• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

It is the citrus season!

Still only 41 degrees here at 1:15pm. :(

Supposed to drop down to around 23 degrees tonight, and pretty much the same for this entire week.

Well, our citrus trees might be history in 2018. We are going to cover what we can with whatever tarps we have. But I think it's going to be windy too, so that might wind up blowing the tarps off of the trees anyway.

Oh well. Growing our own citrus was nice while it lasted. We won't be replacing the trees, since this sort of thing could happen again at any time. And honestly, we're getting up in age where running around at night throwing tarps over trees would be becoming a burden anyway.
Too bad you can't find some old heaters from some old groves.

It started out at 62 at 530 am and it is 45 now.
Connie and I just got back in from laying out the sheets and tarps where we are going to be covering citrus in a little bit. Things should go quicker this way. Kind of windy, so I hope that dies down a bit and doesn't just blow the tarps off.

Going to be a rough week with the temps, it seems. But at least the daytime temps are going to be coming up out of freezing, so that should help a bit.


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43f here now. I don't see anything getting below 34 for my area. Greening sickness took care of every citrus tree in my hood starting back in 05. I had the best oranges and it started to die from the top down in 05 and every other tree in the hood is long gone. I tried to grow another tree in 08 and it died. So i am done with citrus.
I'm hoping we can avoid that disease on our citrus. Probably the safest thing for us to do would be to consider our trees a closed system and just not buy anything else that could bring in a problem. I think after this, we are leaning in that direction anyway. Pretty much ties us down in the winter months because we have to hang around here in case there is a cold snap like this that we would need to be available to cover some stuff. We even through a tarp over the water pump tank this time, which we have never done in the past.

But if the "global warming" starts bringing in cold spells like this every year, might just be a moot issue.

We just got back in from covering the trees we had tarps for. Probably should run by Harbor Freight and buy a few more, but quite likely they are sold out locally anyway. We could have used one more for one of the small satsumas, but they are supposed to be really cold hardy, so one of the three is going to be an involuntary test case this week, I guess.

Temp is 40 degrees on our front porch right now. After Connie and I take showers, I will be running out to drip the pipes before the temp drops below freezing.

I am DEFINITELY hoping the weather goombas are WAY wrong on the forecast on the low temps. But hoping it will be warmer than predicted, of course, not the other way.
BTW, one interesting way I have discovered to determine that a cold night is heading our way is that spiders will start dropping out of the trees to get close to the ground. Somehow they know... At times in the past it looked surreal with all these spider lines glinting in the exterior lights off of the building late at night.
30 degrees out on the porch right now. So maybe those temps in the 20s will be short lived before the sun comes up and starts warming things up.
Freezing rain and 29 degrees. My windshield iced over several times early this morning on the interstate.
Yeah, when I woke up this morning, there was quite a bit of what looked like sleet over everything outside. And hours later when we uncovered a few of the trees, the tarps had a lot of slush on them. But temps only dropped down to around 31 degrees, so there was a good side to the cloudiness and precipitation.

Supposed to get colder the next few nights.

I'll be glad when this first week of 2018 is over and done with. So far the year has been pretty crappy, weatherwise.
I think the lowest we got was Thursday night when one of the thermometers showed 24 degrees. The other monitoring thermometer I have outside showed 26 degrees. I found a page that shows temperatures from other people right around the neighborhood, and their lows were showing in the upper teens. They are virtually right down the street, so I'm not sure why such a drastic difference.

We uncovered the trees today and will folding up the tarps to put them away. The citrus trees don't look too bad that we didn't cover up, but not sure how much leaf fall we are going to have on the Meyer lemon trees.

Supposed to bet down to around 32 degrees again next Sunday, but that is far enough away that there isn't a chance in hell that the weather service will be accurate within 5 degrees or more.
Damn! Looks like another round of cold nights coming this week. Starting Saturday and continuing thru Thursday night. Of course, this changes every time I look at it, with the cold nights becoming extended further into the week each time.

So we'll be covering the younger citrus trees again.
You may get even a colder shot later this coming week. I don't think this cold pattern will last much longer and we will stuck into a flat, warm and dry pattern.
Looks like Wednesday night will be the coldest night in this series. Looking at the latest forecasts, anyway. Maybe 23 to 24 degrees.

Maybe people need to cut out this crap with trying to stop global warming.
Looks like Connie has got quite a meal on her hands! Just one of those sections from her pomelo is larger than the entire tangerine I eat at breakfast. It takes her about a week to eat the entire thing.




Arrghh, the National Weather Forecast is predicting a low of 18 degrees here on Wednesday night. :ack2:
I've got three temperature sensors at the same spot on the front porch. They show a low temperature last night of 24, 23.5 and 21.9 respectively. No idea which one is the more accurate of the three, but for certain, it was COLD last night.

I guess it should come as no surprise that anything related to the weather seldom has any sort of accuracy component embedded. The forecast for the low tonight, depending on whose forecast I look at, states 21 or 26 degrees. I guess if I have to, I'll take the 26 degrees, thank you. That has changed probably two dozen times over the several days I've been monitoring their predictions.

It is still only 44 degrees outside, and not likely to get much warmer.

You know, 2018 sure doesn't have a lot in the positive sense to say about it yet. At least as far as the weather is concerned.

What do I need to do in order to help get that "global warming" back on track?