• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Fall weather.

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Man, today sure felt like Fall was definitely on the way. Didn't get above 72 degrees all day. Was almost tempted to put on jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Lordy, when I lived in Maryland I NEVER would have thought that 70 degrees would feel chilly to me. I guess I've got Florida blood for certain now.
Working up in western Maine ,no snow yet but I scraped frost off the crane windshield the past few mornings .Leaves have turned color although pretty it's a sign of things to come .

I'm looking for my winter options
Working up in western Maine ,no snow yet but I scraped frost off the crane windshield the past few mornings .Leaves have turned color although pretty it's a sign of things to come .

I'm looking for my winter options

Sounds to me that "south" is the only feasible option......
Dammit.... We've had reservations for a cabin at Cape San Blas in St. Joseph State Park since last November and I had to cancel them today. Wednesday through Friday night. Forecast looked great on the 10 day forecast but now it's showing 50 percent chance of rain on Thursday and 90 percent on Friday.

Hell Rich, it's in the mid 40's in the morning here, and I'm still in shorts
and short sleeved shirts. The cool weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!! :thumbsup:
Andy :wavey:
Hell Rich, it's in the mid 40's in the morning here, and I'm still in shorts
and short sleeved shirts. The cool weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!! :thumbsup:
Andy :wavey:

"40's" in my book is NOT cool! That's cold! My Florida thinned blood could develop ice crystal at that low temp.

So anyway, I checked the forecast again, and now that I have cancelled my reservations at the cabin, the Weather Channel adjusted the rain forecast on Thursday from 50% to 20%.

I could just scream...............
So now the forecast is 0% chance of rain on Thursday, and still 90% on Friday but only PM thunderstorms for the day. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
What is it Rich? Bout 75 or 80 miles? Pack up the car and head out. Maybe you
will get lucky and there will be a room. If not, just make a day trip out of it.
No matter what, have some fun either way.........
Naw man, those cabins are booked 11 months in advance. The only way you can hope to get one is by scouring the webpage often looking for a cancellation. When I cancelled our slot, it was snapped up immediately. Probably by someone who works at the Weather Channel.... :mad:
Yowch! Got down to 46 degrees on our porch last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and had to find the comforter for the bed.

Of course, it was nice temps out today to be working in the yard clearing brush.