• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

The launch of NRA’s 2012 voter registration campaign features TV and film legend R. L

The problem with trying to get informed voters is that accurate and unbiased information is rather difficult to come by. Anyone who relies completely on the major media sources for this information are NOT going to be "informed voters", in my opinion. They will likely just mimic the prejudices and opinions of those prejudicial and opinionated editors they are reading. I don't see how any TRULY informed person can doubt that the media has been bought and paid for by the powers that be, and are filtering the information that is provided to you via those channels.

It truly amazes me that the internet is still available to us as a source of information. But I doubt that will be the case for much longer. Laws will be passed based on supposed good intentions that will gut the free sources of information now available on the net.

Now, with that being said, I believe that many TRULY informed voters may just stay home on election day, realizing that the choices are so piss poor that it doesn't make any sense to even vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil, any way you cut it. What is it going to take to FORCE those choices to be people we actually want to vote FOR?
The problem with trying to get informed voters ...

There is no problem and no down side trying to get INFORMED voters! By mere definition, an informed voter is an educated voter.

Now, with that being said, I believe that many TRULY informed voters may just stay home on election day, realizing that the choices are so piss poor that it doesn't make any sense to even vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil, any way you cut it. What is it going to take to FORCE those choices to be people we actually want to vote FOR?

Why would a TRULY informed voter stay home on election day? Because the "perfect" candidate isn't running? If that's the case then I would suggest that you never voted. But I doubt that's the case. Voting for the LESSER of two evils is better than voting for the WORSE of two evils, and it's better than not voting at all. Any way to cut it, staying home on election day is pathetic.
There is no problem and no down side trying to get INFORMED voters! By mere definition, an informed voter is an educated voter.

Why would a TRULY informed voter stay home on election day? Because the "perfect" candidate isn't running? If that's the case then I would suggest that you never voted. But I doubt that's the case. Voting for the LESSER of two evils is better than voting for the WORSE of two evils, and it's better than not voting at all. Any way to cut it, staying home on election day is pathetic.

Sorry, but it seems I have been voting for the lesser of two evils all my life. I'm just not doing that any longer. If someone isn't running that actually deserves my vote, then I decline to give it to someone just because they are slightly less of a jackass than the other guy. Seriously, I felt DIRTY last election after walking out of the voting booth having voted for McCain. I just flat out REFUSE to do that again. "Pathetic" or not.
Sorry, but it seems I have been voting for the lesser of two evils all my life. I'm just not doing that any longer. If someone isn't running that actually deserves my vote, then I decline to give it to someone just because they are slightly less of a jackass than the other guy. Seriously, I felt DIRTY last election after walking out of the voting booth having voted for McCain.

I wouldn't consider any of the Republican candidates to be jackasses. They may not be perfect but they each have accomplishments and something to offer allowing voters to decide who is better. I said better, not perfect! . They each have a record to run on. What does Obama have to offer? What are his accomplishments? His only accomplishment is that he is succeeding in, as he originally campaigned, " ... to fundamentally transform America", instead of wanting to protect American sovereignty and leadership. He is turning us into a divided people, putting those who have worked hard and attained, against those who are lazy and dependent on the government- AND WHO EXPECT THOSE WHO HAVE TO GIVE TO THOSE WHO DON' HAVE. He is now running on his record, and his record speaks horribly of his success. There's no more of the hyped "Hope" things will "Change" mantra. If we change any more then we have, we will hope we hadn't, because we are headed to be the next Greece. And don't think that couldn't happen. There were those in Greece years age, warning that their economic policies would lead to disaster, and there were those who fought that prediction, just as there are those in this country sounding that very same warning, and there are those who shrug that warning off. Obama's own financial advisers disagree with his fiscal policies, and because he is so arrogant, he ignores their input.

I could go on, but just like guns, abortion, and religion, politics is another subject where opinions rarely are changed by logic.

I just flat out REFUSE to do that again. "Pathetic" or not.

You're right, it is.
I could go on, but just like guns, abortion, and religion, politics is another subject where opinions rarely are changed by logic.

Sorry fella, but my argument IS based on logic. You don't have any sort of exclusive on logic, you know. It's just that your brand of logic is different from mine. I don't agree with yours and you don't agree with mine. Life goes on....
Sorry fella, but my argument IS based on logic. You don't have any sort of exclusive on logic, you know. It's just that your brand of logic is different from mine. I don't agree with yours and you don't agree with mine. Life goes on....

If you think so, fella. :wavey:
If you think so, fella. :wavey:

Ah, I see then. So you believe that YOUR logic is the only logic available in this world, eh? Everything else must therefore be illogical that is in contrast to what you believe in? Interesting point of view you have there.....
Ah, I see then. So you believe that YOUR logic is the only logic available in this world, eh? Everything else must therefore be illogical that is in contrast to what you believe in? Interesting point of view you have there.....

You know, Rich, from your posts and apparent overall knowledge about things, and your general demeanor- and even without knowing you- I think you're an intelligent man, and it is for those reasons I am surprised that you are so hell-bent on getting your opinion expressed; and in a way that is almost antagonistic. So, because I am not in the market to make enemies, nor do I care all that much about this, I will concede to your points.
You know, Rich, from your posts and apparent overall knowledge about things, and your general demeanor- and even without knowing you- I think you're an intelligent man, and it is for those reasons I am surprised that you are so hell-bent on getting your opinion expressed; and in a way that is almost antagonistic. So, because I am not in the market to make enemies, nor do I care all that much about this, I will concede to your points.

I do think you may want to read your own posts in this thread with an unbiased point of view. It may surprise you to see your own writing style from an outside perspective. Sorry, but I'm just not the "turn the other cheek" kind of guy.