• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

63 this morning

It got down to 57.6 here overnight. I almost had to put jeans on when Connie and I took a drive along the beaches.
We might have to send some of you guys north for the winter so the rest of us can enjoy summer all year round.
Hi 50's-low 60's are the HIGHS up here right now.
Nights are down to the low 40's-high 30's.
Pretty soon lows 40's will be the daytime high.
Then comes the snow! :eek:
Rich doesn't like that word!
Then comes 3 months of driving among assholes who SHOULD
be in Florida because they DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN THE SNOW!
Sheez..... I think I'm gonna like not having snow unless I decide
to go find some.....
Andy :wavey:
Supposed to hit a low of 45 degrees here Wednesday night and early AM Thursday.
It's been so hot and humid the last few days it's just insane. Never saw a Oct this warm. Looks like our first shot of cool air is coming in about 3 days.
Ouch! Now they are predicting a low of 40 degrees Friday night/Saturday morning....
38 balmy degrees out when I got up at 0700! My Vette (a LIFELONG resident
of Florida until this spring) is threatening to not start until the temps get back
up into the 70's :D
Andy :wavey:
You might have to put a jacket on Rich. 47* here this morning! :)

Yeah, might have to break out my jeans and put away the shorts for a while. It was 44.8 degrees here overnight. It's odd, because even though Crawfordville is south of Tallahassee and closer to the Gulf, it is usually colder since we are at a lower elevation. I guess the colder air just flows down to us......
Just wait till Carrie retires (5 yrs) we will be gone to the Tennessee area. Mountains, long pants and all that sweet quiet stuff.
I can't imagine any reason on this earth that could get me to move back to an area that gets snowfall during the normal course of Wintertime. :nonod:
Dang! Now they have changed the predicted low overnight tonight here to 38 degrees.