• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

1262 lb. Hammerhead shark

WOW! Heck of a fish. I've fished for tarpon at that very spot years ago. Tangled with a hammerhead or two also:yesnod: ...........Tom
Yet saw that on TV unreal. What's wild is people are swimming in those waters all the time .:crazy9: I had heard a story long time ago about a Giant Hammerhead named Hilter that live in those waters. Boca Grande has some awesome fishing around that area :D
Darn! I can remember my dad talking about a monster hammerhead shark in that area years ago. All the fishermen called it "Hitler" for some reason. Seems to me I also read an account back in the 1940s about people pulling up huge tarpon and by the time they got them to the boat, only half of the tarpon remained from something biting off the back half of them.

Oh, one thing my dad also told me. He is living down in Englewood and says that NONE of the commercial fishermen he knows will EVER go swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. They know what is in those waters..... :eek:
So what do they do with it?

How old do you think that poor little fish was?

If they were not going to eat it then release it!

So you are sitting down at the dinner table ready to eat dinner when you hear a knock on the door.
You get up and open the door and there he is a big hammerhead shark standing there with a harpoon gun!
He shoots you and drags you out of the house.
You are never seen again...

At least he eats you, he does not care about trophy's.
Rich Z said:
Darn! I can remember my dad talking about a monster hammerhead shark in that area years ago. All the fishermen called it "Hitler" for some reason. Seems to me I also read an account back in the 1940s about people pulling up huge tarpon and by the time they got them to the boat, only half of the tarpon remained from something biting off the back half of them.

Oh, one thing my dad also told me. He is living down in Englewood and says that NONE of the commercial fishermen he knows will EVER go swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. They know what is in those waters..... :eek:
Hey Rich Z, Your dad lives in my neck of the woods.The Fishermen are smart folks not to swim in that area.Still today i have heard fishermen telling stories about reeling in their catch only to find the head is the only thing left. :eek:
2Vettes said:
Hammerheads aren't the ones we hear about biting people, are they?

No. Bull sharks are the really agressive ones. The gulf and east coast of Florida is littered with them.

Tiger sharks are pretty nasty too. Check out the website link to see pics of them on the main page, and a shark bite victim.

Quote from sharkmans-world.com ::


In the year 2000-- 85 people were bitten by sharks, of which 12 were killed, but that same year, in New York City alone 1600 people were bitten by other people!!!


“Coconuts kill around 150 people worldwide each year, which makes them
about ten times more dangerous than sharks,” says Brent Escott, managing
director of Club Direct. “People may worry about being bitten by sharks
when visiting Australia, but I would suggest that we would be better
advised not to sit under coconut trees.”


Total Number of Shark Attack Deaths
in 419 years. was 511!! (Just a hair over 1 per year worldwide!)


Between 1990 & 2005, Lions have killed more than 560 people in Tanzania alone!! (only 15 years)
Man I've seen pictures of shark attack victims. You don't have to die to get really messed up by them. Sections of your body just GONE. I would bet the Florida tourism people just HATE when these accounts hit the papers.

Rare event? Sure it is, but it's preventable, nonetheless. Just stay out of the water. No swimming. But many people come to Florida to go swimming, so that sure can put a damper on that idea.

Heck, I remember finding a diamondback rattlesnake right on the beach in Englewood. The people there who saw me catch it thought I was joking when I said it was a rattler.

Even the plants can bite you. How many of you have had an encounter with sand spurs or fire ants? They put a bit of a challenge into walking barefooted don't they? And I've heard that we now have killer bees as well... :ack2:
Rich Z said:
Man I've seen pictures of shark attack victims. You don't have to die to get really messed up by them. Sections of your body just GONE. I would bet the Florida tourism people just HATE when these accounts hit the papers.

Rare event? Sure it is, but it's preventable, nonetheless. Just stay out of the water. No swimming. But many people come to Florida to go swimming, so that sure can put a damper on that idea.

Heck, I remember finding a diamondback rattlesnake right on the beach in Englewood. The people there who saw me catch it thought I was joking when I said it was a rattler.

Even the plants can bite you. How many of you have had an encounter with sand spurs or fire ants? They put a bit of a challenge into walking barefooted don't they? And I've heard that we now have killer bees as well... :ack2:

And 3 gator attacks throughout the state in the past few weeks...:eek: