• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

"BIRD FLU"! Top Scientist calls it "Humanity's Greatest Threat"

I'm one of those people who believes the Government does nothing right as previously stated .

We do not know the origin of food we consume .I should be clearly labeled on all packaging .The only reason labeling is not done is political .
But of course. The US government is way in debt to China, so they can pretty much call the shots. Otherwise they will call in their markers.

Personally, I will NEVER buy food products knowingly coming from China. And if this chicken problem doesn't get fixed, well, then I stop buying chicken completely. But I do wish I knew exactly what sort of processing is being done in China, so I could easily avoid those specific products. Honestly the whole idea just doesn't make any logical sense to me. Shipping chicken to China, process it, then ship it back to the USA? Why? No one can process chicken here in the USA and avoid that shipping time involved with China? How dumb is that?
Well, if the agencies of our government tasked with protecting our well being don't protect us from the garbage that China habitually sends to us, what exactly ARE they protecting us from?

You have to ask yourself why would China send us food stuffs that their own immense population won't eat? Especially if it is the same sort of stuff that they IMPORT for their own consumption? Something just wrong with that picture, in my opinion.

They are importing chicken, process it, then export the "processed" chicken back to the USA. In whose universe does that make any sense? How, in any way, shape, or form, would that "processed" chicken be better, fresher, and more healthy that simply having the chicken retained and processed right here within the USA? Where here there is at least some form of health related quality controls in place.

Money is definitely crossing some politicians' palms for this deal.

And the bozos in Washington D.C. repealed the "country-of-origin labeling (COOL) law" in 2015. Why in the world is it wrong for us to be knowledgeable about where the food we eat is coming from?
Money is definitely crossing some politicians' palms for this deal.

And the bozos in Washington D.C. repealed the "country-of-origin labeling (COOL) law" in 2015. Why in the world is it wrong for us to be knowledgeable about where the food we eat is coming from?
Smithfield foods .
Yeah, you can bet that China is behind the efforts to try to obscure the source of foodstuffs that they are shipping to us. Maybe Trump won't be quite so inclined to kiss their butts like previous administrations have been.