• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Rain to my north

We got a good amount of rain last night and again today. Maybe that front will drop some rain down your way today.
Just got about 3/4 of an inch here. And about that much last night. I watched the radar yesterday evening and when I determined the system wasn't going to fall apart and miss us like that last few did, I set fire to a pile of limbs that I had collected all winter. Had quite a blaze going with a lot of embers going up but the rain was here within 20 minutes of setting it. Mission accomplished.
Well, the yellow flies are about a month early this year, so maybe the June rains are going to be early too.
Well, the yellow flies are about a month early this year, so maybe the June rains are going to be early too.

Brandon got nothing. It was just my area and a little area to the north that got heavy rain. About 20 miles north they got 5"+ And about 10 miles south of me almost nothing. Rain stalled over us and we really needed it. This was the wrrst 7 months i have ever seen for rain.
Yeah, looks like much of Florida got some wetdom over the last few days.
Had over 5" the last two weeks and looks like a tropical system could bring Rich some rain this coming week. I have a 2 day offshore fishing trip next weekend so hope it is out of the area by then. A good blow will stir the fish up and make them bite better. Red snapper have taken over about every piece of bottom in my area 25 to 100 miles offshore. Back in the 80's there were none to be found.
Red snapper is some good eatin'! :thumbsup:

Yeah, keeping an eye on that storm developing off of the Yucatan...
Yeah.... Friend of mine with a rain gauge says he measured 15 inches of rain in a little over 2 weeks.
Well, Connie and I have been on Sanibel for the entire month of June and part of May. Had a friend stopping over to water some plants for us, but apparently we got plenty of rain most of the time we were gone, so he didn't have much to do. Fortunately he got some of our peaches and blueberries that had ripened before the varmints got into them.

Speaking of rain. Got a hellacious storm yesterday that came out of nowhere. Wind and rain was blowing sideways and all sorts of crap was coming out of trees beating on the roof. Thought for sure we had a tornado bearing down on us. And then when the storm subsided a bit, the power goes out. Stayed out for a couple of hours.

So today we got another storm come in about the same time. Not as ferocious, but still a lot of rain and wind, and enough to knock the power out again.

All this rain is really working out well for the mosquitoes. I've got two mosquito magnets running right now, and am strongly considering buying a third (maybe a fourth too!) one this upcoming week. I had to go down to our temporary pond and throw some mosquito dunk bits in the standing water there. Of course, we have all sorts of temporary ponds all along our stream, so I guess mosquitoes are just going to be part of the landscape of living here. Impossible to get rid of them all, as we have found holes in trees holding water for quite a while. That's all it takes. At least the mosquito magnets do take a big chunk out of the population. Also catch up a good proportion of those damned yellow flies too. Which is better than just soaking everything with poisonous sprays, I guess. On Sanibel they spray the hell out of the entire island about every day this time of year. Not sure how healthy it really is going there. But I guess that is the choice that needs to be made. Been reading up on Sanibel, and apparently it was just about uninhabitable before mosquito control stepped in. Even without it, they are still a noteworthy nuisance there. I sure as heck wouldn't want to be there without something keeping those blood suckers at bay. One account I read stated that screens in the windows and doors would get completely blocked and blacked out by mosquitoes back in the old days on the island. And my guess that was back in the day when malaria was still a problem here in the USA. Now THAT will most likely really ruin your day for you.
Every summer i go weeks without a drop and then get 30" in a few weeks time it seems the last 2 years. Nothing normal anymore like it was in the 70's. Winters have been warm the last 27 years minus 2010 and the last 6 years winters have been hot.
We just got another thunderstorm here, but so far the power hasn't gone out on us.

Just got back from Home Depot with another Mosquito Magnet. Little bitches are slipping into the house every chance they get. I really hate having a mosquito buzz my ear when I am laying in bed at night. I HAVE to get up and find it and kill it before I will get any rest. We may have to start using the side porch so the screen enclosure can act as a staging area that can be cleared of mosquitoes before opening the doors to the house. We've had to do that before.
We just got another thunderstorm here, but so far the power hasn't gone out on us.

Just got back from Home Depot with another Mosquito Magnet. Little bitches are slipping into the house every chance they get. I really hate having a mosquito buzz my ear when I am laying in bed at night. I HAVE to get up and find it and kill it before I will get any rest. We may have to start using the side porch so the screen enclosure can act as a staging area that can be cleared of mosquitoes before opening the doors to the house. We've had to do that before.

The Tampa area is having a bad year for skeeters. Many more than normal and i also notice many more around in my yard than normal.