• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



New member
I watch drifting and I just don't get it. To me it is so boring. I wish the Speed channel would cut their drifting coverage in half.:banghead:
Seen the movie Tokyo Drift, wasn't too bad! Haven't ever seen it in real life though and I wouldn't watch it as a "sport". My son has a friend that used to go out with his bud's drifting. Since he's began, he's (the friend) had countless tickets, replaced the tranny, tires and has had engine troubles out the wazoo. Oh, and now he has no license till he's 18:hehehe: .
Yeah, first I ever heard of it was when I watched that movie "Tokyo Drift". Disappointing movie to me.

Personally, to me drifting is something you do when you have mostly lost control of the car and are trying to regain control. Can't see much sense in purposely doing something like that at all. I guess it is a good talent to master if you drive on icy roads, but practically speaking, why else would you want to do something like that?

But I guess they say the same thing about straight line racing...... :hehehe:
Diffference is, straight line racing is RACING. Drifting is judged. Sorry, anything judged is not a sport, and probably not a suitable activity for grownups.

Don't mind me, my back is out, and I'm grumpy.
Hey you Grump! (Apples vs Oranges)

I don 't consider it a sport either, hence "sport", guess I should have typed.."so called sport" instead.:thumbsup:

Anything judged isn't a sport you say.... How about diving, figure skating, ski jumping, skate boarding, cheerleading, martial arts, boxing, football (yes they're being judged by the ref's during the whole sporting event. when they throw a flag...you've been judged):D
My point is...All, or atleast most sports are judged in some manner of speaking.

Or, were you refering to Cars only and not "anything"?
Well, I guess some people would consider "professional" wrestling as a sport as well..... :lmao: But some things are purely entertainment value alone, and really have no other reason for being, I guess. :shrug01:
I saw curling on TV once, a long time ago. It's about as interesting as drifting to me. Maybe it's like a lot of stuff I've never done. You really don't appreciate it unless you try it. Of course, I've never jumped off a tall building without a parachute either. Don't really plan on trying it.:D
I am sorry guys, I just don't see the attraction for what they call drifting! :nonod:

Now, if you want to talk real drifting, sit your butt down in a 700+ hp sprint car weighing less than 2,000 lbs, on a banked dirt track and watch how drifting is supposed to be handled. No judging (Gannet is absolutely correct), it is just who gets to the finish line first.

There is a little track in Hanover, Pa that I occassionally get up to and it is 1/3 mile banked oval and the winged sprints complete a lap in just UNDER 14 seconds. THAT'S WHAT I CALL DRIFTING!

:peelout 1:
Drifting is gay! Plain and simple.

It's not a sport, it's not entertaining (unless it results in a good crash), it's not cool........it's just plain stupid. Not to mention a waste of money on perfectly good tires. But then again, so is anything geared towards or by ricers; stupid:thumbsdown: !
Don't get me wrong...

I'm NOT a drifting fan. Like some of you... I think it's a waste of money gay and or stupid. The same could be, and i'm sure is said about doing burnouts in a vette,:shrug01: unless you're on an Old set of tires that you're getting ready to replace, what's the point? :confused:
Me... I'm not made of $ , whereas i'm going to throw it away just to show off while trying to impress others.:NoNo:JMO.
Rich Z said:
Yeah, first I ever heard of it was when I watched that movie "Tokyo Drift". Disappointing movie to me.

Personally, to me drifting is something you do when you have mostly lost control of the car and are trying to regain control. Can't see much sense in purposely doing something like that at all. I guess it is a good talent to master if you drive on icy roads, but practically speaking, why else would you want to do something like that?

But I guess they say the same thing about straight line racing...... :hehehe:

I guess I get to be the voice of dissention here. Drifters haven't "lost control" of thier vehicles. They are actually exhibiting greater control than most of us out here.

To be able to go around a banked turn at speed ahile hanging the back end out, takes some serious control. We tend to drive wround with our traction controls on and anti lock brakes and depend on the car to keep us out of the ditch.

We get excited and ohh ahhh, when we break the tires loose in a straight line:rolleyes:

Drifters on the other hand (and please, I'm referring to professional drifters. Sponsored, on the track, I'm making money doing this...drifters) have complete (or as complete as possible when 2+ tires are moving sideways:rofl1: ) control of thier cars and where they're going. The "point" them where they want them to be, time the drift so as not to hit the wall and somehow (most the time) manage not to roll them over:thumbsup:

And to be able to throw your car into a slide at will, again under full control? That takes some practice:thumbsup:

Someone mentioned how many parts a guy replaced in his drifting vehicle.

Race the vette (seriously race it) and see what we end up replacing? Diff's, tranny's engines, they all break at some time.

Good tires?:NoNo: Not really. Most of these tires are purposely designed or worn down to drift.

Finally, like Ynkedad sad, most (or many) sports are judged. I think the finesse it takes to do this properly is amazing!

As far as watching hours on end of it?

I find it much more interesting than straight line, 1/4-1/8 mile drag racing, and only a little less boring than NASCAR:lmao:

What I can't understand, is all the pople that will stand around in the sun quietly, while some joker chases a ball with a stick?

Watching golf is just below watching grass grow:lmao: :lmao: :rofl1: :rofl1:

Ok....fire away!!!:thumbsup:
You're right...The control they demonstrate while performing those maneuvers, is awesome to say the least! Not to mention racing, bracket or otherwise.
The $ it must cost for repairs, to do either event must run high, especially if you wreck.

I just wouldn't subject my DD to the rigorous beating cars must take under those extremes.
Would I do the drifting or racing thing...you bet your A$$ I would, just not in my Fete! Because, I know the wife would come unglued
on me.
Until some
loans me their car so that I might participate in either event...I'll be in the stands oooing and ahhhing
.ooh aah!
Shadows makes some good points and I guess it's all an acquired taste if you will. I still agree with Yankeedad that it's gay. I have to take the George Carlin and say that "drifting" is not a sport!

Drifting is entertainment. I know some will say it's on ESPN but hey, so is poker and that sure as hell is not a sport.....poker? WTF? Neither is ice skating, professional wrestling, tennis or any "sport" where you can't use your hands and doesn't have a ball.:lmao:

Nice beer btw Yankeedad!
Yeah, I'd love to do the drifting thing, but as the yank said, in someone else's car. Must be outrageously expensive to keep those cars up, but it'd be fun to do it. There's a short, indoor adult go-cart race course at Livingston's here in Sarasota and they actually oil the turns so you can drift through them. The carts are pretty quick for this short course, and has plenty of turns and cutbacks. Great fun for $10.00 a run ............Tom
exile said:
Yeah, I'd love to do the drifting thing, but as the yank said, in someone else's car. Must be outrageously expensive to keep those cars up, but it'd be fun to do it. There's a short, indoor adult go-cart race course at Livingston's here in Sarasota and they actually oil the turns so you can drift through them. The carts are pretty quick for this short course, and has plenty of turns and cutbacks. Great fun for $10.00 a run ............Tom

Sounds about time for a CorvetteFlorida road trip and night out:thumbsup:
I was drifting in my Corvair back in HS, before these kids parents were born :D I can't watch too much of it today but hey, they like it and as long as they don't do it in the street (like I did) let em have fun.

BTW...All sports are entertainment
Hell, I remember drifting once way back when I was living in Maryland. Freezing rain caught me out on the road. Noticed the steering wheel felt loose, so I just barely touched the brakes, which of course, locked the rear wheels and stalled the engine. So here I am drifting down the road doing lazy 360s. Nothing I could do, so I just sat back and watched the scenery going by. A curb stopped that drifting event for me....... :hehehe:

Can't say I would want to do that again nor purposely put myself in a position where the tires have all lost traction. I could see where it would be good training to know how to regain control of your car after it lost traction, though.....

:thumbsdown: Hell.........I can't afford the cost of the tires!!!!:thumbsdown:
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