to kill, and I can tell you that it isn't any fun....PERIOD! YOU might just be the beneficiary of something like that and don't even have a clue what's pissing him/her off, and they DAMN SURE ain't gonna share that info with you! That's why I always try to be polite and pleasant with the LEO. Hell, if you were pulled over it was probably because you were "noticed" and deserved to be pulled over anyway.
There are probably a million more points, but these 2 just jumped out at me.,
Andy :wavey:
2. You have NO idea what the LEO just came from! Maybe he just left the scene where a speeder hit a minivan killing or severely injuring one or more small children, or from the funeral of a co-worker. They might have just come from a situation where they got shot at. I've been shot at with the intent to kill, and I can tell you that it isn't any fun....PERIOD! YOU might just be the beneficiary of something like that and don't even have a clue what's pissing him/her off, and they DAMN SURE ain't gonna share that info with you! That's why I always try to be polite and pleasant with the LEO. Hell, if you were pulled over it was probably because you were "noticed" and deserved to be pulled over anyway.
There are probably a million more points, but these 2 just jumped out at me

Very sharp Andy and oh so true. thanks

2. You have NO idea what the LEO just came from! Maybe he just left the scene where a speeder hit a minivan killing or severely injuring one or more small children, or from the funeral of a co-worker. They might have just come from a situation where they got shot at. I've been shot at with the intent to kill, and I can tell you that it isn't any fun....PERIOD! YOU might just be the beneficiary of something like that and don't even have a clue what's pissing him/her off, and they DAMN SURE ain't gonna share that info with you! That's why I always try to be polite and pleasant with the LEO. Hell, if you were pulled over it was probably because you were "noticed" and deserved to be pulled over anyway.
There are probably a million more points, but these 2 just jumped out at me

Very sharp Andy and oh so true. thanks


A few weeks ago I posted that Ii thought 99.5% of cops were good guys. Then I changed that because of exactly what Andy said. We all have our bad days.

Can one of you guys tell me where the term "cop" came from?