• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Tuning voodoo

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Is there anyone out there who would be willing to take the helm of a forum here specifically on tuning? I think this is more my own personal interest at this point more then anything else, but I'm a real newb at this and am having trouble getting my mind around all the details. I'm sure all the info is out there somewhere, but it's like search for bits of a needle in a haystack before you can put the pieces together.

Yeah, I know, what I am looking for is an Idiot's Guide to Corvette Tuning.... :shrug01:

But I doubt I am the only one.

Stuff I want to see addressed:

  • What exactly is a wideband O2 sensor and what the heck do you do with it?
  • When a "performance" Diablo Predator tune is loaded into your vehicle, what EXACTLY does it do?
  • What are the DO NOT do's when getting your feet wet doing the tuning yourself?
  • What changes to tuning are required (or at least recommended) after specific mods are done?
  • What specific tuning parameters would be most targeted to us Florida folks living here at sealevel and not really having to worry about seasonal climate changes for the most part?
  • Anything else that is important but I am too ignorant on the subject matter to know they are important........

If someone is qualified and wants to have an entire forum dedicated to this topic, I am willing to do that. If you are a shop and want to use this as a launch pad to promote your own business, have at it. I don't have a problem with that idea at all. Just as long as it benefits the membership of this forum as well as your own business in tandem.
OK! I've got someone interested in doing a Tuning forum for us here. And I must admit, I think I got someone TOP NOTCH!! ;) Just working out some details now.......
Rich Z said:
OK! I've got someone interested in doing a Tuning forum for us here. And I must admit, I think I got someone TOP NOTCH!! ;) Just working out some details now.......
I want to wait until things are finalized. They may not be willing to spend the time that may be necessary for what I want here. So rather then making them possibly look bad for backing out, I would prefer to just keep it under wraps.

I think this is the fair way to do it.
OK, I just got the OK a little bit ago about this tuning forum and sponsor I was talking about earlier. Greg at Anti Venom has agreed to be the sponsor and head honcho of a tuning/tech forum I am going to be setting up here. I suspect Tom may join in as well, so it should be real interesting.

I'll be setting this up in a day or two.......... :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
Rich Z said:
OK, I just got the OK a little bit ago about this tuning forum and sponsor I was talking about earlier. Greg at Anti Venom has agreed to be the sponsor and head honcho of a tuning/tech forum I am going to be setting up here. I suspect Tom may join in as well, so it should be real interesting.

I'll be setting this up in a day or two.......... :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

Very good. Anti Venom with Greg and Tom have a great reputation on the Vette sites, and word of mouth around here. I will be using their services when finances allow:rolleyes: . I like their supercharger and TT jobs they do.
Well we have Greg over here. Why doesn't someone try to snag Tom as well to come on over here?
Rich Z said:
Well we have Greg over here. Why doesn't someone try to snag Tom as well to come on over here?
Ask and yee shall receive.
More than happy to help any of you that are learning to tune your own cars.
If not for a tuner that could never get my car right and than ultimately caused the failure of my #7 piston with an AFR of over 14 to 1 on my Supercharged Z06 I would have never taught myself......



Nice site Rich........................
Thanks Tom. So tell me, how did you go about teaching yourself this tuning stuff? Looks like a steep learning curve right out of the gate, so how long before you started feeling that you knew what you were doing?