• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Rain to my north

Heavy rain 30 miles to my north. Not a drop around me, but way up in Dixie county they had over 8" today.
Yeah, we got POUNDED here with rain yesterday. Started a bit after 4pm and rained hard into the night. Not sure how much rain we got but some tubs I put out to collect rainwater for my insectivorous plants were filled to overflowing.

And we have a substantial amount of standing water in our temporary pond behind a big bamboo grove. Had to throw out some mosquito dunk bits so the mosquitoes don't have a field day breeding there. Of course, I imagine there are lots of other temporary ponds all over the place right now out in the lower areas of our woods near the stream on the north end.
Darn! You would think your area would get regular rainstorms with the westerly breezes bringing moisture laden air off of the Gulf of Mexico constantly. I thought I was living in the most drought prone area of Florida. I've watched storm fronts heading this way, no matter from what direction, have them break up when they get here, then reform on the other side, with not a drop of rain hitting us. This happens very frequently. Started getting my thinking that there might be something to that magnetics lab in Tallahassee having an influence of some sort.
9 out of 10 times the upper level energy never makes it this far south in the winter. You almost always see more rain in the winter than i do.
Luckily we didn't get any of this stuff today (at least so far). I was monitoring the system this morning and Georgia was having Tornado watches one after the other. I don't know how they fared but it wasn't looking good.
Looks like we will have storms training over us coming up from the Gulf overnight. But I don't see anything yet that looks like a severe storm building up.
We can't buy a drop and it's been dry since late Sept and i see no real rain till late June.

According to the weather radar I am looking at, you just might be having some rain heading your way right now.
This is why I'm going to hunker down in Marathon's low rent district :D 4 days of possible showers in the next month .
Yeah, we are coming into what is typically the dry season around here. The heavy rain we got on Monday could be all we get for the next two months.
And still no rain since then. Couple of storm fronts headed right towards us but simply dissipated before reaching us. We're having to water the fruit trees in group cycles pretty much daily now.

It's like we are located in the rain shadow of some invisible mountain range running from Quincy to Apalachicola. :shrug01:
At least the north where you are is in the blue. We are in the red it has been dry for about 8 months now. I am betting we see no real rain till around June 15th.
Well, I guess that will be when the first hurricane of the season finally brings the rain along with it. Kind of a silver lining with a BIG cloud around it.
A TS would be nice. I just see no hope and a dry summer. Enjoy today as this could be the last shot of cool weather. 90's coming for us by Friday
Heck, Connie and I went to St. George Island yesterday and it was pretty chilly there. We walked down to the beach, then just turned around and walked back.

One interesting thing there, however. Emergency medical personnel were at the parking lot on the east end of the park and we watched a medical helicopter fly in and land there. Picked a woman out from the ambulance there and then flew her off, I guess to a hospital. We asked a bystander there what happened and she said she thought it was a shark attack. The woman being transported from the ambulance to the helicopter had her leg heavily bandaged. No confirmation on that, however.
Not so hot here, but VERY humid. I think we actually had a sprinkle last night, as I put out tubs to try to catch rainwater for the venus fly trap mini bogs I have. Only about a thimble full of water, but better than nothing, I guess. We are still round robin watering all the fruit trees. They are calling for rain here on Monday, but I've seen enough of those kinds of forecasts just evaporate to not take them seriously any longer. So I keep on watering the plants until it actually starts to rain.
Well, we got a LOT of rain here from a front moving through. Pretty severe storms too. Been raining all day so far, so the plants are getting a good soaking. I'm surprised the storm line didn't break up before getting to us like it normally does this time of year.
Well, we got a LOT of rain here from a front moving through. Pretty severe storms too. Been raining all day so far, so the plants are getting a good soaking. I'm surprised the storm line didn't break up before getting to us like it normally does this time of year.

It about all died out as soon as it moved on shore here. Maybe .20" max.