• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

three less thieves


retired mech engineer
Killing of 3 teens during burglary may test Oklahoma 'stand your ground' law

Reuters) - An Oklahoma man shot and killed three suspected teenage burglars with an assault rifle when they broke into his home, and the 23-year-old is unlikely to be charged based on initial evidence, authorities said on Tuesday.
The three had forced their way into the house near the Tulsa suburb of Broken Arrow on Monday when the homeowner's son opened fire with an AR-15 military-style rifle, Deputy Nick Mahoney, spokesman for the Wagoner County Sheriff's Office, said by telephone.
The male intruders were wearing all-black clothing, masks and gloves, while one was armed with a knife and another had brass knuckles, according to authorities.
"This is a pretty uncommon thing for Wagoner County," Mahoney said of the shooting.
Two of the youths were 16 or 17 years old while the third was 18 or 19, Mahoney said. Two died inside the house and the third collapsed on the driveway.
Neither the resident or the three intruders were named by authorities.
The trio's suspected getaway driver, Elizabeth Rodriguez, 21, has been charged with three counts each of first-degree murder and first-degree burglary. Under state law, a person who commits a felony when a death occurs can be charged with felony murder.
Rodriguez was arrested after she went to Broken Arrow police to give information about the incident, Mahoney said.
Assistant District Attorney Doug Dry said the investigation was in its initial stages and any charges against the man would have to await such evidence as a coroner's report.
"Right now there's not anything that I know of that we have any reason to arrest the individual that was alleged to have shot the three individuals," he said by telephone.
Dry said Oklahoma law allowed people to use deadly force in the case of a home invasion.


Three teen burglary suspects were shot and killed Monday by a homeowner's son armed with an assault rifle in Oklahoma -- which has a "stand your ground" law -- and the alleged getaway driver in the case was arrested on felony murder and other charges, authorities said.
Authorities said they had not determined if the shooter, who was armed with an AR-15, would face charges. Oklahoma law presumes homeowners have a fear that justifies use of defensive force just by virtue of someone breaking into a home.
A decision on charges for the shooter as well as formal charges for the alleged getaway driver, would be determined in the coming days, prosecutors said.
“And at that time, there’ll be a final decision -- I know there’s questions that have been posed regarding Stand Your Ground law as well as the application of the felony murder rule," said first assistant district attorney Jack Thorpe. "We hope to be able to answer those questions with our formal filing decision when we reach that decision.”
According to Deputy Nick Mahoney of the Wagoner County Sheriff's Office, deputies got a call around 12:30 p.m. Monday about a possible home invasion with shots fired.
Today, Chief Deputy Les Young identified the 911 caller as Zach Peters, the son of the homeowner. They said he told the dispatcher that people had entered his home and that he'd discharged his weapon.
Mahoney said that when police arrived, they found three deceased male teenagers, ranging in age from 16-18.
Two were in the kitchen area of the house, Mahoney said; one appeared to have run from the home after being shot but had died in the driveway.
"These three individuals came to this residence, which we believe, with the intent to break in, to burglarize the home," he said.
Hearing of retired cop who shot moviegoer puts Florida's controversial 'stand your ground' law back in the spotlight
Mahoney said the males were dressed in black, wearing masks and gloves, when they allegedly forced their way through a glass backdoor. He said, there, the three allegedly encountered Peters, who was armed with a rifle. Police said today that multiple shots were fired.
Mahoney said Peters and his father, the homeowner, were in the home at the time but were not hurt. Police said Peters went to the Sheriff's Office and was interviewed by investigators.
Mahoney said two of the deceased were considered armed. One had brass knuckles, he said. Another had a knife. Mahoney said the third suspect had not yet been searched by police.
Police with the Wagoner County Sheriff's Office said today they'd arrested an alleged getaway driver who they identified as Elizabeth Marie Rodriguez.


think what you might do if three men dressed in black with masks and knives forced their way into your home!
theres no doubt in my mind that that would be justification for assuming your life may be in imminent danger,
and I know if I was on the jury the kid gets a PASS!
in fact ID say good job! if the facts of the home invasion, are as they stated!
now obviously the liberal left will assume that the three teen age criminals were just going too take everything they could carry,
and leave any occupants un harmed..... thats BS.
if you break into homes in my neighborhood there's an excellent chance you'll find out what a couple 12 gauge loads of double ought buck shot too your body will do,
to correct your lack of common sense!
from what Ive seen, finding a local home without a 12 ga shot gun,and some one who knows how to use it would be far from easy


And the news reports STILL erroneously refer to it an assault rifle.
They would have you believe AR stands for Assault Rifle.
For those not in the choir, AR stands for Armalite Rifle

"An Armalite rifle is one of a series of rifles made by the ArmaLite company, or more generally a rifle based on one of their designs, such as the M16 rifle."

Well, it depends. If the home owners are white and the perpetrators black, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be on their front lawn before the weekend is out, protesting the slaying of the poor innocent children. Demanding that justice be done with no less than the conviction of the racist gun owners who laid in wait to ambush those children. Pictures will be in the mainstream media of those "kids" when they were in grade school. The brass knuckles were really just something to hold the flowers for their mother that they planned to pick later in the day, and the knife for clay sculpturing class that they just came from. And the homeowners will be shown to have alleged ties with white supremacist militias in the National Rifle Association and were really skinheads in disguise before they quickly grew their hair back out. Oh yeah, the home owners will be second cousins to the Trumps, too. :rolleyes:

And the parents of the children, now suddenly reunited after years of being divorced and living in different cities, will hold each other tenderly and decry the home owers for savagely depriving their beloved children of a perfectly acceptable way for their kids to earn a living because of the despicable discrimination society imposes on those good kids just trying to get ahead in life. "How are our children SUPPOSED to get some money?"

It's those damned white males again. What are you going to do?

DAMN you must have got a copy of the standard,
liberal democrat talking points!

you only forgot to mention all three were model college students that were the sole support of a couple other younger siblings,who depended on them, and that anyone selfish enough to want to deprive them of their lively hood must be a insane, rabid racist TRUMP SUPPORTER... and start screaming that we need total fire arm confiscation