• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Things I hate....

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Today, it's Ebay. I'm trying to buy some tools off of Ebay from a single seller using the shopping cart. This dumb piece of software just totals up the shipping charge on all of these small items. Seven (7) items total and they are showing a shipping charge of $91.00. Yeah, right.... But wait! They have a button saying "Request a total price from seller"! Yeah, that should get them to combine shipping so it is more reasonable, shouldn't it?

Well, you would think. However, when you click on that button, you get a notice that says:
You must commit to purchase these items before requesting a total price.

To request a total for this purchase, you must first commit to buy all the items included in this order.

You can still uncheck items if you do not want to commit to them or do not want to include them in this request.

Remember, you are already committed to buy items that you have won in auctions or through best offer.

Yeah, right...... Well suppose they just say that this is the shipping charge, and tough luck. I won't want to BUY these items with that shipping charge attached, but I have COMMITTED to buying them. So why even HAVE that button where it is located in the shopping cart page anyway?

Nuts, I tell you, just plain nuts. :crazy03:
I feel your pain. EBAY can be a royal PITA with shipping charges from the dealers.
Amazon Prime cost 79.00/ year and that includes free shipping on anything you buy and it'll show up in 2 days.
Check it out. You might like it.
You might even find used items as well.
I will not do business with Amazon. I ordered a bushel of steamed blue crabs through them (from Maryland Blue Crab Express) and when I got them they were pure garbage. Extremely light weight and the taste was something between mud and dish water. I tossed the entire bushel out into the woods after asking MBCE several times if they wanted those crabs returned to them, and they declined. Last time I looked they were still out there and the raccoons didn't even touch them.

Long story short is that MBCE would not refund the money for those crabs, and when I filed a complaint with Amazon, Amazon refused to do anything, claiming that since the seller claimed that the merchandise was non-returnable, then there was nothing they would do. So pretty much any vendor selling through Amazon can send you a box of horsecrap, claim it is non returnable, and tough on you. Regardless of all Amazon's glowing claims otherwise.

So I've filed a dispute with my credit card company. I even sent emails to Jeff Bezos who just forwarded them to his Pakistan or India customer service branch, who also did nothing. And I then literally told Amazon and Jeff Bezos to kiss my ass when they sent me an email stating that since I filed a dispute with my credit card company, I would be no longer covered by their A-to-Z guarantee. This was AFTER they had already told me that they would not do anything for me, so I'm not exactly sure what response other than "kiss my ass" they expected out of me.

So no, I'm not interested in dealing with Amazon any longer. And I've bought a LOT of stuff from and through them over the years. One reason I often chose them over places I could get things cheaper was because of their really decent return policy, but evidently things have changed there, and I can certainly live without them. I'll just pay by credit card for anything I think I may potentially have problems with in the quality department so I can always have the last say by simply not paying the charge and disputing it. Speaking of which, you MUST not pay the charge on your statement if you want to dispute it. Otherwise that puts you behind the eightball. Once you pay it, you lose all leverage. I found that out the hard way with South Georgia Corvette, much to my chagrin.
Well concerning that stuff I was trying to buy through Ebay, the actual company the products were coming from was Travers Tool Company. I wanted to make this purchase using PayPal so the payment would be during the 2013 year, and odd as it seems, although Travers accepts PayPal through Ebay, they do not accept payment that way from their own website. So I contacted them and explained the dilemma I faced. I was told that I could actually place the order through Ebay, and request a total from them whereby they would send me a PayPal bill for the corrected shipping charge. They said that if I was not happy about the shipping charges (which the guy did calculate for me. OK, but not really great for the small items I was buying), then I could cancel and they would cancel from their end. So around noontime on Monday I did exactly that.

And I waited for the PayPal payment request. And waited. I sent a reminder to them through Ebay and got a notice that they were closed until January 2, 2014. Well, thanks a lot... So I just went and purchased the items I wanted from someone else who wasn't so difficult to deal with.

Now we'll see if I get any static from them and/or Ebay about my cancelling that order. At least I have Travers' statements on record about this.

I swear this sure takes all the fun out of buying stuff. Haven't companies figured out that if you make it difficult to do business with them, some will likely just quit trying?
Wow. I hope I never have your purchase online issues. Ebay has worked great for me. I had an issue about a year ago with a coin dealer in China and Ebay took care of it quickly.
Amazon, I've had a little experience with and really can't comment.
If you belong to USAA (military and family), they also have buying services at discounts.
BTW, Happy New Year to you and Connie.:thumbsup:
,,, Haven't companies figured out that if you make it difficult to do business with them, some will likely just quit trying?

I quit trying. Not enough good stories coming out of the mouths of eBay buyers. I don't trust buying from eBay for any purchase over a buck 2 fifty.
Actually I don't have any substantial complaints about Ebay. You just have to understand their position on things. They are simply a medium to bring buyers and sellers together. They really don't want to get in the middle of such things except to get their cut of the action. You DO have to be careful about the sellers using Ebay, as it is not at all unusual for people to consider Ebay as a good way to dump crap on unsuspecting buyers. I always check the feedback, but even that is not a very good guide.

For instance, a while back I was looking for a collection of music styles for my Roland BK-7M backing arranger. I found a guy advertising 15,000 of them on a memory stick. I knew I could probably find many of them online to download for free, but I figured that this guy had already done all that work and likely arranged them in categories so I wouldn't have to do that. He had good feedback, so I presumed this wold be a worthwhile purchase.

Nope. He just had everything helter skelter in numbered directories, with no rhyme nor reason. And the memory stick only had 10,000 of them. To make matters worse, I ran a comparison on the file names in all those directories, and of those 10,000, only about 1800 of them were original, all the rest of them were simply duplicates and a complete waste.

I sent it back to him and demanded my money back after filing a complaint with Ebay. Which I did get. So basically you can't assume anything with some of these people.

Anyway Travers Tool did cancel my purchases through Ebay and I wound up buying the items I wanted elsewhere. They just dropped the ball. They did offer me free shipping on my next order, but I'm not real keen on trying that again any time soon.
Well, apparently some Ebay sellers are acting as unofficial resellers for Amazon. I've gotten three packages of items I bought from Ebay sellers that came from an Amazon Fulfillment Service. The first two I opened up and saw that the invoice was marked that the merchandise was sent to me as a "gift". So I guess those Ebay sellers are using this as a method of drop shipping from Amazon. Anyway, I sent the second package back for a refund and explained exactly why. I would have sent the first one back, but it didn't dawn on me what was going on. I thought it was just a fluke of some sort.

Ordinarily, this wouldn't bother me, except for the fact that I refuse to do any business with Amazon. They screwed me over last summer concerning an order of a bushel of steamed crabs through one of their affiliates, not upholding their professed "A-to-Z" warranty, and I haven't had a thing to do with them since then. Nor will I.

So I got another box just today from Amazon from an Ebay seller that is going to go back to them. Wish those sellers would disclose their acting as resellers, because now I'm getting pretty gunshy of buying anything off of Ebay as a result.